Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1088 The Debate Between Buddha and Demon

Chapter 1088 The Debate Between Buddha and Demon (Third Change)

The prodigal son Jian Wuying once again smiled apologetically! !


Facing Master Xuankong, his face became serious, and he gave a joking look, his eyes suddenly turned scarlet, which shocked everyone.

"You, you, devil!!"

If Ling Yun hadn't signaled their gods to stop making trouble, a fight would have started at this moment. The Shenfeng was invaded by demons, which is not allowed, so the gods were very excited, thinking that they were enemies, and they were full of fighting spirit.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying in front of him is clearly a demon, and the demonic energy around his body is overwhelming.

Master Xuankong clasped his hands together, muttering in his mouth, his heart was extremely shocked, but his expression didn't change much, and he said in his mouth: "The devil should be punished!"

The prodigal son Jian Wuying is not afraid of the golden light of Master Xuankong, his devilish energy is not vegetarian.

He opened his mouth and asked: "Dare to ask Master Xuankong, all phases are born from the heart, the Buddha's heart sees the Buddha, the devil's heart sees the devil, if you see me as a devil, then your devil's heart already exists."

"Causes and effects are self-existing. Demons are demons because of karma. When you see them, you should be diligent and be vigilant and compassionate instead of shrinking and fearing them."

"Hahaha, well said...well, well!!" Ling Yun felt happy for a while.

"Awesome!" Nan Shenzun wanted to give him a thumbs up, and his attitude towards the prodigal son Jian Wuying changed drastically.

" that's the case, the old man is waiting to be taught." Bei Shenzun nodded, the prodigal son Jian Wuying's words fit his meaning very well.

It turned out that the prodigal son Jian Wuying wanted to hate Master Xuankong, and now the gods and venerables burst into smiles.

A golden light poured out from the ground, the Thunder Gate opened instantly, and several small figures came out, the little guys had tears in their eyes.


She rushed towards Ling Yun when she saw Ling Yun, woke up at night, cried when she couldn't see her parents, and woke up Bei Bei and the others.

Long Yanran didn't withdraw this time, so she could only let them go out to look for Ling Yun.

"Why are you here!" Ling Yun patted the little guy's back, speechless.

Beibei pointed to the little guy, probably what she wanted to express was that it was none of her business that Sissy insisted on coming.

"Papa, Mama is back."

"Really?" Ling Yun's eyes widened all of a sudden, is the matter of the Yaozu settled?so fast!

"Aha, Papa really loves Mama, aha!" The little guy covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly!

This child is indeed his own, Ling Yun can't laugh or cry if he can fool him!
Only then did Beibei look around, and found that there were many people in the dark, and she was full of doubts.

"Vulture, old monk!" Beibei stared wide-eyed, she still remembered this bad monk.

"Huh... where is it?"

The little guy cheered up immediately, and then she also saw Master Xuankong, who was slightly angry in his heart and didn't show it on his face.

"Aha, really, the bald head is shining golden, twinkling and twinkling, the sky is full of little stars!!"

"Shh... let's not quarrel, okay!" Ling Yun rubbed her head silently.

The little guy nodded, and immediately sat quietly with Ling Yun's legs crossed.

The scene suddenly quieted down, the prodigal son Jian Wuying was waiting for Master Xuankong's words!

Master Xuankong saw the attitude of the prodigal son Jian Wuying, and said angrily: "Demons, why dare you speak nonsense about Buddhist principles, are you worthy?"

"It doesn't matter about Buddhism, let's talk about Buddhism." The prodigal son Jian Wuying smiled lightly.

"Devil, you know that I am a Buddhist, you need to know that the old monk will kill you, and you dare to come here to die in arrogance?"

Master Xuankong crossed his body with golden light, and emotions flooded his heart!
"As I said below, I'm here to discuss the theory of demons. Could it be that demons are not sentient beings? It's different from your Putuo Temple. Demons are regarded as heretics!"

The prodigal son Jian Wuying said unconvinced, his devilish energy was also increasing.

"Devils, I don't deny it. If a demon has a mind and becomes a Buddha with one thought, do you have a mind?" Master Xuankong said!

"I don't deny that I'm a demon, so I don't care about Buddha." The prodigal son Jian Wuying replied.

"Since you don't want to, if you don't back down, it's the old man's responsibility to kill the devil!"

"Master Xuankong has a heart, what kind of heart is it?"

"With one heart in Buddha, it is naturally Buddha's heart, Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful!"

