Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1070 Speechless

Chapter 1070 Speechless (Third)

Deceiving too much! !
The furious Ling Yun's eyes changed, full of murderous intent!

Dong Shenzun quickly chopped the messy hemp with a sharp knife, and when it was broken, he would break it. He dodged in front of Ling Yun, drew the knife and pointed randomly, and shouted: "Let the old man come!"

Ling Yun, who had never seen Dong Shenzun using a knife before, stopped in his tracks!
"Master Dong?"

heard!The representatives of the Holy Land sank and spoke coldly!
"The old man said a few words, you don't count the suspicion of the Supreme God, the old man doesn't count, we want justice, let the God Realm know tomorrow, let them decide? How?"

After hearing the words of the Eastern God, the representatives of the Holy Land began to look at each other!
Dong Shenzun secretly said, there is a play!

"Also, how about the guarantee of Dijun's character?"

While speaking, he put the knife on his neck, and then faced the crowd, he spoke again!
"If the holy object is really taken by the emperor, the old man is willing to bear all the consequences!"

"You take it? Can you take it?" Shangguan Patriarch said.

"That's right." The ancestor of the Mo family also said.

"You should know that what we want is not your responsibility!"

"Even if you are the most in charge, you can't represent the God Realm, you can't represent the Holy Land!"

"I can do it, seniors, is it possible that you also want to hurt both sides, can you be sure to face God?"

After saying this, everyone in the Holy Land looked at each other in blank dismay again, and began to reflect one by one.

"Does this old man just want to die? This is my trust in Dijun, he is not such a person!"

Dong Shenzun is very aware of Ling Yun's character, he dares to act bravely, just now he was also in a state of enthusiasm, and misunderstood a bit!
"not enough?"

The Eastern God is about to vomit blood, the Holy Land still refuses to compromise?He really couldn't stop the emperor anymore, after Bei Shenzun came out of the death spot, he vaguely mentioned the things inside to him!

There are also the ancient demon gods, the soul demon and the Qin demon. They all died in the hands of the emperor. How can the five representatives of the Holy Land, five ancient figures, be opponents?I don't even know how to die!
He had heard from Beishenzun that in the final battle at the death spot, the Taishenjun would fight four with one.

at the moment?

five reps?

Plus a bunch of formations?
Whether he can survive from the furious emperor, he really has no hope.

"Well, if the holy object is taken away by the Supreme Lord, then he is a sinner. Since you protect him, then Shenfeng does not need to exist! Dong Guanshi! You have to think clearly."

Murong Taishan's words were not unreasonable, but Dong Shenzun nodded quickly, he firmly believed that Ling Yun would not take the holy object.

If you want to know what's going on, you have to ask Nan Wutian in person, the words came from the latter's mouth, if there is no evidence, it is slander.

"Okay! The old man will bet on the entire Shenfeng Peak, are you satisfied?"

heard!Dong Shenzun gritted his teeth secretly, and then took down the knife on his neck.

Shangguan Patriarch said: "Remember what you just said."

Zhizunyu was a little bit weird, and said cursingly: "It's a waste of time, I have to work again tomorrow, you old guys always do things like this, procrastinating again and again!"

At this time, a huge thundercloud was shrouded in the void, and lightning flashed in the thundercloud, and thunderbolts blasted out towards the surroundings below, forming a thundercloud formation.

The ancestor of the Gongsun clan said: "Since the decision has been made, let's withdraw the formation."

Everyone in the Holy Land nodded, and then threw the cyan token in their hands into the air. After a wave of air waves, the formations dispersed one by one.

Dong Shenzun swallowed his saliva, there were more than he imagined, just the formation was densely packed, who took the holy object!

Dong Shenzun said: "Then... there is no need to surround the Jingu Palace, right?"

Murong Taishan said: "Xiao Chong! Tell your elder brother to withdraw the troops!"

Murong Chong stepped out of the darkness, and smiled: "Old Ancestor, I just wanted to inform Big Brother!"

Murong Taishan: "..."


so long!
Although Dong Shenzun resolved the temporary conflict, Ling Yun was still very angry, why should he doubt him!

"I would like to say something here. If you want to check any sacred objects, you can check them. I told you, I don't know what the sacred objects you are talking about. If you mess with me? It will not end well!"

Ling Yun spoke in a deep voice, word by word, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and the East God Venerable looked flustered.

Supreme Jade sneered and remained silent!
Dong Shenzun wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Seniors, please be safe and don't be impatient. The old man asked other brothers to bring the dark compass, and you can find out if you check it!"

"That's great!" Murong Taishan nodded in response.

The dark compass is a holy weapon that can detect holy objects in a short distance.

There is only one piece in the God Realm, but its level is not as good as the Immortal Artifact. It is of no use except for scouting.

Waited for a few minutes!
Bei Shenzun and the others came, holding a compass the size of a clock in their hands, black!

"Dijun, are you okay?" Nan Shenzun asked concerned.

"No problem, hurry up!" Ling Yun frowned!


Under the eyes of everyone, the black luster of the Diablo Compass shone on Ling Yun, and there was no reaction at all!
Dong Shenzun laughed, he was right!

"Are you satisfied?" Ling Yun was still angry!

The representatives of the holy land headed by Murong Taishan were speechless, their faces were gloomy and dignified!

"The incident has happened, so who of you will tell the emperor what the holy object is?"

Ling Yun frowned slightly and said, he couldn't figure out, since he became the God Lord, what shocking treasures have there been in the Holy Land?Will he not know?

Dong Shenzun and the others looked at each other, and didn't know whether to say it or not!

Murong Taishan sighed, his whole body seemed extremely weak.

The ancestors of the Gongsun clan, the ancestors of Shangguan and other bad old men began to mutter something!
After a few eye contacts!
Dong Shenzun said: "It is the jade slip left by the ancient ancestors in the God Realm. It is said that it is the will of the universe and can kill the existence of evil heaven!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, the will of the universe?During the battle of the gods, Nan Wutian's hole card?

Depend on!
It's all done by Nan Wutian. He took the jade slip and said it now, it's clearly intentional.

What a holy thing!
Ling Yun's whole body was in a mess, and thanks to the fact that the Holy Land was still a treasure, he made such a big scene that he almost died endlessly!
"Your Holy Land owes me an explanation."

When the matter is clarified, Ling Yun won't linger, it's almost dawn now, the little guy will cry if he wakes up and doesn't see him.

Several gods were dumbfounded, and they all said what the holy object is?With such a big background, why didn't Taishen Lord respond?
Murong Taishan and the others watched Ling Yun leave, explain?What to explain?No! !
If you doubt you, you doubt you, why not!
"Check it out, is the Diablo Compass broken?" Supreme Jade frowned, and he couldn't believe it, a good holy object could grow legs by itself!

"It's not broken!" Bei Shenzun replied, he checked it repeatedly.

"Not good! Let's go to the shrine. It is impossible for the emperor to carry the sacred object with him, so it is likely to be hidden in the shrine."

Shangguan patriarch said eagerly!

(End of this chapter)

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