Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120 Surging in all directions (first update)
Even Dongfang Rumeng felt uncomfortable being looked at by her!

"The world is unpredictable, the last time I invited the emperor to come to the Aquarius Starfield, I am old enough to be a landlord, I never thought..."

The old lady of the East said!
"I never thought that the old man would be so downcast. It's really sad, sad."

"There will be a chance, as long as there is life, there is hope, isn't it?" Ling Yun smiled lightly, with the demeanor of being king.

Beibei said in a milky voice: "Tiger Luopingyang is a dog, bite them!"

While speaking, she also waved her small fist, looking like she was going to beat someone up, making people dumbfounded!
Qin Xianglian's face turned black!
Dongfang Rumeng really couldn't stand An Qing's gaze, she knelt down and touched the little guy, teasing him, the little guy is not afraid of life, he looks like a fairy, quite cute.


The forces of all parties are undercurrents.

In the shrine, Ling Yun and the others also held an open-air barbecue party, and everyone was amazed at the craftsmanship of Taishenjun!

They were up until four o'clock, and the little ones couldn't sleep.

After the crowd gradually dispersed, Ling Yun lay on the bed, gently closing his eyes.

The little guy slapped Ling Yun gently on the cheek, and she laughed loudly: "Papa, there are mosquitoes, have you seen them?"

How can Ling Yun not understand her little thoughts, just don't want him to sleep, play with her, look at her excited look, it's like going to disco.

Ling Yun teased her again amusedly, the little guy laughed and didn't stop, when An Qing walked over, tears streamed down her face unconsciously.

"What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked knowingly.

The little guy blinked his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Shame on you."

"Puchi..." An Qing laughed, wiped her red eyes, then opened her lips with a smile and said, "I'm fine, I see you guys are having fun."

Ling Yun hugged her immediately, and the latter grabbed her tightly.

The little guy cuddles, right between the two of them.

In a moment!
"Ma Ma, let's continue playing, shall we?" The little guy teased An Qing again, his eyes full of longing.

An Qing refused, the little guy is so small, she must be let to sleep.

"Sissy, sleep well, and I'll give you an out-of-print gold coin!"

"Out of print? Gold coins? Is it worth it?" The little guy scratched his head and asked three times in a childlike voice, with a pensive look on his face.

"Sure, what? I'll give you what I want, and then you go to bed."

An Qing said earnestly and kindly.

"Then... alright!" The little guy's eyes turned bleak!


An Qing took out a gold coin and waved it in front of the little guy!
"En?" The little guy scratched his head and ears, not understanding what An Qing was going to do.

An Qing pointed to one side of the gold coin and said: "This gold coin has printed the front side on the back side by mistake, and wrong side on the front side!"

The little guy was stunned!

Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing thought in her heart: "Xiao Mian... still can't fool you!"

"Phew, that must be very valuable." The little guy's IQ was rubbed against the ground, and Ling Yun couldn't help laughing at his silly expression.

"No, I'll keep it for you. It's worth a lot of money in the future." An Qing stuffed it into the little guy's pocket, and the latter wanted to see it. He kept digging into his pocket, thinking to himself, it's amazing, there are such gold coins in the world.

An Qing covered her mouth and snickered, patted the little guy's head, and just like that, the couple lulled her to sleep again.

late at night!

In the dark night, Ling Yun and An Qing were whispering.

In the League of Gods of the Twelve Domains, Rex obeyed Ling Yun's arrangement and came to investigate the information about Emperor Fan. He was not alone, and with him were the mysterious Empress Aurora and Immortal Emperor Stick.

Ling Yun knew that Emperor Fan was in the Demon God Sea, but he didn't have time to inform Rex.

Here, they met a person who shocked their hearts, he was Doutian Zhanzun who came out of the Demon God Sea!

Hearing that Emperor Taishang wanted to check Fandi, Doutian Zhanzun's mouth curled into a smile.

Since they were sent by the Supreme Lord, then kill them, they are already enemies anyway!
Just when Rex and the others got nothing and were about to leave the Alliance of Gods!
"What are you doing?" The Aurora Empress is very sensitive, and immediately sensed something was wrong!
"who are you?"

Rex pointed directly at Zhan Zun Doutian, who was wearing a black robe in front of him, so he couldn't see his face at all.

"I'm not anyone, so don't point at me." Doutian Zhanzun made a gesture, and a group of masters from the League of Gods surrounded Rex and the others.

Immortal Emperor Stick was the weakest, his face pale with fright.

what's the situation?
They didn't know at all, when did they offend the Alliance of Gods, and there was no conflict in the conversation just now.

The only possibility is the man in black!
Immortal Emperor Stick said: "My friend, that's not the case, is it? We have no grievances or enmities."

"Hahaha, if you want to blame, I can only blame you for meddling in other people's business. You are not the ones who can inquire about Emperor Fan!"

Listen to the words, Doutian Zhanzun and Fandi are not on the same side, but it is a pity that the Alliance of Gods is obedient to Doutian Zhanzun now.

A gang fight is inevitable!

The two sides fought, and at the beginning, no one could do anything about it. With the wheel of the alliance of the gods, Rex and the others could only scold their mothers and fathers in their hearts, they were too fucking bullying.

Immortal Emperor Stick was the first to fly out, this guy has always been stubborn!
Rex was secretly anxious, he couldn't control Immortal Emperor Stick and the others at all.

The Aurora Empress gritted her teeth, broke through several times, and finally came to the Immortal Emperor Stick, but the latter was seriously injured!
Rex yelled, "Go, go!"

When Empress Aurora looked back, her lips turned white with fright, and a hole in Rex's heart was broken! !

The person who attacked was Doutian Zhanzun, who had bloody eyes and laughed and asked, "Who is your master? Why do you know ancient martial arts?"

Just now he took a rough look, Rex was using a certain ancient martial skill, the ancient things can only be found in the Sealed Land and Demon God Sea, and he is more greedy!

"I want to know, you're going to die!" Rex spit at Doutian with blood in his mouth!
Empress Aurora cried bitterly: "Rex!!"


Immortal Emperor Stick stood up, pushed away Empress Aurora as if returning to the light, and then he rushed into the sea of ​​people and exploded himself!

At the same time, two huge energy clouds rose, and the other one belonged to Rex. The latter knew that he couldn't survive, so he could only give Empress Aurora a chance to die.

"Chasing! Don't leave anyone alive." Doutian Zhanzun walked out of the thick smoke, nothing happened!
Such a big explosion only hurt a few immortal emperors of the Alliance of Gods.

Doutian Zhanzun looked outside, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, it's time to go to the God Realm, Suolong Pagoda!Tai Chi India! ! !
This time it's not just their Alliance of Gods fighting. According to what they know, this time the God Realm can be described as precarious and full of dangers! !

The little guy didn't wake up until after ten o'clock today. It was already very lively outside, and everyone was busy.

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(End of this chapter)

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