Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1085 Thunder Fury

Chapter 1085 Thunder Fury (Third Change)
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were all speechless!
"Great God, is this satisfactory?" Murong Taishan's face softened, and his tone was quite helpless.

Dong Shenzun said with a cheeky smile: "Forget it, there's no need to make trouble, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Senior Taishan, quickly take Senior Gongsun away."

"Let's go, let's just set up a table of peace wine another day."

The gods were chattering, clamoring in a hurry to ask the representative of the holy land to leave Shenfeng.

"Let this old man go, show mercy." The ancestors of the Gongsun clan kowtowed their heads.

Ling Yun smiled playfully, raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "It's not impossible to let you go. Seeing if there is any energy in this thunder system, its name will be Thunder Fury!"

"It's the first time you've seen the combination of magic and multi-martial skills. As long as you can block it, the old man survives, and the emperor will let him go."


Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the Lei Nu in Ling Yun's hand, their faces gradually became solemn and pale.

Murong Taishan gritted his teeth and stared at Ling Yun with a frown. They gave in, not because their Holy Land was uncompromising, but because the Lord God had gone too far.

Thunder rage?
Mo Youai swallowed her saliva, dare not imagine!

Ling Yun said again: "Of course, there is another way, and climb over from the emperor's collapse!"

As soon as this word comes out!
Everyone stopped their eyes on Ling Yun, it was too much, and it was the first time for the gods to see Ling Yun humiliating others like this!
The patriarch of the Gongsun clan was furious again: "Too much bullying, too much bullying, I won't be insulted by you even if I die just like this!!"

"Oh, then you should choose the first one." Ling Yun calmly played with the thunder fury in the palm of his hand, the dense lightning inside, those divine flames seemed to be about to explode.

He was forcing the ancestors of the Gongsun clan to make a choice, and this choice was exactly what he wanted.

Murong Taishan was also furious, he said: "Okay, I am overconfident, and I am willing to accept the invitation of the Supreme God."

The Shangguan patriarch was not timid at the moment, and said slightly angrily in his heart: "Let us learn from the Taishen Jun's master move."

Mo Youai didn't want to be an enemy of Ling Yun anymore, but was forced by Murong Taishan and the others.


"Shut up!" Ling Yun turned his head and stared, his black eyes were terrifying.

The gods swallowed their saliva fiercely, they didn't even have the courage to look at Ling Yun, and they probably scared half to death in their hearts.

"You can protect him if you want, otherwise, his life will end." Ling Yun raised his mouth and smiled mysteriously.

Xi Shenzun was taken aback, and muttered in his heart: "The emperor never does anything he is not sure of, so how terrifying is the thunder fury in his hand!"

"We can only help Senior Gongsun, I'm sorry Dijun!"

The deities looked at each other in unison, and they had a tacit understanding. They really didn't want the ancestors of the Gongsun clan to fall into the hands of the Supreme God. The Putuo Temple couldn't afford to offend them.

I hope it won't be like the last time in the Holy Land, where everyone's combined efforts can't stop the Supreme Jade with a sword!

"Make a move, or you won't have a chance." Ling Yun didn't have any fluctuations in this result, as expected.


The ancestors of the Gongsun clan were themselves round, the golden scriptures reappeared, and the gods also output behind Murong Taishan and the others.

The terrifying power has long surpassed that of Immortal Emperor Eighteen. Ling Yun waved Thunder Fury, shaking the God Realm with one move, and the peak of God was crumbling!

When the two met, the void exploded, and Murong Taishan and Shangguan Patriarch's foreheads dripped with sweat, it was very hard work!
"Hold me! Don't hold back." The ancestor of the Gongsun clan said in a panic. He didn't want to die, so save him if he can.

The gods also gritted their teeth, and their expressions were extremely strenuous. Ling Yun shook his head, and he just watched quietly. He didn't need any follow-up efforts, and they couldn't handle a thunderstorm.

