Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1118 True Love

Chapter 1118 True Feelings (Second Change)

Ling Yun didn't care about that much, he only wanted the Resurrection Grass!
The corner of the elder's mouth twitched, leaving a mess for him to clean up?An Eighth Elder died in Juechen Poison Palace, how will they explain it!

When Ling Yun brought the three little guys back to the shrine!
Dancheng was wiped out by an unknown force, and the casualties were heavy, and Dancheng was in ruins. Fortunately, no one suspected that it was the Supreme God, otherwise Ling Yun would be flamboyant again.


An Qing is in the bedroom!
Beibei refuses to go to bed, it's more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

The little guy cried out that she was sleepy and asked Ling Yun to coax her to sleep.

Ling Yun and the others couldn't laugh or cry.

In the bedroom!
As soon as An Qing saw Ling Yun, she pounced on her and covered her tightly. The little guy fell asleep, otherwise she would push away again.


After Ling Yun put the little guy on the bed, he gently pulled the obsessed An Qing out.

"What's the matter, you took the initiative when you came back from the Yaozu?"

"It's okay, I just miss you and my daughter." An Qing's eyes turned red instantly.

Ling Yun wiped the corners of her eyes, and said amusedly: "It's only been a few days, really, why are you making it so sensational."

An Qing shook her head, lying quietly in Ling Yun's arms!
Ling Yun frowned, and then smiled at the corner of his mouth, probably he guessed about the situation.

"What happened to the demon clan?"

"Qianye and Jinshi divided the monster clan!"

The conversation between the couple is basically about the monster race!
After An Qing arrived at Yaozu, Qianye and the others were fighting the Golden Lion.

Ziran is dead!

Mrs. Fu is dead...

Many people died in Liuxian Palace!

The Guapi Emperor was also injured, surrounded by four demon kings, it was like being surrounded and beaten.

The appearance of Qianye Yaohuang reappeared, and the fire phoenix was like a golden sun, temporarily gaining the upper hand, and the duel between her and the golden lion was dark and terrifying.

Seeing this, An Qing immediately joined the battle, showing the demeanor of a generation of queens!
Especially her sentence, I am the queen, you will all die to me, detonating the audience!
That sword wanyue killed four demon kings, and everyone was watching, and even all the monsters killed one of them!

In the final duel, An Qing, who couldn't keep up physically, killed a certain demon king, but was still counted!
Half of the 50 celestial soldiers sent by the Eastern God also died tragically. Ye Guhong was heartbroken and turned gray overnight.

An Qing asked: "Ling Yun, if... I said, if, if you are infected with a kind of Tianluosan from Juechen Poison Palace, is there an antidote?"

This problem, when she was in the Yaozu, a certain demon king who fought with her told her that the world is so big that there is no solution for Juechen's poisonous palace, and those who are poisoned will die! !

Ling Yun was amused in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, he wanted to tease little girl An Qing.

"no way!"

"Well... I'm just talking!"

An Qing's body was loose, she chose not to tell Ling Yun, since she knew the answer, she could only cherish the time in the future even more.

"Why did you announce the marriage so suddenly?"

"You don't agree?" An Qing's face suddenly became unnatural. Could she be too self-assertive?Will it cause Ling Yun's resentment? In short, she has thought a lot!
"Fool, how could you disagree, but this is an extraordinary period, and I'm afraid I can't give you the best."

Ling Yun's worry was right, after three days, he guessed that it would definitely not be peaceful!

"You have given me the best, I... I'm sorry to you father and daughter!" An Qing burst into tears and kept nestling in Ling Yun's arms.

Ling Yun just sighed!


"Needless to say I'm sorry, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, you are going to the Yaozu, I don't blame you, it is my acquiescence."

"I'm sorry, in the future... in the future... I can't walk with you, forgive me for being capricious!" An Qing faltered and cried, her whole body twitching slightly.

"I should say I'm sorry. I have too many principles. You shouldn't bear these things, but I let you face them alone. I am an unqualified lover!"

Ling Yun found out that he really failed, so he laughed at himself.

"Do you know everything?" An Qing suddenly raised her eyes, looked at Ling Yun and asked.

"If what you said, I know!" Ling Yun nodded, he knew everything, but he just wanted to hear what An Qing wanted to say.

What kind of shit is rambling?

One will die from this poison?
Hehe... When you meet Lingyun, you are all scum, a holy light will do, and the garbage will die, and there is no solution!

"I'm sorry, Ling Yun, I'm really sorry, I don't want to, you father and daughter will be fine in the future." An Qing shook her head, her emotions were about to lose control.

this moment!
Ling Yun gave her a deep hug, quietly, waiting for An Qing to finish crying.

"I can't see Sissy grow up, I'm gone, you can't wrong her."

"I know!"

"Am I being too selfish, I'm going to die, and I want a title?" An Qing suddenly looked at Ling Yun seriously and said!

"This must be given to you, there is no such thing as selfishness!" Ling Yun shook his head!

"Nice to have you!"

An Qing didn't want to say anything anymore, at this moment, she just wanted to hold Ling Yun forever and never leave her, but she knew it was impossible!

"If you had this little time left in your life, what would you do?"

"Accompany you!"

Ling Yun explained his love for An Qing in two simple words.

"Well, let's go play, go to the lower realm, just our family, and shoot a little video, I'm afraid... I'm afraid... I'm afraid she will forget me when she grows up."

A lot of tears flowed from the corners of An Qing's eyes, Ling Yun was moved by her true feelings, while wiping, he comforted her.

For An Qing's last request, Ling Yun was definitely satisfied, he dragged An Qing back to the bedroom, the little guy was still fast asleep!
She was sleeping soundly, sucking her little finger, sweating profusely, she was really cute and cute.

An Qing sat next to her, she sipped the little guy's forehead with tears, the latter still frowned slightly!


An Qing was crying and laughing, she wiped her sweat with her hands, then picked her up and let her slip into her arms!

Ling Yun gently put his arms around An Qing's shoulders, and slowly accompanied her into the Gate of Thunder!
In the past two days, she and Ling Yun and the little guy had a great time playing in the lower realm, and she tried her best to make up for all the regrets and be a good wife.


The family will return to the shrine!

Beibei ran over crying, and complained: "555~ You don't take me to play, you don't want me, no one loves you anymore."

Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing knelt down, kissed Beibei's tender face, and said, "No, we have something to deal with, not to play!"

The little guy didn't like it when he heard it, she was obviously going to play, and she had a great time!
"No, no, Ma Ma is not allowed to lie to my sister, this is wrong, you are an older child, how can you do this!"

"555~..." Beibei rubbed her eyes!
An Qing: "..."

"Hasn't Beibei played these two days?" Ling Yun asked amusedly!
Beibei was so embarrassed that she laughed, scratched her head, and was discovered by her handsome uncle again!
For the past two days, Beibei followed Long Yanran and little Ailin to the Yuexia Cultivation Academy every day, and played until eight or nine in the evening every day, with an unsatisfactory mood.

(End of this chapter)

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