Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1076 Remnants

Chapter 1076 The Remnant Party (Third Change)

There was no leak in advance, and the secrecy was good!
Shen Taizong is very proud. Waiting for the next announcement, I don't know how many people will want to see it. Some people will force them to go with ten top-quality spirit stones per person.

Lingyun on board!

The fireworks of the little guys attracted a lot of attention, and some were deadly.

"Head, when do you do it?"

On the window sill of an inn by the river in the distance, a Demon Gu sect killer spoke to another killer.

"Be ready at any time. When the boat reaches the tree, we will kill them together and avenge the dead brothers of the Demon Gu Sect." The leader stared at Ling Yun's boat, his face gradually became ferocious, and his fists were clenched.

"Yes! The Demon Gu sect will not perish, as long as the young master is alive, he can lead us to glory!"

"Yeah, so we have to work together even more!" The leader raised the corner of his mouth and smiled very strangely.

There are eight or nine demonic Gu sects in Vermillion Bird City this time, and they all escaped the demonic Gu sect by doing missions before.

They also found the little guy by accident. The little guy was playing with fireworks at the bow of the boat, and they started to make arrangements. They acted very quickly, as expected of well-trained killers.

In a short period of time, they recruited a few rogue cultivators, with piles of weapons and equipment, as if they didn't want money. It seems that a group of them are crazy.

When the Lingyun ship reaches a certain tree, the leader's magic cannon launches an offensive.


same time!
The sky is full of energy balls, which are particularly eye-catching in the night.

Ling Yun put down the teacup, and an invisible wave radiated around the entire ship. It collided with the energy ball oncoming, and a big explosion occurred immediately.

The city of Suzaku was ablaze, and everyone didn't know what happened, so they ran away first.

The waves in Hanoi caused the boat to sway, almost unsteady, and the little guy froze in place, stupid.

None of the children knew what happened, the surrounding energy waves were scattered by the North God Venerable, and the latter looked angry.

One wave failed, another wave came, the second round of magic cannons struck again, and the killer hidden under the water immediately jumped out of the water.

shhhhhh! !

Hidden weapons are poisonous, although Long Yanran's strength is not good, but it is still possible to dodge the hidden weapons, only to see that the hidden weapons broke into the ship's plank, and the ship's plank immediately turned black!
"Come in!" Long Yanran hurriedly yelled, her body was shaking again, and hidden weapons were flying around again, she was really angry.

Zhong Shenzun jumped out of the cabin, stood in mid-air, and punched the water a few times, and water jets gushed out.

Under the dark night, the sparkling water of the river turned red in an instant, and the killer was definitely not dead but injured.

The assassin who was stepping in the air frowned, and used the hidden weapon again. I didn't know if his eyes were dripping just now.

He saw that the little guy was obviously hit by a hidden weapon, but he was fine, but the hidden weapon was shattered.

You read that right, the little guy's artifact skirt is better than your hidden weapon...

Little Irene was only concerned about breathing fire, not to mention, she was really capable at such a young age, yet another killer died.

Bei Shenzun dives, and Zhong Shenzun goes to the river to find other killers who are secretly firing magic cannons.

Nan Shenzun rushed out of the bow, Bei Yingyi was cursing and didn't know what to say!
Ling Yun's figure was not on the boat, but...

He was now choking the leader, who had a wound in his neck and was bleeding, beeping on the floor.

Beside him was a killer who was looking at Ling Yun with a pale face, and then he slammed into Ling Yun's body with a cry, mustering up his courage.

Ling Yun ignored him, and said to the leader: "Who told you, it was this emperor who slaughtered the Demon Gu Sect!!"

This is his biggest question, the Demon Gu Sect was killed by him with the power of Pluto, even if he doubted it, it was because of Pluto, it had nothing to do with him!

"Chop hack, chop hack! You old monster, ah, I have been a killer for so many years, it is impossible not to hurt you, is this an illusion!!"

The killer next to him was still slashing at Ling Yun's undead body one after another. He was about to go crazy. The power of so many knives slashed at Ling Yun could destroy the entire inn.

"Cough cough..."

As for the boss whose throat was strangled by Ling Yun, the corners of his mouth raised, he clenched his teeth, no pain, no pain, and he would not say anything if he died! !
"Old monster!! Die!"

The killer's strongest strike split Ling Yun instantly, and then a ball of fire slipped out of Ling Yun's body!


The killer's eyes widened, and he didn't know what was going on. He had never encountered such a ridiculous thing. Can't he kill the Taishang?

That fire?
His knife cut into Ling Yun's body, no matter how hard he tried now, he couldn't pull it out, he was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

"You have had enough fun, go at ease."

Ling Yun smiled strangely!
The fire was silent, slowly, and then suddenly jumped from the knife!


The killer was wiped out, and so was the knife. The wound on Ling Yun's body was the color of flames.

The leader looked horrified, he was shocked, his inner qi was released, he committed suicide, he shattered his Nascent Soul!


Ling Yun frowned, sucked out his memory from between his brows, and crushed his corpse in anger.

"Don't let this emperor know who you are, and dare to frame me!"

Ling Yun got it from his memory that it was a man in black who told them, and there was no clue about the man in black.

It can't be said to be framed, because Ling Yun did it, and the man in black played a good hand.

Ling Yun was still angry, and several figures flashed past quickly, like ghosts in the night, harvesting the life of the killer.

in a blink!
He returned to the boat, the killer who was about to attack again was powerless, with a pained look on his face, they didn't know anything, when did Ling Yun kill them!
A few corpses fell into the river, Beibei curled her lips, and said in a childish voice: "Are you still playing? Hey peek-a-boo!"

"Is it a game?" The little guy's beautiful eyes widened, his big smart eyes turned gloomy, and he muttered in his heart: "It seems to be too, hey... I missed it."

"These sons of bitches, the vicious killers are everywhere!" Bei Shenzun cursed viciously after rushing to the surface of the water.

Little Eileen said: "The way the old man is angry is so scary."

Long Yanran said: "Scared me, it's all right, let's get in the boat first."

Beibei said in a milky voice, "Set off the fireworks, let off the fireworks!"

Long Yanran hugged the two of them back to the boat, and set off fireworks at what time, no, no!

The little guy curled his lips and kept saying that children have no human rights!
A stream of light in the distance suddenly stopped at the bow of the boat. It was Jiang Bielong, the lord of Suzaku City, who came quickly when he found such a thing in the city.

The frightened Zhong Shenzun and the others were always on guard, only to find out that they were their own.


Jiang Bielong was dumbfounded, he never expected that there were three gods and lords here, it seems that those killers are trying to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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