Murong Taishan's eyes narrowed, and he stomped his feet suddenly, a terrifying burst of true energy burst out, and with a wave of his hands, the true energy turned into a ball of flames, emitting scorching energy, raising his aura to another level.


Huge energy clouds soared into the sky, Shenfeng violently turbulent, many formations collapsed without attack, and the surroundings were in chaos.


The huge force sent everyone flying, and most of Lei Nu's power penetrated into them, even the scriptures all over the body of the ancestor of the Gongsun clan could not save him!

"Hahaha, the old man is alive, cough cough... puff puff...!!"

The patriarch of the Gongsun clan half-kneeled on the ground, and when he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, he spat out three mouthfuls of blood, staining the night sky with blood!
His face was turned into black charcoal, black and numb, his whole body was in tatters, and he swallowed the elixir with trembling hands.

Murong Taishan was slightly injured, most of the force was not aimed at him, he approached the ancestors of the Gongsun clan, and spent some life-saving energy in the past.

Shangguan Patriarch was pretty miserable, he was rolling all over the ground in pain, shouting again and again, like killing a pig, Mo Youai was very unlucky, he also died, even though Ling Yun wasn't targeting him.

Ling Yun said that if he held on to his Thunder Fury, the patriarch of the Gongsun clan would be able to survive. Looking at it now, he really survived!

It can be called a pair of eleven!
Ling Yun wins!

It's just... Lei Fu is more than that!

The gods got up and saw that the ancestors of the Gongsun clan were not dead, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, they were all worried to death.

"Senior Mo?"


"He...he...he's dead!" Bei Shenzun's eyes widened, his face was pale and powerless.

Murong Taishan ran back immediately, sure enough Mo Youai was hopeless, he stomped his feet in anger.

"Ahem... Pfft... Hateful, Great Lord, I hate you!"

The pupils of the ancestors of the Gongsun clan suddenly changed, and pain appeared on their faces!

His dantian?

It is being destroyed! !
There is still the power of Thunderfury in his body, which is so terrifying.

Murong Taishan ran back to Patriarch Gongsun again, then asked with wide eyes, "Brother Gongsun, how are you?"

"Great God, you are so ruthless!"

The cold eyes of the ancestor of the Gongsun clan were full of unwillingness, regret, and anger, all of which took up part of it. His angry eyes seemed to swallow Ling Yun alive.

"My God!"

After the gods swept away their consciousness, their expressions were shocked again. The ancestor of the Gongsun clan will be abolished, which is more painful than killing him!

"Let me figure out a way!" Fa Cai Shenzun searched around in the storage ring, just looking for an effective elixir to save the ancestors of the Gongsun clan!

Dong Shenzun sighed, and said: "It's useless, you must know that the emperor did it, and it will be doomed!"

"Great God, is it necessary? If... if the holy object is still there... the old man will..."

"Enough, stop talking, take the corpses of Brother Gongsun and Brother Mo, and let's go, someone will settle the debt for us." Murong Taishan interrupted Shangguan Patriarch, his tone was full of anger, his eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness hot.

"Life is meaningless for me, hahaha, Lord God, don't think that this means you win, I won't let you go, I will be your nightmare day and night!"

Word down!

The ancestor of the Gongsun clan took out a jade slip and crushed it! !

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth sneered, but he didn't stop his small movements.


"The Supreme God kills me, and all the brothers and sisters avenge me, puff..."

The ancestor of the Gongsun clan killed himself by biting his tongue, Murong Taishan was in grief, the ancestor of Shangguan sighed again and again, three old friends died in two days, but they could do nothing!
The golden light of the jade slips dissipated out of thin air, and the deities had nothing to do, their faces turned pale. This time it caused big trouble, and it disappeared instantly and spread to Putuo Temple!
Ling Yun laughed loudly, he was so crazy that he couldn't help but look forward to how Putuo Temple would react.

Will he be forced to kill the Quartet before he finally leaves the job!

(End of this chapter)

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