Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1116 Compensation

Chapter 1116 Compensation (third update)

Elder Chen and Elder Guang looked at each other, thinking the same thing in their hearts, the first round of alchemy, No.1 was Long Yanran, No.2 was Beibei and the others, and No.3 was me!
Not surprisingly, the three prizes belonged to them, so it is understandable that Taishenjun attaches great importance to it.

According to the new regulations set by the Alchemy God Sect, the next round of the alchemy conference will determine the winner! , this is exactly what Ling Yun expected.

Elder Guang did some research last night, and he found that the method used by Long Yanran to make alchemy was the ancient alchemy technique, which made him very excited!

Today's competition started, as soon as Long Yanran and Beibei appeared on the stage, Elder Guang knelt on the ground.

"Master, accept your apprentice."

Everyone was stunned, the wind was chaotic, the elder of the Pill God Sect actually wanted to worship a fledgling alchemist as his master!

Long Yanran refused straight away: "Sorry, get up, I don't know how to teach."

"Master, master, accept me." Elder Guang was still persistent, planning to kneel forever.

It's useless to be so thick-skinned.

They don't seem to worry about not getting the prize back!

Beibei scratched her head, it was useless to kneel, she didn't know how to be a master, and she didn't even know what a master was.

Minutes have passed by!

Long Yanran took the lead in refining the elixir, and the perfect quality once again shocked everyone!
Shaobai beat his chest and stamped his feet angrily, he was too bullying, how could he be so perverted to take away his glory!

His elixir is also very good, why is there no praise?

After more than an hour of distinguishing, the overall ranking came down, and Ling Yun's spiritual sense swept Long Yanran into the first place, Bei Bei curled her lips.

The top three bag!
As a result, an old man suddenly appeared, he suppressed Elder Chen and Elder Guang, No.1 became Shaobai Sheng!
None of the top three has Ling Yun's share!


They dared to play tricks in front of Ling Yun, they were really courageous.

After announcing the result, the little guy made a fuss. She slipped out of the robe under the eyes of everyone, and everyone was shocked.

"Hurry up and give us a reward, or I'll beat you up." The little guy said in a childish voice, his pursed mouth is really cute!
"They? Three little babies for one person?"

They couldn't accept the huge gap, and the corner of Shaobai's mouth twitched. He has lived for so many years and learned alchemy for so many years with his talent, he is not as good as a child! !

i wipe...

It's shocking that Taishenjun's daughter can make alchemy at such a young age.

"Papa, is it gone again?" The little guy couldn't be fooled, and gradually realized that the reward was gone this time!
Ling Yun glared at Elder Chen and Elder Guang, even the elders apologized to him three points!

Ignoring everyone's reaction, the old man called Ling Yun and his party to the secret place...

"I'm sorry, Grand Master, this time it's our Pill God Sect who has failed in our duty. The reward has already been taken away. We can't do anything, and we have no clue."

The old man bowed slightly, very polite!

"This is your business, the emperor said, the purpose of my coming this time is very simple, the rejuvenation grass must be given to me!!"

Ling Yun's tone was very hard!

It's fine if there is no reward, and even the ranking is deprived, the Dan Shenzong must have gone too far.

"Don't be angry, Lord Taishang, just listen to the old man!"

"Who are you?" Ling Yun frowned slightly and asked.

"The Great Elder of the Pill God Sect!"

"Oh, tell me, if you can't explain why, Pill City can't be kept!"

"Let's talk about rewards later. As for the rankings, we are recruiting suitable disciples. Now the top three rankings are all from Taishenjun, so we can't accept them, right?"


"The old man guesses that the Supreme Lord doesn't care about rankings, first to third! Others can accept changes in rewards, but you can't, so sit down and discuss it." The Great Elder of Danshenzong explained, with a smile on his face!

Ling Yun snorted coldly: "I don't want the emperor's face?"

"Here, Grand Master, please let our Dan Shenzong go, we know your strength, don't make things difficult for us." The great elder of Dan Shenzong burst into tears!
The little guy couldn't bear to see it, and said softly, "Grandpa, don't cry, this is my daddy, he is fine."

it is good?
The corner of the elder's mouth twitched, his face was pale and feeble, Taishenjun is not good at all!

"It's not that this emperor is embarrassing you, it's you who are embarrassing this emperor!"

Ling Yun touched the little guy's head, not to let her make trouble!

Beibei said: "Are they bad old men?"

Long Yanran was speechless, she pulled her aside, talking too much!
"Our Dan Shenzong has always respected the Supreme Lord, and we apologize for this. Our Dan Shenzong is willing to compensate the Lord for the loss."

Pill God Sect has considered it all, and it can only be done in this way, no matter how much it must be.

Ling Yun laughed and said, "Okay!"

The rejuvenation grass is indeed priceless, but the problem is that it has been stolen now, no matter how persistent it is, it will not help, and even if people kill it, they will not be able to get it back.

Hear it!

The Great Elder of Pill God Sect and the others breathed a sigh of relief, Long Yanran felt a little lost, No.1 was Pill Fire, and now it's gone!
"This is a little care from our Dan Shenzong!" The great elder of Dan Shenzong handed over a storage ring respectfully!

But Ling Yun smiled and didn't take it!
He opened the mouth and said: "This emperor just say it directly, Dan Shenzong will immediately give me a hundred copies of these medicinal materials, and this emperor will let the past go."

The little guy stared at the storage ring with gloomy eyes.

The Great Elder of Dan Shenzong secretly thought it was bad!

He glanced at the paper in front of Ling Yun, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently, those were all precious medicinal materials.

"Aha, this is for me!" The little guy smiled wide-eyed, and his beautiful eyes never left the storage ring in the hands of the Great Elder of Pill God Sect.

Ling Yun: "..."


"It's not for you, nor for us." Ling Yun replied speechlessly.

After the little guy heard it, he stopped talking and could only watch helplessly.

"so much?"

Elder Chen on the side stared wide-eyed, and he also noticed Ling Yun's request.

"The emperor won't budge, you can figure it out."

"I need to ask for instructions." The Elder of Dan Shenzong bowed and walked away slowly.


In a moment!
The Great Elder of Dan Shenzong came back, and he said: "The higher-ups have agreed, so let's do it, the Supreme God cannot go back on his word."


Ling Yun had some doubts in his heart, how rich is Dan Shenzong?It's so refreshing, I knew he would want two hundred copies.

Now that everything has been discussed, Ling Yun will wait here for the medicinal materials to be ready!
The Pill God Sect didn't disappoint Ling Yun either. In less than an hour, one hundred alchemy medicinal materials were ready.

"Ahem... Great Lord, I have a merciless request!"

"Since it is an unfeeling request, then don't say it, the emperor is not free!"

"Ah..." The Great Elder of Dan Shenzong was dumbfounded, why didn't he play the cards logically.

Just by sticking out his butt, he knew that he wanted to shit. Can Ling Yun be concealed from this thought?
Don't you just want to know about the situation of ancient alchemy?
Two words, no way! !
(End of this chapter)

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