Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1119 Gathering God Palace

Chapter 1119 Gathering God Palace (Third Change)
And now it's past nine o'clock in the evening! !
Beibei also came back just now, but she still had a bit of a complaining look on her face, because she was so hungry these days, after passing Ling Yun to give her Wangzi, she forgot again.

Another day will be the grand wedding of the Supreme God and the Empress, and the entire God Realm will be very lively!
Zhao Xin and his wife failed to leave the customs, and the representative of Bi Shuixing was Long Jiani, who came with Ji Wushuang brother and sister!
The group of them arrived at the shrine after ten o'clock in the evening, and Ling Yun naturally opened the transmission channel of the shrine.

The little guy laughed and saw Ji Wuxue in white!

"Sister Xiaoxue, sister Xiaoxue! I found you."

This kid with short legs ran wildly all the way, and his words were still so funny, Ji Wuxue was also very happy, seeing the little guy with a smile on his face.

"Bobobo... Sissi is getting a little bigger." Ji Wuxue hugged the little guy rushing towards her, and the latter laughed loudly again!
"Miss Xiaoxue!"

This kid Beibei was also extremely excited, looking at Ji Wuxue with all eyes!
Little Eileen wants a hug too!
"Emperor, congratulations!" Ji Wushuang was very emotional. Although she knew that the emperor and the empress would be a matter of time, she was still shocked when she heard the news of the marriage.

"Thank you, it's my honor for you to save face." Ling Yun waved his hand, and the dimple on his face never disappeared.

Long Jiani knew how to smile without saying a word, she didn't know what was going on in her heart, she looked absent-minded, and she didn't smile until the little guy rubbed against her feet.

"you are welcome!"

Ling Yun's friend must live in the Jingu Palace. An Qing has decided the day after tomorrow that Long Jiani, Ji Wuxue, Empress Linglong and Empress Hanyue will be bridesmaids.

The style is completely in line with the new era of China.

The little ones just refuse to sleep when there are so many people, and keep clamoring to play!

An Qing agreed for a rare time, and played with the little guy and Ji Wuxue for a while.

During this period!
People kept coming, including the Neptune's family from Endless Sea, and little Irene was very happy again, this time she didn't sleep.

The guards stepped up their patrols, and Emperor Guapi came to discuss matters related to the wedding. He cared more than anyone else!
"Dijun, good brother!" Guapi Dadi grinned and stretched out a hand.

"Old-fashioned!" Ling Yun knocked it off with his palm, and the two of them burst out laughing.

"You don't hate me about the monster clan, do you?" Ling Yun asked again.

"How is it possible? Where there is war, there will be casualties. Sister Ziran is dead. She has no regrets."

"Yes, in the world, some people write it as death, some people write it as hegemony, some people write it as common people, and some people write it as eternal life. Her death has laid the foundation for you in Yaozu. Everything is worth it!"

Ling Yun sighed, as if returning to that ancient and dark history, wars continued, for the devil's forbidden code!
Emperor Guapi sighed softly, he came from the Yao clan, and Qianye also heard about the marriage between Ling Yun and An Qing, but she didn't come, and I don't know why, maybe it was the death of old lady Fu, The rules of Liuxian Palace are to guard the spirit.

Emperor Guapi had a hunch that the three of them, good friends with each other, would really break up as soon as they said it.

"Melon skin, if the day after tomorrow..."

Before Ling Yun finished speaking, Emperor Guapi interrupted: "Don't worry, I will stand by your side!"

"No, no, you shouldn't be on this emperor's side. If the situation is not right, you should take care of yourself!" Ling Yun said very seriously!

And Emperor Guapi smiled!

Ling Yun said: "You should know a little bit."

"Almost, I'm waiting for you to tell me yourself." Emperor Guapi nodded, his face was gentle and gentle, and there was no other emotion at all.

"Your guess is correct, Pluto? It's the emperor!"

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, and confessed to Emperor Guapi bluntly.

If there is an accident the day after tomorrow, his divine master will retreat, and everything about him here needs to be taken over by the melon skin emperor!
"I don't want to know your identity, I only know that you are my brother."

Emperor Guapi nodded, and replied indifferently, there was no surprise on his face, so it was similar to what he had guessed in his heart, and he did not doubt the identity of Lingyun Pluto, but the little guy would sometimes call Pluto his father to attract the attention of Guapi Emperor.

Ling Yun was speechless, and smiled at Emperor Guapi!
Queen Yaoyue also came, she and Qi Xian, both of them knew Ling Yun's Pluto status, they were slightly worried.

Just worry about something going wrong!

Queen Yaoyue frowned slightly and said, "Dijun, is it wrong for you to do this?"

"No problem."

Ling Yun knew what Queen Yaoyue was going to say, he just shook his head slightly!
What Queen Yaoyue was talking about was nothing more than his identity. He had thought about this, and there was no other way, so let nature take its course.

Queen Yaoyue still wanted to say something, but Ling Yun changed the subject.

"Thank you for coming."

"It's just boring, my empress is, just... I just miss her, yes, I miss her!" Queen Yaoyue blushed and replied, who would believe what she said?She's just covering it up.

Ling Yun didn't wear any clothes either, the battle between Queen Yaoyue and Mo Liancheng, she must have taken time out of her busy schedule to worry about Ling Yun!


The whole shrine is very lively!

And then came two unexpected people!
The domain master of the Aquarius star field!
Dongfang Granny and her junior Dongfang Rumeng!
Ling Yun didn't know anything, but An Qing, Queen Yaoyue and Ji Wushuang were shocked!

The Aquarius Starfield has changed hands, old lady Dongfang?That was the former domain owner.

A week ago, due to the support of the Imperial Army, the old lady Dongfang was betrayed by her own son, and the family was bloodbathed. Only she and Dongfang Rumeng escaped.

Her son Dongfanghong is trying his best to hunt them down, the latter is not dead, he must have trouble sleeping and eating.

Dongfanghong has let go, anyone who dares to take in the old lady Dongfang will be killed without mercy! !
According to the news, the insane Dongfanghong killed many innocent people through a lot of gossip.

And this time the Dongfang Granny and Dongfang Rumeng came to the God Realm, it was still an important day, it did not bring congratulations, but evil disasters.

In response to the reactions of the people facing him, the old lady in the East frowned.

immediately!Smiling slightly, he said, "The Supreme God will not despise us, will he?"

An Qing: "..." She looked at Ling Yun, let Ling Yun decide everything, and she didn't interfere.

"How can it be? It's hard to say that a friend comes from afar!"

Of course Ling Yun would not refuse, he is just a down and out domain master, he is not afraid of anyone, if Dongfanghong is not afraid of death, he can come! !
The old lady Dongfang laughed loudly, and replied: "Dijun is really bold. Did Dijun have other ideas about the old man's suggestion last time?"

Ling Yun shook his head!

last time?He forgot it!

Hearing this, An Qing looked Dongfang Rumeng up and down, and began to look for a stepmother for the little guy, Dongfang Rumeng was still very sensitive to Anqing.

 Author's new book! !Ask for collection, recommendation ticket!Thank you readers!


(End of this chapter)

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