Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1123 Discussion

Chapter 1123 Discussion
Ji Wushuang laughed loudly, not pointing it out, that's what happened when he drank too much.

Emperor Guapi said: "It's good to be single, it's good to be single, at least drink as much as you want, without restraint."

Ling Yun was funny, patted the hand of Emperor Guapi, and after Emperor Guapi looked over, he and An Qingxiu fell in love!

"Dijun, you are too bullying. Don't force me. Believe it or not, I will send you invitations tomorrow?" Emperor Guapi's heart was blown violently!
Ling Yun said: "Xin, drunk melon skin, I don't coax anything, if you have the ability, you can sleep alone tonight!"

"Cough cough...Look, is this a human language? Sleep with one? At least two, but... Dijun, the place we went to together has recently brought a batch of fresh goods. Shall we go now?" Gua Pi Dadi raised his eyebrows at Ling Yun, with a look that didn't deserve a beating.

An Qing said: "Dare he?"

"The emperor is so cowardly!"

"Yes! How cowardly!"

Facing the contempt of Emperor Guapi and Ji Wushuang, Ling Yun put An Qing's shoulders on his shoulders and replied calmly: "This emperor is a man with a wife, how can he be like you, looking for fun everywhere, how decent!"

Long Xingtian rolled his eyes, gave a thumbs up and said in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes, you three single dogs don't understand, brother Ling Yun is right, what's the point?"

Qi Xian's face turned dark, he just wanted to drink quietly, why tease him?

An Qing rubbed her teeth, and said coquettishly, "I like you like this!"

Qin Xianglian also imitated An Qing's moves to deal with Long Xingtian!
Emperor Guapi and Ji Wushuang were drinking heavily in anger, it was too cruel!

An Qing gave up a seat to Qin Xianglian and poured him a glass of fairy wine. This kind of fine wine is really not to be missed.

The poor seven gods left the field early. If they knew that the Supreme God Jun Lingyun was not stingy with giving out so much at this moment, he would beat his chest and stamp his feet!

late at night!

In the endless sea outside the God Realm, the main leaders of the alliance army led by Wu Xinhua, the leader of the alliance of the gods, all arrived at an uninhabited island!
Putuo Temple Law Enforcement Hall, Strict Monks, Sanxiu Mountain Pig, Tianhai Pavilion Supreme Elder Liu Taizong, Pavilion Master Duan Wuya, etc...

In the dark night, God's machine is deployed to discuss how to encircle and suppress the God Realm from all sides!
The Ark was dispatched on a large scale, at all costs, to break through the God Realm.

During the discussion, there was a masked man who kept silent, he was waiting for someone!
In a moment!
The clones of Murong Taishan and Shangguan Patriarch arrived long ago!

Only then did the masked man speak: "Here is a piece of information, tomorrow the position of the God Lord, the Taishen Lord will be held to the end. In this way, your action this time will be justified."

He handed it directly to Murong Taishan, who frowned and began to open it!


He widened his eyes, and dropped the document on the ground. When Shangguan Patriarch picked it up, he was so shocked that he was in a daze!
Taishenjun is the ancient Pluto! !
Everyone was full of doubts. After someone wanted to take a peek, the masked man stopped him.

He said: "Knowing too much is not good for you, you will know tomorrow."

After Murong Taishan came back to his senses, he gritted his teeth angrily and his eyes were about to burst into flames. He immediately put away the materials and thanked the masked man.

Different from Murong Taishan's attitude, Shangguan Patriarch was full of laughter, and now it is possible to bring down the Taishen Jun.

What is an angry, a wild laugh?Doutian Zhanzun swept his consciousness, but got a headache, this information actually has a shielding effect.

"I don't know who you are?" Shangguan Patriarch asked after thanking him for a while!
The masked man said: "It's just meddlers, you have such a strong lineup this time, if you can't win the God Realm, you are too useless."

Doutian Zhanzun smiled and said nothing, this person is crazy enough, luckily he is an ally, otherwise he might have a headache, he is the powerful Immortal Emperor Eighteenth in the Twelve Realms, and the masked man is only taller than him.

Wuxinhua gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry, the God Lord doesn't belong to him in the first place. Even if Emperor Fandi falls, it should be our Alliance of Gods who will take over. It should be a matter of course."

"Now that Emperor Nan Wutian is back, can the Divine Lord let him back?" Murong Taishan replied dismissively without even looking at Wuxinhua!

Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were shocked.

Emperor Nan Wutian?
Isn't that the one from the battle of the gods, who hasn't died yet?Come back alive, oh my god, how strong is he!
If Emperor Nan Wutian joins in, the hope of encircling and suppressing the God Realm will increase a little bit, and everyone will be unspeakably excited.

Wu Xinhua nodded, and responded: "Yes, but as Emperor Nan Wutian becomes the God Lord, the Alliance of Gods must be the first sect in the God Realm! Protecting the God Sect!!"

Doutian Zhanzun said: "Don't worry about this matter, we will talk about it after we win the God Realm."

"Yes, this matter needs to be discussed with Emperor Nan Wutian, and we have not informed him, but he will come tomorrow." Shangguan Patriarch said uncertainly.

"For matters related to the God Realm, he will definitely come. He has always been the master of restlessness." Murong Taishan said.

"Let's talk nonsense, how to arrange tomorrow, the premise is agreed, no one can back down!" Hua Wuxin said coldly.

The most feared thing in a group fight is to swarm up at the beginning, and finally escape without any one left.

The masked man said: "I'll give you a piece of advice, press harder!"


"Pressing every step of the way?"

"Not reliable."

Most people disagree.

Doutian Zhanzun frowned, thinking about this sentence all the time.


He slapped the table and laughed three times: "Okay! That's a good idea."

The masked man Jie Jie laughed strangely. He must have a good idea, but he was afraid that he would run into pig teammates who would be ignorant.

Murong Taishan bowed and said: "Why do you explain? This old man is ignorant, please explain clearly!"

The God Realm is just a bunch of old men, and the masked man's idea is to separate them and force Ling Yun to submit!

The final decision is to isolate the God Realm from communication with the outside world, leaving the Supreme God alone and helpless.

After they adjourned, Hua Wuxin sneaked to the God Realm alone!

He is an unlucky person, very unlucky, as soon as he came to God Realm, he met Ling Yun!

Just now, Emperor Guapi was drunk and crazy, and he was going to the lower realm to steal his heart! !

Ling Yun originally wanted to let him go, but An Qing didn't feel relieved, let Ling Yun go and catch him back, the problem of drinking madness can be big or small, and it can't be sloppy.

Emperor Guapi arrived somewhere in the lower realm, near Suzaku City, immediately vomited, and then fell asleep, the air fluctuated, and Hua Wuxin happened to appear here!
And Ling Yun was right next to him, but he still foolishly didn't see it.


When Ling Yun found out that something was wrong, he hid his breath and jumped onto the tree, leaving Emperor Guapi lying on the ground.

"Acridine? Acridine, acridine."

"Isn't this a businessman from the God Realm? Well! Another treasurer of the auction under the moon, Guapi!!!"

"How could he be drunk? Still here?"

Hua Wuxin was full of doubts, and stared at Emperor Guapi with ice-cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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