Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114 Surprised Four Seats (Part [-])
Since Void is not allowed to make alchemy, Beibei had no choice but to take out her alchemy furnace. Once this fairy artifact is released, others will be envious immediately.

The same goes for Long Yanran, their eyes are exuding incomparably hot.

Elder Chen knew at a glance that he was not an ordinary person, so he could only be greedy. After reading the list, he knew that it was recommended by the Supreme God, so it was related, and he could not offend the God.

Elder Guang's eyes froze. What he was looking at was not the alchemy furnace, but the order in which Beibei put the medicinal materials. According to the requirements of the pill recipe, Beibei did it this way, and the success rate of pills was not high, and the quality was also very poor.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of many judges, not only Bei Bei's, but also Long Yanran's, so many viewers shook their heads, and the judges wondered in their hearts that the person recommended by the Supreme God is of this level?
Seeing that Long Yanran was messing around in order, the heat was sometimes high and sometimes low.

"Will it explode like this?" Elder Guang asked.

"Should it be?" Elder Chen replied uncertainly.

Then it was slapped!
Not only did it not explode, but there was a trace of golden light, and I don't know what happened.

While Elder Chen was thinking, he was interrupted by Elder Guang's exclamation.

"Look at me, why is he motionless?"

"Could it be that he fell asleep?" Deacon Lin was also confused.

"Where's his medicine?" Elder Chen asked.

"It's all in!"

"What? Let it all go?"

"Yes, the two elders, I really saw him throw all the medicinal materials into it just now."

Deacon Lin replied with certainty that he had observed me for a long time, and now I am standing there, motionless, as if I were dead.

"What's the matter with me?" Elder Guang looked curious, and turned his head to Ling Yun who was calm and calm.


"Shao Baisheng!"

"He's going to make alchemy."

Everyone watched as Shaobaisheng took a step lightly, and then his body suddenly spun in the palm formation. His feet seemed to be stepping on a set of strange steps, and the steps matched the seals in his hands. Every step was followed by a corresponding one. The formula is entered into the formation.

The flames inlaid around the small formation in the palm of the hand shot out violent true qi, which poured into the formation one after another. Those inscribed simple lines, like the meridians of the human body, became active under the washing of the true qi.

But not all the lines have real air flowing, a small array only exudes a strong array in the middle parts, and a trace of real fire spurts out from several array eyes, and begins to burn the pill furnace. heating.

On the other side of the pill furnace, several pill fires sprayed out from several formation eyes, condensed in the air, and became stronger and stronger.

"Yes, yes, you can consider accepting him as a true disciple." Elder Guang muttered to himself, his eyes flashed with deep satisfaction.

Elder Chen also nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face.

Ling Yun wasn't in a hurry to refine the elixir. To him, it didn't take a minute. In order to deceive others, he was speechless.

Deacon Lin said: "Look, my body moved, he moved, but what are you doing with the alchemy furnace?"

The little guy couldn't help laughing out loud!

Elder Chen dismissed it, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Stunning, don't worry about him, he's out of the game, that's the level? Ha ha!"

Ling Yun didn't bother to talk to him, there were a bunch of old people who didn't know the goods.

Long Yanran's alchemy technique neutralizes the ancient and ancient techniques, as well as all the techniques before the extinction of the world, plus Ling Yun's own comprehension and original creation, it has become unique.

Everyone was stunned and shook their heads at the same time. Can the refining be successful?They eat Xiang, two lumps together.

Little Irene is tired, she made two pits below herself, sweating all over her head, but luckily the little guy will give her something to eat occasionally.

Beibei has already completed the last step. At this moment, Elder Guang turned pale with shock and trembled in his mouth: "Ancient, ancient, refining techniques!!"

"I rely on!!"

Elder Chen was also taken aback, and immediately jumped up from his chair, his aloof image was gone.

And the farting old man started to fart as soon as he stood up, the stench was so bad!

The Eighth Elder of Juechen Dugong began to think differently, if he could get this kind of technique, wouldn't he be handy?Thinking about it, he was still a little excited, and looked at Beibei with fierce eyes.

Long Yanran smiled, she changed her technique many times, the judges couldn't see it, but they saw Beibei's coming.

The three little guys are still chatting together, so cute, even Ling Yun shook his head and laughed.

Shaobai laughed loudly, with a look of contempt on his face, he is an idiot who can't see the ruthlessness.

Afterwards, he had almost successfully refined it, and a thick dan fragrance wafted out of his nostrils.

Beibei curled her lips, didn't she just slow down on purpose, I really don't know why Shaobai was so embarrassing.

How could the judges have time to watch him be born in vain? Their eyes were always on Beibei.

The important Elder Guang couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward to observe it, and with him taking the lead, the others left their seats one after another.

Beibei looked disgusted, and said in a childish voice, "Go away, keep farting, smelly..."

Elder Chen was displeased, he turned his head and glared at the farting old man, and then asked with a smile: "Girl, let's take a look here, okay?"

Beibei shook her head: "Not good."

"Why?" Elder Guang asked hastily.

It's normal if you can't let them observe. Many alchemists don't want to be stared at by others, but they really want to watch.

"Haha, it's made." Beibei laughed loudly, and the laughter sounded like a child's voice.

Everyone didn't pay much attention, after all, the voice can be changed.



Why can't you smell the elixir, and the technique is similar to ancient times. They haven't figured it out yet, isn't the sequence wrong? How can it be made into a elixir?They don't believe it.


"The old man's eyes are fine."

"There are really pills."

"The old man lived in vain."

They saw that after Beibei opened the alchemy furnace, there were three elixir lying quietly in it, and the elixir, they were so angry that they really wanted to vomit blood.

"Am I dreaming?" Elder Chen wiped his eyes repeatedly, not wanting to recognize the fact.

Everyone in the audience didn't know why a group of judges gathered together.

Shaobaisheng's face was ugly, he refined it, and there were also three, but his elixir was not as good as Beibei's, and the judges didn't look at it.

Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Ling Yun refined a batch of pills in just a few breaths. If anyone saw it, they would be stunned.

The little guy laughed loudly inside, and little Irene's legs trembled in fright, but fortunately, Beibei said childishly, "Can I go?"

She also knew that little Irene couldn't take it anymore, it was stuffy and hot in her robe.

"Yes... yes... yes."

Elder Guang replied hesitantly, he was still in shock, and slowly came back to his senses, his eyes were filled with a look of incomprehension, he was still thinking why he could become a pill, and it was still of high quality.

(End of this chapter)

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