Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1122

Chapter 1122 The Eve Before the Storm ([-]rd)


"Bei Bei, where did you come up with this idea?" Ling Yun asked speechlessly.

Beibei scratched her head, then laughed loudly: "Uncle Chick and the others are best men, and I want to do it too. It must be fun!"


Ji Wushuang's idea?Hearing this, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!

An Qing laughed and pinched her face, and replied: "The best man is a man, girls can't do it, besides, Beibei, you will be a little companion with Sissy tomorrow!"

"Little companion boy? Yes, yes, it must be fun. Do you want to sing?" Beibei blinked doubtfully.

Ling Yun picked her up and replied: "Little Companion Boy doesn't need to sing, you can do whatever you want, and you can dress up nicely tomorrow."

"Okay, okay." Beibei was very excited, and then curled her lips and asked, "Aren't you here tomorrow? I'm so anxious."

Ling Yun couldn't help laughing, rubbed Beibei's cheeks, and said, "Sleep time is the fastest."

Beibei blinked and scratched her head again, realizing that it was true, she immediately acted like a baby.

"I want to sleep, I want to sleep!"

"Okay!" Ling Yun couldn't wait, how could this child not sleep in the middle of the night.

Beibei fell asleep a little too quickly, Ling Yun went out, and found that Ji Wushuang and the others were still drinking, probably they were talking nonsense after drinking and fooling Beibei.

The Haihuang father and son were overwhelmed with alcohol, left the stage early, and went back to the room to rest. Qixian joined in the middle!

Ling Yun and An Qing, who came out later, also participated. In An Qing's words, it was a rare opportunity, but An Qing seemed to be drunk, forgetting the anxiety in her heart.

Ji Wushuang said: "Dijun, thank you for helping us again!"

He was thanking the vast Dao power in the battle with Zhen Wudao. He heard from Ji Wuxue that it was the Supreme God. The latter did it on purpose, and he knew it was the little guy.

"What are you talking about, how much did you drink?"

Ling Yun gave An Qing a glass of mild alcohol, but the latter didn't know, anyway, he drank it anyway, and clinked glasses with Ling Yun in front of them, abusing a single dog.

Ji Wushuang reeked of alcohol, he said slowly, "Just two glasses, not much, really!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched: "..."

The Guapi Emperor laughed loudly: "Dijun, don't worry about the little chicken, he's drunk, drunk, oh..."

A long hiccup, everyone laughed, Guapi Dadi rolled his eyes again and again, speechless: "What are you laughing at? I can't fart anymore?"


This guy is also drunk and talking nonsense, if the little guy and Beibei are around, he can laugh for a long time.

"Drink it, these are rare!" As soon as Ling Yun took out the treasured fairy wine, the beast Raging Tiger ran out, and the two guys still liked it the same, and their mouths were watering.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this the little milk dog who can only bark?" Emperor Guapi joked.

The mythical flame tiger shook its head and tail, enjoying itself, and ignored the melon skin emperor, who picked its tiger's head with his fingers.

"Wow! Come on, woof twice!" Guapi Dadi drunkenly said.

"Wow what woof, go away, dead dog, this beast is the Flame Tiger." The beast Flame Tiger glared at Emperor Guapi, and was so teased that it stopped him from drinking!
Emperor Guapi: "..."

"I said the divine beast, Lord Lieyanhu, you are gone!" The Guapi Emperor sighed, with an expression of interlacing and hurting the tiger.



Ling Yun also said something!
The mythical flame tiger shook its head, its small body arched Lingyun's arm, like a docile little milk dog.

The corner of Guapi Emperor's mouth twitched, and he said directly: "You are too worthless."

Ji Wushuang said: "I must have wanted to drink the emperor's wine at the beginning, so it followed."

The beast Flame Tiger rolled his eyes: "Whatever you say!"

Then it drank it while holding a bowl of fairy wine! !
Qixian looked at them all drunk, and said speechlessly: "You guys are drunk, why don't you get drunk after a thousand cups? You're bragging, the old Dionysus? Drink one hundred in one night? Hehe..."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, this is too ridiculous!
After Long Xingtian took a sip of the immortal wine, he absorbed it instantly, and then curled his lips and said: "So, that was once, do you want to hear why the old Dionysus poured three cups? Do you want to hear the sadness behind him?"

"Ahem..." Ling Yun coughed twice!
Long Xingtian waved his hand, took another sip of the fairy wine, then interrupted Ling Yun, and continued: "If you talk too much, you will cry!"


This time it was An Qing who coughed twice, and Qin Xianglian was right behind him, listening quietly!
Long Xingtian still didn't care, he didn't know what the couple were coughing about!

He said: "In the past, I used to claim that white wine was ten and a half catties, and red wine was poured casually, referred to as Dionysus. I dealt with more than 100 people in one night, injured 30 people, disappeared [-] people, and drunk more than [-] people. Be terrified!!"

The corner of Qixian's mouth twitched, was it exaggerating?Ji Wushuang's eyes widened, as if he had been fooled, even Emperor Guapi pricked up his ears and listened seriously.

Ling Yun smiled and said nothing, Long Xingtian shouldn't be called Long Xingtian, he should change his name to Chuipaotian
Qin Xianglian asked with a dark face, "Really?"

Long Xingtian immediately said: "That's natural, whether it's a life-threatening cup or three bowls of unconsciousness, you must do it when you pour it full!"

Qixian had doubts, he pointed to Emperor Guapi and Ji Wushuang and asked, "Why can't you even drink them down?"

Emperor Guapi laughed loudly: "This emperor is amazing! He can drink!"

"Ha, so is this emperor, you meet your opponent, you meet your opponent!" Ji Wushuang thickened his skin, and almost said that he was invincible in the Twelve Domains.

Long Xingtian frowned slightly and said: "I am! Listen to me, okay!!"

Ling Yun and An Qing looked at each other and smiled, the couple took another sip, signaling Long Xingtian to continue blowing!


"Why did I once be invincible, but I retreated to the mountains? Withdrew from the rivers and lakes? Two catties can't knock them down, and four catties is like this."

Qixian was very curious, and asked again: "Why? Why? What made you change so much? Is it the hatred of taking your wife? Or the killing of your father? Or love?"

Qin Xianglian: "..."

Ling Yun coughed twice again: "Ahem..."

Long Xingtian blew again: "Not at all, want to know?"

He looked at Qixian and sighed: "Brother?"

Qi Xian nodded!
"In the past, Dionysus communicated with you face to face, analyzed my inner world with you, felt my past glory, and uncovered the sadness behind me. Yoyoyo... who is it!"

As he spoke, as he spoke, Long Xingtian's cheek was pinched, and he yelled in pain.

"It used to be brilliant? Was it brilliant there? Are you singing songs every night behind my back? What about your sadness? Why don't I know? Is it especially sad to marry me?"

When he looked back, he was immediately embarrassed, and said: "Wife, take it easy, what's the matter, bragging!"

heard!The corner of Qi Xian's mouth twitched, he had been communicating with a drunk just now?
 The author's new book, bookmark it~ The new book needs support, thank you readers for your votes!

(End of this chapter)

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