Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1124 Teasing Hua Wuxin

Chapter 1124 Teasing Hua Wuxin

Since he is drunk and is the friend of Taishenjun, then Guapi Dadi deserves to die, and there will be one less enemy tomorrow, right?

Looking at the handsome face of Gua Pi Dadi, he smiled coldly and then shook his head again!


A trace of killing intent flashed across Hua Wuxin's eyes, and she walked towards Emperor Guapi step by step with her sword in hand.

"How many pieces should I cut him into?"

"Three paragraphs!"

"Hiss... what sword technique should I use to be more decent and make him less painful? How about letting him have a good time before he dies?"

Hua Wuxin stopped, rubbing her chin and talking to herself.

Ling Yun: "..."

It was the first time he saw such a strange person, and he almost laughed. In his memory, this person was Hua Wuxin, the leader of the Alliance of Gods. What did he come to the God Realm for?

"Hahaha, I'm a genius. What kind of swordsmanship do you use? Go over and gently wipe his neck and it's over. Don't fuck with it. This is a stubble. If he wakes up, it will be difficult."

"It's the most decent way to wipe your neck, I'm sorry."

Hua Wuxin raised his sword again and walked towards Emperor Guapi.

Ling Yun frowned, why did he kill Emperor Guapi?Did the two have any hatred, Ling Yun could only make some noise as a last resort.

"Cough cough!"


Feeling guilty, Hua Wuxin heard the sound of coughing, and immediately broke into the void and ran.

Ling Yun's figure emerged, frowning tightly, what's the matter?Do things like Shatter the Void?Doesn't it consume energy?

"Well, you are looking for death yourself, and you want to kill Guapi, so I'm sorry, the emperor has always been kind!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth raised a smile, his five fingers formed into claws, and he grabbed the air, causing the entire void to be extremely distorted.

The corners of Hua Wuxin's mouth twitched as he shuttled through the space, what was he afraid of?Why run?Just when he slapped himself...

A huge twisting force appeared in the space!
"Damn it, it's space turbulence, what's going on? Such a terrifying destructive force!"

The twisting force from all around swept over, the whole space was like broken glass, Hua Wuxin's face was ashes!
Just when he closed his eyes in despair, the surroundings became quiet again.

"Hahaha, let me just say, how could I be so short-lived?"

"Scare me? Look at me with a sword!"

Seeing hope in despair, Hua Wuxin was very terrified, took out his beloved sword, and played a set of sword skills!
This idiot is enough!
Ling Yun could see it clearly, and he suspected that there was something wrong with this strange creature's brain, maybe it was because he drank too much poison.


Hua Wuxin was shocked again. Space turbulence still operates like this?It forms a huge claw, kind of like a dragon's claw!
"En! Could this be a chance? The secret of the Dragon Clan? It seems that I am about to rise!"

"All hardships come with rewards, all hardships come with rewards!"

Hua Wuxin was not afraid but her eyes lit up, and the pupils flashed with intense heat.

Ling Yun: "..."

If Hua Wuxin could see it from the outside, he would know that the giant claws formed by the turbulent flow of space were Ling Yun's hands, and their movements were exactly the same.

"Hello, senior!"

Hua Wuxin said hello seriously!

Ling Yun: "..."

"That's right, I am the one chosen by heaven, the dragon among men and the phoenix among women. Give me your inheritance, and I will surely carry it forward!"

Ling Yun: "..."

This is the first time he has seen such a strange and stupid thing!

With a flick of the index finger of Ling Yun's giant hand, a wave of chaotic energy hit Hua Wuxin, who did not resist at all!

"Senior, have I passed my test?" Hua Wuxin asked, wiping the blood from the corners of her mouth, drips of sweat dripping from the top of her head, she was a ruthless person who was able to keep silent after suffering a lot of pain just now.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and there was a hint of amusement in his heart.

Because he noticed that all members of the Zhizunyu family were ahead, and their purpose was to kill the gods and avenge their ancestors.

"Not bad, boy, you have passed the first level of the test." Ling Yun said in a deep voice, and that tone was completely old.

"Senior!! I'm so excited, forgive me for being excited, I didn't expect me to be able to counterattack!" Hua Wuxin burst into tears.

"If you want to get the old man's inheritance, you still need to pass another test."

"No matter how many tests it is, I will definitely pass it. I believe in myself. I am definitely not a mediocre person. I have had enough of a life of mediocrity."

"Okay, okay, the old man admires a young man like you who is not afraid."

At the same time, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, Hua Wuxin is mediocre?This dead boy is very bad!If you are mediocre, how can you be the leader of the Alliance of Gods and do nothing?hehe…

"Senior, please test it, and tell Wuxin as much as you want." Hua Wuxin actually blinked several times at the giant hand!

Ling Yun had goosebumps all over his body, his grandma's feet, Hua Wuxin actually had a habit of cutting off his sleeves, no wonder he felt that way about Emperor Guapi! !

"Later there will be a door, you go through the past and it will be an illusion, remember it is an illusion, kill everyone inside, this is your test!"

Word down!

In the space, a door appeared!

"I know senior, don't worry, insidious, cunning, ruthless, I will know it, and I will definitely get your approval!"

Hua Wuxin raised his sword and walked in step by step, and then came out to the God Realm, and he really thought it was an illusion!


"All attention."

"Who are you?"

Patriarch Zhizun Yu, Zhizun Huan jumped in fright, and all his mounts were scared away.

Hua Wuxin, who suddenly appeared, was immediately surrounded by the fearless supreme family, but whoever stood in the way of their revenge would die.

As soon as the dark clouds in the sky passed, the moonlight of Zizania radiata shone down.

Hua Wuxin's true face appeared, and Supreme Huan's eyes froze!
"It's you, Hua Wuxin!"

He actually asked in an unbelievable tone, why did the leader of the Alliance of Gods appear here!

Hua Wuxin smiled, and said to herself: "Senior's ability is really unpredictable, and he still knows my name. I won't rise up? Who will rise up?"

The corner of Zhizun Huan's mouth twitched, Hua Wuxin lost his mind?
"Why doesn't this old man know your name!" Zhizun Huan said coldly.

"Then you'll be offended, it's all fake anyway, let the seniors know whether the kid is qualified to be recognized by you."

Hua Wuxin slashed down with his sword, and the monster's sword energy rushed everywhere, and all the members of the Supreme Family were killed before they could dodge in time!
"Ah...Hua Wuxin, you are so courageous. Our holy land supreme family has no grievances with your alliance of gods. Why do you want to kill people!" Supreme Huan's eyes were bloodshot and angry, and his fists contained great power!
I always feel that the Hua Wuxin in front of me is weird, and what I say is like a fool.

Ling Yun casts an enchantment, no one will know everything here, but he watches quietly!

Zhizun Huan hit Hua Wuxin's sword tip with one punch, and the terrifying waves swept around, dazzling and dazzling!

The whole forest screamed one after another, Hua Wuxin suppressed the excitement in her heart, and muttered to herself: "As expected of seniors, the illusion is so real!"

"Illusion? Your mother's illusion." Zhizun Huan kept chasing Hua Wuxin, who kept smiling and dismissively.

(End of this chapter)

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