Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086 Xuan Kong Comes Again (Part [-])
In the distant Great Putuo Temple...

At the same time, in the quiet hall of the Zen temple, a loud shout suddenly came out.

An old monk with cassock robes and a white beard was sitting here, discussing something with several people, at this moment a ray of light rushed directly into the hall.

This old monk is one of the representatives of Putuo Temple, Master Xuanmiao, a representative figure of the Xuanzi school.

"The Supreme Lord kills me, and all the brothers and sisters will avenge me!"

A voice came out from this golden light, which was exactly what the ancestor of the Gongsun clan said before.

"It's an emergency communication symbol from the God Realm, this..."

"Who has an accident!"

Hearing this voice, the faces of all the monks and the old monk in the hall changed, they all had incredible expressions, and their faces were full of shocked expressions.

At this moment, the old monk Master Xuanmiao narrowed his eyes, turned his palms, and pinched his fingers like a fortune teller, and then sighed.

"he died!"

The faces of the other old monks in the main hall gradually turned serious!

"Great God! What is he going to do?" A certain monk asked, staring at everyone.

"Listen to the voice? It's the God Realm again, could it be Junior Brother Xuansheng?" Master Xuankong frowned, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, he had been in retreat for 12 years, and he came out three months ago!
"Excellent benefactor, he is too much!!"

Master Xuankong roared angrily, with a monstrous aura emanating from his body, the entire hall was rumbling.

This time out of the customs, he is already sure to take over Ling Yun's sword in Tianmen Continent, and his absolute defense has been better consolidated.

"Junior brother, don't get angry, we are monks, we should be calm!" the old monk Master Xuan Miao earnestly and kindly said!

"It's Senior Brother Xuanmiao, what you taught is right!" Master Xuankong slightly apologized to the other monks, while Master Xuanji was beside him, silent!

"Brother, what should we do?" Master Xuanwu said!

All the monks gathered here are from the Xuan generation, that is to say, the juniors of the Xuanmiao sect. They are basically all convincing, killing people without blinking an eye. They are all fake monks.

Putuo Temple is also considered complicated. From ancient times to the present, many sects have developed. The Xuanmiao sect is more active, just like the forces in the temple.

Only Xuankong and Xuanzhen have a sense of justice, but the former seems to meddle in other people's business. Although he is popular, his reputation is extremely bad in some people's mouths.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful, do you want to work together to break the void and go to the God Realm?" Master Xuanji's eyes flashed a trace of humor.

"Although Junior Brother Xuansheng has returned to secular life for countless years, we will never forget the years of cultivation we have spent together. If we just sit idly by, Master Quanxia knows, and will be chilled!" Master Xuankong clasped his hands together and kept chanting sutras , with a distressed look on his face.

"I can't go, I can't go!" Master Xuanzhen shook his head, the feeling of Taishenjun was not very right to others, and he was unwilling to take risks.

He wondered in his heart, would it be a simple thing for a man who has been undefeated for more than 8000 years against the Great Demon King of the Demon Race?

All the great demon kings were forced to abdicate by him, and the demon army that attacked the God Realm was wiped out in the end, and Junior Brother Xuankong was defeated by the Taishenjun in Tianmen Continent.

Now that Junior Brother Xuan Sheng in the Holy Land of the God Realm has been killed by him again, he must take it seriously.

"Brother, I don't agree!" Master Xuanji stood up, with a gentle and gentle face, as if he was in the dead spot, full of bad ink.

"If you don't agree, you can go by yourself, but we will explain to the God Realm that it's all your own willful way, and it has nothing to do with Putuo Temple." Master Xuanzhen frowned gradually, and his old voice was solemn and respectful.

Master Xuanji's expression turned ugly, and finally he stopped speaking. The others shook their heads, obviously not wanting to go to the God Realm.

Master Xuankong couldn't stand it, he wasn't afraid!
"Senior brother, I'll go, the last time I had a showdown with him, the Supreme God, so it's been twelve years, and I will definitely have a chance to take him down!"

"Junior brother is so confident?" Master Xuan Miao was quite surprised, his eyes flickered with uncertainty.

Master Xuanji hurriedly said: "Senior brother Xuankong has a heart, and brother Xuansheng has a heart."

"It's the job!"

"What do you guys think?" Facing the crowd, Master Xuanmiao hovered a string of stone Buddha beads in his hand, judging by its sharpness, it must be a remarkable fairy weapon.

"I wish senior brother a speedy return."

Everyone raised their palms with one hand, put them near their mouths, and shouted in unison, Xuan Sheng's death can't just be forgotten, since Xuan Kong is in charge, why not do it!
Master Xuanmiao sighed: "Forget it, let it go!!"

Master Xuankong called Amitabha, and then all the monks worked together to send him into the gate of the void!

On Shenfeng!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth sneered, the void has changed, someone is coming! !

But Murong Taishan and Shangguan Patriarch didn't plan to leave so quickly, there was a good show to watch, they had to see Putuo Temple to kill the Taishen Lord!Otherwise, how could they be willing?

The gods whispered to each other, and finally Zhong Shenzun and Bai Shenzun left quietly, planning to find all the gods.

There was a ripple in the void, and Master Xuankong came out with golden light all over his body, looking down at everyone in Lingyun!

"Xuan Kong!"

Dong Shenzun's face was pale, and with such a big background, he was afraid that it would be a big battle this time.

"Only one? It's okay!!" Nan Shenzun patted his heart, undecided.

"Ha, good good good good good good good!" Murong Taishan smiled from ear to ear when he saw Xuan Kong appearing on the stage!
"I won't die! He also has to peel off his skin!" Shangguan Patriarch stared at Ling Yun fiercely, thinking: "Let's vent our anger this time, he has heard about Master Xuankong's reputation for a long time, and the Supreme God is facing him Abnormal defense, hehe...!"

As soon as Master Xuankong came out, he looked around and glared angrily: "Junior Brother Xuansheng, your death is terrible!!"

"Little monk, we meet again, don't come here without any problems, haha!" Ling Yun sat cross-legged in the air without raising his head, about one meter above the ground, majestic and domineering! !
"Great Lord! You killed my junior brother!"

"No, no, his death has nothing to do with this Emperor!"

Ling Yun shook his head amusedly, the ancestor of the Gongsun clan committed suicide, this is the fact!
"Is this old man blind? Poor Junior Brother Xuan Sheng, his face has changed beyond recognition. He must have been tortured to death before the end of time, God."

Master Xuankong walked down slowly, still exuding golden light all over his body, very dazzling.

"Senior Xuankong, that's him, don't listen to his slander, Brother Gongsun was killed by the Supreme God."

Shangguan patriarch said!

Dong Shenzun and the others also said: "Master, Amitabha, this is not the case, listen to us!"

"We are the ones to talk first!" Murong Taishan said angrily!
"That's enough, don't even talk about it, the old man is asking the Supreme Benefactor! Did Junior Brother Xuansheng's death have anything to do with you?" Master Xuankong clenched his fists, his body flashed with golden light, and everyone was shocked back!

"So what if you have it, so what if you don't have it, little monk, put away your kindness, this emperor doesn't need it, and the God Realm doesn't need it!"

Ling Yun smiled lightly, his shallow eyes narrowed slightly, and some evil spirit emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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