Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1117

Chapter 1117 Eyebrows (first update)
The great elder of Dan Shenzong didn't give up, and asked Ling Yun if he would accept disciples.

Ling Yun refused!
It is impossible to accept apprentices, and it is impossible to accept apprentices in this life.

Hearing this, the three elders were immediately disappointed, with dejected expressions on their faces.

When Ling Yun appeared on Gaotai again, everyone started staring at him.

Many people congratulated him!

The little guy is the happiest, he is the focus of the audience.

What will happen?Ling Yun muttered in his heart!

The Great Elder of Dan Shenzong laughed loudly: "Congratulations to the Supreme Lord."

"Where does the old man say the joy?" Ling Yun asked with a slight frown.

"Haha, three days later will be the day of great joy for you and the empress."

"Oh... what happened?" Ling Yun blinked, he didn't know what was going on, An Qing came back?

As soon as the little guy heard something empress, she said in a baby voice, "Ma Ma, Ma Ma!"

"Aunt An is back, she must have got a lot of treasures!" Beibei said curiously, her eyes flickering with the small eyes of a money fan.

The Great Elder of Pill God Sect looked at Ling Yun's expression, he was a little surprised, Ling Yun in front of him didn't seem to know about it, but at this moment, the news was conveyed through the God Realm, so there was nothing wrong with it.

It is necessary for Ling Yun to go back to the God Realm, and there is nothing wrong here.

Before leaving!
He said: "Whoever took the Emperor's Resurrection Grass, please return it."

These words may seem plain, but they are actually extremely overbearing.

The people in the audience trembled inexplicably, and none of them dared to speak. Many people simply lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into Ling Yun's eyes.

Just when Ling Yun was about to leave, someone provided a clue, and the news surprised everyone in the Dan Shenzong.

"Master Taishenjun, I have admired you for a long time, since you want the Resurrection Grass, I don't intend to keep what happened in Pill City last night in my heart."

"Speak, with my emperor here, you can rest assured to tell what you know." Ling Yun nodded in response.

"Last night I was drinking in a certain restaurant, Dan City was peaceful, but I saw a white shadow!" A certain person's face froze, and his eyes looked up and down at Dan Shenzong and the others.

"Although the shadow is fast, I am not blind. It is the costume of the Dan Shenzong!"


Everyone's eyes widened, shocking news, could it be that the Dan Shenzong guarded himself?

Or is there something else?

Beibei said in a milky voice: "Behind all this is the loss of morality, or the distortion of human nature, or the sinister heart? Welcome everyone to listen to what Beibei has to say..."

"Talk about your size!" Long Yanran's face turned dark, she immediately squatted down and flicked Beibei's forehead, and the latter pouted!
But she still whispered: "Let me analyze, how can people be good friends with each other? How should people and nature..."

Long Yanran stared at her, she stopped talking...

The little guy laughed.

The Great Elder of Dan Shenzong laughed loudly. He shook his head and said, "Can I trust you? Or did you do it on purpose?"

The Eighth Elder of Juechen Dugong immediately said, "I think it's very possible!"

Ling Yun looked the Eighth Elder up and down, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this person reacted so strongly?There must be a problem!
"I'm not wrong. Of course, I don't deny that someone wants to blame Dan Shenzong. I just told what I saw last night." Someone was not angry, and his tone was slightly agitated.

Everyone started whispering and talking.

"This emperor knows!" Ling Yun smiled, his pupils flickering with icy coldness.

"Great Lord, I assure you, there will be absolutely nothing like this."

The Great Elder of Dan Shenzong shook his head, he still didn't believe it, the reward was originally for them, and they didn't do it.

Ling Yun murmured in his heart, they didn't do it?Doesn't mean everyone doesn't do it?It is really possible to guard and steal.

With firm eyes, the man said again: "Trust me!"

Ling Yun gave him a elixir, but luckily he couldn't see what it was, otherwise it would cause a fight, but some people showed greedy eyes.

"Let's go? Tell me where the Resurrection Grass is!"

Ling Yun's eyes froze, and he turned to stare at a deacon of Dan Shenzong!

Do a thief guilty!

"It's none of my business, I didn't do it!" A certain deacon turned pale and immediately knelt down!

The Eighth Elder secretly thought something was wrong...

When a certain deacon saw Taishenjun's eyes, he was frightened and knelt down to beg for mercy.

The great elder of Dan Shenzong beat his chest and stamped his feet angrily, and raised his beard.

"You're a sucker for everything, and tell everything frankly, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Elder Chen immediately held down a certain deacon to prevent him from committing suicide by taking poison.


He is still dead, poisoned to death!

All of this stunned everyone, and the whole city of Pill was a sensation for a while.

"I'm mad at you, what's going on, you've been poisoned again?" Elder Guang was furious, he and the Great Elder of Danshenzong had the same emotion.

Ling Yun is funny, don't think you can hide it from him with this little trick, he strangled the Eighth Elder with one hand!
"Tell me, how did he die? Where is the Resurrection Grass?" Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

"Old man...I...cough cough...don't know!" The Eighth Elder was terrified to death, the Supreme God Lord was too powerful, no one thought that the Resurrection Grass would be favored by the Supreme God Lord, what a mistake! !
"I won't say anything even if I die!" The corner of the Eighth Elder's mouth was bleeding, and then Tian Linggai burst into blood, he messed up his memory, it was crazy!

After killing the Eighth Elder of Juechen Poison Palace, Ling Yun felt no pressure at all.

Everyone's lips turned white in fright, what's the matter?They didn't even recover from the conversation, they committed suicide! !

Ling Yun opened his mouth and said: "Listen, the Emperor wants the Resurrection Herb, and whoever gets it in the hands of the Emperor will be rewarded greatly."


Everyone's blood is boiling with enthusiasm, they will see that the Supreme God has made a move, and they will be rewarded greatly, and they will definitely not be mediocre!

Maybe you can still get the artifact!
"Master Taishenjun, is it an artifact?" Some excitedly asked!
"If you ask for it, what's the matter with the artifact!!" Ling Yun nodded lightly, as long as he got the Resurrection Grass, everything would be worth it.

The scene almost got out of control again!

A certain immortal emperor asked: "Is it all right as long as it is the soul-reviving grass?"

Ling Yun nodded: "Yes!"

He did this to let the person who stole the Resurrection Grass take the initiative to enter the pit!

The Resurrection Grass was not the person's goal. Ling Yun guessed that it should be the Pill Fire. Because they put it together, they all stole it.

The little guy yawned and lay in Long Yanran's arms, ready to sleep, so she muttered impatiently: "Papa, sleep..."

Ling Yun smiled and told her that she would be back in 5 minutes. The little guy curled his lips and blinked his eyes many times.

The grand elder of Dan Shenzong didn't let go of his anger at the moment.

He thought a lot, and then told Ling Yun one by one that he suspected that there were spies inside the Pill God Sect. The first force he suspected was the Alchemy Masters Association!
This guild has always been at odds with Dan Shenzong.

(End of this chapter)

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