Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1077 Charge Crystal

Chapter 1077 Charging Crystal (First Change)
Looking at the surrounding battlefield, it was a bit dilapidated, Jiang Bielong let out a deep breath, as long as everything is fine!

"Jiang Bielong, you are really good at managing things." Nan Shenzun said sarcastically, and the following words deepened his tone.

Bei Shenzun waved his sleeves and hummed!
Zhong Shenzun smiled and said nothing!
Jiang Bielong's back was covered in cold sweat, and he explained: "My lord, I don't know why there are so many killers mixed in. There are too many people, and the city guards can't investigate."

Bei Shenzun said angrily: "You have created a miasma in Suzaku City, the killers blatantly assassinated, and some family members are even more arrogant and domineering!"

Nan Shenzun said: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you step up patrols!"

"I...I'll check it out right away!" Jiang Bielong wiped off his sweat, bowed deeply to the god, and then turned into a streamer and left.

Beishen respected and blamed strange things, rolled his eyes and said: "Old Nan!!"

"Let him go. It's not his fault. Even if you punish him, this is not the time." Nan Shenzun shook his head.

Zhongshen Zun said: "It makes sense, Lao Nan, you are sensible, I am very pleased, haha!"

Bei Shenzun also laughed, and joked: "You are sensible, not bad!"

Nan Shenzun has black lines all over his head, two dead guys, they are old and disrespectful.

A lot of monks gathered by the two rivers, and they all talked about Lingyun's boat.

"That's a god, three!"

"I don't know who is so bold as to dare to assassinate them."

"The God Realm is not peaceful."

"There were so many killers just now, the old man trembled in fright."

"You don't know yet, the Holy Land family has begun to oppose the Supreme God as the Lord of God."

"When did this happen?"

"Oh? Big deal, why didn't I hear about it, did you blow it up?"

"Bah, do I need to blow? What am I blowing on? I, the old man never speaks big!"

"Don't keep it up, tell me quickly."

"Speak up, speak up."

"Think about it, ever since the Taishang Lord had a little princess, that is, after the beast Raging Tiger announced his fall, there has been almost no peace in the God Realm!"

Everyone thought about it, yes!

First, internal fighting broke into the shrine, Nan Wuye colluded with a certain demon clan, and then the Tiandao Project Army broke into the shrine.

Then the demons invaded, Munan the Great rebelled, the Ten Thousand Clans Conference was disharmonious, Xuanwu City changed, and Liuxian Palace changed.

Finally, during the period of the evil Buddha's turmoil in the Twelve Realms, the God Realm was almost destroyed by a certain Immortal Emperor Eighteen and the assassination of Suzaku City this time.

In general!

Taishenjun is the worst god-lord. During Nan Wutian's rule of God Realm, the demons had never heard of it, let alone fought, and it was peaceful.

Occasionally bored to capture the master of the devil's forbidden code and track down Hades.

During the period of Emperor Fan, fighting against the forbidden codes of demons, fighting against book spirits, catching criminals and locking them into the Dragon Pagoda, losing to the Supreme God, the key to the God Realm has never been peaceful.

So the Holy Land takes these things as an example, so what if the Supreme God Junqiang is strong, he is not suitable to be a God Lord, at least he will not be a Mingjun.

The Holy Land forced the Taishang to step down from the throne, which was announced just now, and there was a riot and protest on the Shenfeng Peak. He didn't intend to tell Ling Yun, because everyone on the Shenfeng Peak disagreed.

And the Holy Land is seeking the consent of the people in the God Realm. As long as more than half of the people agree to dismiss the Supreme God, then the latter will never be the God Lord.

On the riverside, Shen Taizong and the fat-headed and fat-eared young master Gongsun looked at each other. The latter was very shocked. He didn't know the senior his cousin was talking about before, but now that he saw it, his face became paler with fright.

The two cousins ​​witnessed the whole process of the assassination, and they were terrified. There were three gods on board,
There is one more?It seems to be too godly! !

It can scare them half to death!

A guard of the Shen family next to him walked in front of Shen Taizong, and he said: "Young master, everything is ready."

"Notify the whole city immediately, start the formation immediately, and prepare to make money." Shen Taizong instantly forgot what happened just now, his heart was excited again, and his eyes were beating with golden light.

Following Shen Taizong's order, soon, the people in the city turned from the assassination just now to the battle of the domain lord.

When the Lingyun boat slowly floated to the center of the river, an old man suddenly floated on the water surface, his expression was as calm as an old bell.

"Good evening, everybody!"

"This old man is the third elder of the Shen family. You must have heard about it just now. That's right! Our Shen family is not afraid of life and death, and records the domain master battle."

Under the gaze of countless gazes, the third elder of the Shen family became a little arrogant.

Everyone heard about it, but at this moment they heard the affirmation again, and their hearts were extremely shocked.


The corner of Ling Yun's mouth on the boat raised a smile, Ji Wushuang's brother and sister dared to challenge Zhen Wudao, and the little guy was hanging in his arms.

"Papa, are there going to be fireworks outside?" the little guy asked curiously.

Beibei ran out and replied, "Haha, it must be!"

Long Yanran couldn't even catch her, she was so mad at her.

For a while!

The three little guys were on the bow again, watching the formation rising from the water without blinking their eyes.

A ray of green light!
A huge crystal picture suddenly appeared in the center of the river, and the little guy opened his mouth wide in surprise and clapped his hands.

The third elder of the Shen family said bluntly, this is the playback crystal, the exciting moment will come soon, and the screen will immediately show that it is in a certain star sea in the Gemini star field.

Ji Wushuang's brother and sister battle is really unreasonable! !
The little guy's eyes widened, and he pointed at the beautiful girl Ji Wuxue on the screen in a childish voice, "Sister Xiaoxue, it's Sister Xiaoxue!"

"Hoo hoo!!" Little Irene also opened her eyes wide and her mouth wide open.

As soon as the screen moved, Zhen Wudao immediately fought against their brothers and sisters, the terrifying fluctuations were clearly visible, Zhen Wudao knocked Ji Wuxue back with one move.

crucial moment!

The third elder of the Shen family chuckled, then activated the formation, not allowing anyone to see it, and now there was a sound of oops, it was always too good to look at and then it was gone, hateful!

A monk asked: "Dare to ask senior, how many spirit stones can I go in and watch."

The third elder of the Shen family replied: "Ten top-grade spirit stones!"

"Depend on!"

"Black merchant!"


After the people present were silent for a while, they suddenly became noisy again. The record at the cost of life is a bit expensive, but it is too expensive.

A lot of people who were curious and gossip went in, and there were still a lot of good money.

The little guy pursed his lips and stomped his feet back and forth anxiously: "Where did sister Xiaoxue go, she disappeared."

The same is true for Beibei, who yelled at the bow: "Let it out quickly."

Long Yanran is funny, it's not something they can control, it's similar to news dissemination, the ownership is in the hands of others, you can watch it for free, so why not charge you money!
The little guy's eyes were red with anxiety, and he finally saw Ji Wuxue, but now he couldn't see it again, his mouth was crooked, and he seemed to be crying but not crying.


Her voice choked up a little.


She ran back to the boat to find Ling Yun, believing that the latter must have a solution.

The three gods were at a loss, okay, why do you want to cry, whoever caused it, you can't find death!

"Papa? Sister Xiaoxue is gone."

The little guy immediately got into Ling Yun's arms and started crying.

(End of this chapter)

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