Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1087 The Difference Between Good and Evil

Chapter 1087 The Difference Between Good and Evil (Second Change)

Master Xuankong stared coldly, killing intent emerged, and a strange aura emanated from the golden light.

"Yes, you are guilty, if not, kneel down and apologize!"


Ling Yun laughed out loud, the world has changed, only 12 years ago, Xuankong has forgotten the pain of Tianmen Continent, it seems necessary for him to remember it again!
"Master Xuankong, our brothers are not happy about your behavior." Dong Shenzun was afraid of Putuo Temple, but he didn't just swallow his anger when he was bullied. Xuankong is only one person, and he dares to be arrogant !

Nan Shenzun lost his temper again, and he shouted angrily: "Old monk, I only call you a master because of respect, I don't respect you! You are nothing, old monk!! You are bald!!"

"Ha ha!"

Fa Cai Shenzun laughed out loud, it was the first time he saw Nan Shenzun swearing at people, he was so unmannered, but he liked it! !

If the little guy was here, he would probably be laughing until his mouth was dry and he couldn't think of leaving, especially Beibei, she would definitely laugh at him here as a bald donkey.

"Amitabha, no matter what you say, the Buddha said, don't be angry!"

These words are too false, Master Xuankong was so angry that he was almost thunderous just now!

Murong Taishan cupped his hands and said with a wry smile: "Master Xuankong, you really don't need to care about what they say, brother Gongsun was in great pain before he died, I can only watch and do nothing."

Shangguan Patriarch also said with a straight face, "Why is this old man not!"

"Hmph, I came here to ask the Supreme Benefactor, why my junior brother was brutally killed by you, are you still human, you don't have any mercy, what kind of god master, I see, you are not worthy!!"

Master Xuankong questioned Ling Yun head-on, with a dignified expression and a meticulous attitude, showing the demeanor of a master! !

"Yes, yes, what the master said is absolutely true, he is not worthy!!" Murong Taishan and Shangguan Patriarch Qiqi agreed, with excited expressions in their hearts.

Hearing this, Ling Yun was startled, then he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, asking repeatedly!

"Hahaha, well, well, well said, well said, every sentence is heartbreaking! That garbage lying on the ground? You ask why the emperor killed him."

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"This emperor suggests that you go down and ask him better, what is right and what is evil! Little bald donkey, you tell this emperor! For thousands of years, this emperor has been struggling to find this answer!"

Everyone on the Shenfeng Peak began to gather nearby, and if there was a situation, they would immediately kill them, and they must be waiting for Ling Yun's order.

Murong Taishan frowned, feeling everything, so he tried not to speak anymore.

The ancestor of Shangguan was the same, he covered his mouth early, for fear that he would interrupt again involuntarily, which would cause trouble, because the whole mountain was full of people from Shenfeng.

One or two of them can kill, five or six of them can kill, and a dozen of them can barely kill, but if they are in a group, it is a gang fight, and they can only be abused.

Master Xuankong clasped his hands together and said Amitabha!
In a moment!
He opened his mouth and said, "Right? Evil? It's very simple. Those who do bad things are evil if they are angry with others. Just like Pluto, the crime is heinous! On the contrary, if you keep kindness in your heart, help others, kill demons and demons, and help justice, that is righteousness!" "

"Hahaha!" Ling Yun laughed wildly again, this was another joke he had heard, such a definition of good and evil, even if he laughed, he didn't dare to tell the difference.

Good and evil are too complicated, so Ling Yun does whatever he wants.

There was a wave of fluctuation on the ground, and the eyes of the gods were fixed, and they immediately shot down to the ground!

Long! !

After the smoke and dust billowed, a black shadow appeared in front of everyone!

Nan Shenzun's eyes are very frightening, this person is so bold, he actually broke into the Shenfeng Peak at night, taking advantage of the emperor to destroy all the formations of the Shenfeng Peak just now, this is an opportunity to take advantage of, he must be a rat!
"It's been a long time, seniors. I heard Master Xuankong's words not far away. I have some doubts, so come here uninvited, don't be impulsive!" The man in black waved his hand, smiling and very polite .

"Who are you?" Xi Shenzun stared at the man in black with a very displeased tone. If Bei Shenzun hadn't stretched out a hand to stop him, he would have tried to get out with a palm.

"Your nameless junior, don't say anything, ha ha!" The man in black was still smiling!
Nan Shenzun said displeased: "Don't say it? Die!!"

Word down!

He made a move, and Master Xuankong broke it with one palm, and then said Amitabha!
Nan Shenzun: "..."

"Don't do anything! I left after asking a few questions. There is absolutely no malice. I just came here because of what Master Xuankong said!"

The man in black scratched his head. He didn't come here to fight. He just smelled a terrifying wave when he got close to Shenfeng, and then he saw Master Xuankong coming.

Bai Shenzun walked back, looked at the man in black and said, "You are the prodigal son who has recently made waves and made a lot of noise, Jian Wuying!"

Dong Shenzun frowned, he had a little impression of the prodigal son Jian Wuying, this person has a high level of cultivation, he has been unknown before, and recently he suddenly went crazy, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Ling Yun looked the prodigal son Jian Wuying up and down, then smiled, he probably knew the details of the other party.

The prodigal son is his former name, and Jian Wuying is another person. To put it simply, the prodigal son was taken away by Jian Wuying's remnant soul. There is you, regardless of each other!

The two of them formed a new individual, that is, the prodigal son Jian Wuying, and their souls had not been completely fused together, so they were seen through by Ling Yun's eyes.

Ling Yun read it right, Jian Wuying really wanted to take away the prodigal son, and in the death spot due to other reasons, Jian Wuying also met the prodigal son by accident, and the life of the prodigal son at that time was about to disappear, so he had no choice but to take advantage of it!

And the souls of the prodigal son and Jian Wuying bite each other, after fusion, Jian Wuying knows exactly who the prodigal son is, as if in this life, and the prodigal son also knows who Jian Wuying is, as if in the previous life!

Jian Wuying is an ancient figure, but he is honored as the true god of the evil generation, the proud disciple of the sword god, swordsmanship sky burial is his nirvana, and he was a devil in ancient times.

Being suppressed by the so-called gods in ancient times, a remnant soul slipped out before death, but it was also discovered, and it will not be a good death to be suppressed forever.

When he heard Master Xuankong's words, he felt extremely funny, so he came here involuntarily!

"Benefactor, please leave quickly. This is not a place where you can stay for a long time. The old monk died tragically. If the Supreme Benefactor does not give an explanation, a big war is inevitable." Master Xuankong bowed to the prodigal son Jian Wuying, and again Hands together.

"Master, I'm here to ask you a few questions. Please forgive me for disturbing you! I think you can give me a little more time."

Prodigal son Jian Wuying cupped his hands and was very polite to everyone. He was asking for everyone's opinions. Maybe he has learned a lot in so many years.

He is a man with a story, which Ling Yun praised very much, but the gods were not very happy, but Ling Yun nodded in agreement.


Ling Yun smiled indifferently, he wanted to hear what questions the prodigal son Jian Wuying would ask Master Xuankong, since it's boring now, just listen to other people's nonsense.

"If you have something to say, just let it go."

Nan Shenzun rolled his eyes and said, he really doesn't like the prodigal son Jian Wuying, who has an unknown origin and is still in Shenfeng's territory.

(End of this chapter)

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