"The mind in the past is unobtainable, the mind in the present is unobtainable, and the mind in the future is unobtainable. It is a crime to have a devil's heart. Master, your Buddha's heart is too narrow to accommodate a demon?"

"Magic words confuse people, your innocence, how can you compare with the former sages, you will suffer endlessly if you slander monks and Buddhas." Master Xuankong said airily, his eyes flickering with murderous intent.

"Before the demon made a move, the Buddha had a murderous thought. Hehe, the thought moved, and it was far away from the Buddha. Can it be said that one thought became a demon, and the other became a Buddha? To deceive the world!"

"Okay, okay, I will listen to what fallacies you have to say." Hearing this, Master Xuankong laughed back angrily.

"Excuse me, master, why are all beings born?" The prodigal son Jian Wuying took a step forward to express his attitude.

"Fate is the mother of cause and effect, and heaven and earth give birth to all things!"

"Why does the master have a predestined relationship in his life and can convert to Buddhism, but I have thrown myself into a demon body, and my evil heart is hard to get rid of."

"It is only because of karma that you are imprisoned, so it is difficult to extricate yourself. You have killed too many animals, and you have fallen into the devil's way."

The prodigal son Jian Wuying sneered and said: "Ask Master Xuankong again, whether the devil can become a god, and whether the evil can return to righteousness!"

"Yes!" Master Xuankong clasped his palms together and burst out one word!
"Since it is possible, what is the difference between a demon and a master, or what is the difference between me and Master Xuankong or even the sentient beings in Putuo Temple?"

"Devils have obsessions that are difficult to change, just as your evil roots are deep and difficult to eradicate, and the evil roots are difficult to eradicate, so you enter the way of demons and reborn as demons, but you are still persistent."

Master Xuankong hit the mark!Poking the painful prodigal son Jian Wuying, he can be regarded as a rebirth, but he is still regarded as a demon because of his demonic energy.

"This cycle of cause and cause, what will happen, Master Xuankong please help me."

"How can I help you?" Master Xuankong frowned!
"Hahaha, ridiculous, this is my question, why did Master Xuankong ask me back?"

"This... this... If you have the heart, I will save you, and the Buddha will save you."

"Master Xuankong said so, I am a destined person, can I get through?" The prodigal son Jian Wuying replied in a deep voice.

"If you want to take refuge in Buddhism, take refuge in Putuo Temple, you will be saved naturally. The old monk said that Buddha saves a destined person, but I can't see that you are a destined person."

"How to cross? Eating fast and reciting Buddha's name every day, occasionally killing living beings?"

"Amitabha, kill life? Why do you say that we Buddhists kill those who deserve to die, and those who cannot be crossed, let you be crossed! Naturally, I will shave you for you. From now on, I will cut off my desires and thoughts, and I will always chant the Buddha's name. Dedicated to the Buddha."

Master Xuankong said again and again!

"It's a good sentence to kill the person who deserves to be killed. This is the so-called crossing me? I have seen it, and the seniors of Shenfeng must have seen it too!" The prodigal son Jian Wuying shook his head and smiled bitterly. Such a Buddha?And compassionate, you fucking tease me.


The gods are speechless!

The little guy and Beibei couldn't understand, the latter imitated Master Xuankong, said Amitabha, clasped his hands together, was stared at by Long Yanran, and the latter made a funny face again.

"Getting rid of demons and defending Dao is a matter of duty. Whether I can save you, Putuo Temple has tens of thousands of books. If you practice diligently, you will be able to save you."

Master Xuankong Leng Dingding replied!
"I have seen monks before. They killed innocent people indiscriminately, drank and ate meat, committed all kinds of crimes, had thousands of moths, and thousands of food books. All of them are diligent in cultivation and diligent, and they will surely become Buddhas in the near future."

The prodigal son Jian Wuying's eyes flashed with anger, he must have recalled something, and tried not to erupt.

"Hahaha, good, good, well said, well said, this emperor has not been so sincerely convinced by a person for a long time, Jian Wuying, this emperor really admires him!"

Ling Yun smiled openly, and the smile on his face never disappeared!

The little guy didn't know why, so she also smiled: "Aha, I admire it."

"Thank you, I just asked the question in my heart. It has troubled me for many years, and I really didn't intend to anger Master Xuankong, please forgive me!"

This is what it says!

All the people on Shenfeng had to admire him, the angry Master Xuankong's face turned livid.

(End of this chapter)

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