Chapter 1115 Theft (Second Change)

After Beibei and the others left, several judges began to check the elixir. Elder Guang even sniffed it, elixir?Very dense at close range!
"This is an ancient method of alchemy, it can't be wrong." Elder Guang was excited, and laughed, like a child who got a beloved toy pill.

"Old Guang, where are you going?" When Elder Chen came back to his senses, he saw Elder Guang turned around to look around and run around.

Deacon Lin grabbed Elder Guang and asked, the alchemy competition is not over yet.

At this moment!
Shaobai coughed dryly twice: "Ahem... Seniors, this junior has already refined the elixir, please take a look."

"While going, didn't you see that we were busy?" Elder Chen shook his head, not even looking at Shao Baisheng.

The more Elder Guang watched, the more excited he became, and then he saw Long Yanran's pill, but Long Yanran had already left.

"Is this too? Dan halo? She and the girl from just now have the same method but the same effect!"

"My goodness."

"Fart, fart..." The old man farted a few more times, bouncing and bouncing.

Everyone: "..."

Elder Chen also became excited, his hands and feet began to tremble. All along, they wanted to learn ancient alchemy, but no one could do it due to helplessness.

The Eighth Elder of Juechen Poisonous Palace had a strange look in his eyes, he stroked his beard with a pensive look on his face, ancient alchemy?He is determined to win!
The plot is wrong!
Shaobai frowned, a little dumbfounded.


A group of people saw my alchemy furnace again, and there were pills in it when it was opened, what's the matter?Can you make a pill again?

They found that all the alchemists recommended by the Supreme God had very strange alchemy skills, which was very strange, and they couldn't find any faults, and it was impossible for them to cheat in full view.

After more than an hour of the alchemy conference, the curtain finally came to an end. Elder Chen came to the stage to thank him and said nothing. Of the 150 alchemists, [-] were eliminated!

Ling Yun is very dissatisfied with this!

Why does it take three days for a pill competition that can be finished in one match?What is Dan Shenzong doing?
The day ended like this, Ling Yun found that many people were paying attention to Long Yanran, as for Beibei and the others, their avatars all returned to their original state.

I, Baba, also walked out of the city and disappeared naturally. No one knew it. Several people followed, and they all fell into Lingyun's black hole!

Ling Yun and the others randomly found an inn to live in.

"Papa, am I strong today?" The little guy put his hands on his hips, his eyes began to turn and turn.

"What did you do today?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.


Her dad forgot?Immediately pouted, humming, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Hehe..." Long Yanran liked to see this little girl angry, she was so cute and cute.

"You, you just know how to eat, and you're still good? It's just this little mouth that sucks Wangzai so well." Ling Yun rubbed the little guy's head melon funny.


Beibei asked: "Why is there no reward today?"

"who knows!"

Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, his spiritual consciousness began to cover the entire inn, and the corners of his mouth curled up, which was very meaningful.

late at night!

The whole Dan city was surprisingly quiet, terrifyingly quiet!
Ling Yun opened his eyes, and there was a bunch of rubbish outside, so he didn't want to do anything.

This group of people was just sending them to their deaths. They wanted Long Yanran not to be able to participate in tomorrow's competition and lose a competitor.

Really speechless!
Knowing that he is in the inn, and there are people who are not afraid of death, Ling Yun shook his head and laughed.

After a few rays of divine light went down, everything was dead outside, and the surroundings became quiet again, and they didn't know what they were thinking!

Scorpio star field!

The domain owner Fudi Wansanqian is furious!

He already knew that the five Scorpio evil spirits he sent had all died in the God Realm, so he was extremely angry.

"Too God, you bullied people too much, arrested my nephew, and killed my people!"

If Ling Yun heard this, it must be unbelievable, Wan Sanqian's nephew Jin Wuliang was not rescued by him, and it was not wrong for the five evil spirits of Scorpio to come to ask for someone.

Due to so many coincidences, Ling Yun killed them all!


"Young Master Jin is not in the God Realm. According to our investigation, the Lord's Mansion of Qinglong City fell, and Young Master Jin Wuliang was rescued by us."

"Hahaha... Great Lord, I want you not to die!"

"Fu Di calm down."

"Proceed with the order to unite the army and encircle the God Realm. The old Nan Wutian has returned! The Supreme God is fighting alone, and his time is numbered." Wan Sanqian's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, full of killing intent.

Although everyone didn't understand what it meant, they still happily went to do it.

Poor Jin Wuliang was used and killed by others in this way, and this kind of battle situation was formed. The black hand behind the scenes played a good hand.

Late night in the God Realm!
An Qing came back from shattering the void, and she sat slumped on the edge of the shrine, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and the overall situation of the monster clan was settled.

After finding out that Ling Yun and the others were not in the Jingu Palace, a drop of tear flowed from her eyes, and then she hugged her head and cried, coughing up blood continuously.

The next morning!
She announced her wedding with Ling Yun on the Shenfeng Peak, and it will be held in the God Realm three days later.

Dan City!

After Ling Yun finished busying breakfast for the little ones, he heard the shocking news.

One to three prizes of Dan Shenzong were stolen this time, which means that his purpose this time, the Resurrection Grass and the No.1 Pill Fire, the most important thing is gone!
Ling Yun was very angry, he went directly to Elder Chen and Elder Guang!
"The emperor heard that the prize was stolen, is it true? Or are you secretly playing tricks?"

Facing Ling Yun's momentum, the two elders looked flustered.

"I'm sorry, Lord Taishang. Last night, Dancheng City Lord's Mansion was used by others to divert the tiger away from the mountain. We made a mistake."

"I only want the result, one day! In one day, I want to see the result, otherwise, the whole Pill City will be buried with me." Ling Yun said with an icy coldness in his eyes.

Wasting his time, how can he not be angry, everything has been arranged, if I knew he would have taken the rejuvenation grass last night.

Elder Chen had a hard time answering, he hesitated and said, "This is a matter of our Pill God Sect, the Taishen Lord is a bit too much."

Elder Guang teased Elder Chen, indicating the latter's attitude. No one in the entire Dan City could stop the powerful Taishenjun, and they tried not to cause trouble.

"So what, if it wasn't for rewarding those who are needed by the emperor, the emperor will come to your rubbish alchemy conference?" Ling Yun smiled dismissively.

"You..." Elder Chen was so angry that he couldn't refute, what a rubbish alchemy conference?That's what alchemists in the Twelve Domains dream of participating in.

"Old Chen, don't be angry, we'll just do it." Elder Guang reminded.

Ling Yun snorted coldly: "Don't play with those tricks, otherwise..."

Faced with Ling Yun's evil smile, the two elders were all terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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