Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1127 Besieging the God Realm

Chapter 1127 Besieging the God Realm (Second Change)

Everyone's face is serious, is it going to be a big battle so soon?

Ling Yun floated out a military order and said: "Ye Guhong listens to the order. From now on, immediately gather the army and go to the east gate to ambush. If there is any movement, there will be no mercy."

"The minister takes orders!"

Ye Guhong half-kneeled on the ground, received the token with both hands, it was his duty, and then immediately went to gather the army.

Ling Yun frowned, it turned out to be enemies coming from all directions, so he should change his plan slightly.

The others couldn't hear Ling Yun's order to launch again for a long time, and they were in a hurry.


"Don't be in a daze, if you don't make a sound, the old man will go first." Xi Shenzun looked impatient.

"Don't worry, the emperor has his own arrangements."

Ling Yun smiled, and the Thunder Gate suddenly appeared on the ground.

In the seven-stringed room where he meditated in the shrine, he opened his eyes and opened the door of thunder quite unexpectedly. The emperor is looking for him?

"Qixian, come in!"

Ling Yun's voice came up leisurely.

Qixian tidied her hair, patted her clothes, and then stepped into the Thunder Gate, wanting to know what the Taishang Lord wanted him for, and he didn't even think about it.

The gods looked at each other, and looked at Qixian, the fifth heavenly god, who appeared in front of them with doubts on their faces! !
"What is the emperor looking for me for?"

This kind of tone means that the younger brother sees the elder brother!
"There is something for you to do. The God Realm is in trouble today. They have become more courageous. They will make the emperor's wedding day uneasy." Ling Yun smiled and replied.

"who are they?"

"You'll find out later, can you help me with this?"

"It must be, what do you want me to do, you are feeling bored."

"Put it on, don't expose it, rush into the enemy's camp and mess with him."

A mask appeared in front of his eyes, in the words of the little guy, it was dark and dark, and Qixian put it on immediately after answering.

The eyes of the gods are bright, this idea is good, the emperor's tactics are still as awesome as attacking the demons.

"Go, they are gathering!" Ling Yun frowned slightly.

at the same time!

Nan Shenzun and Zhong Shenzun appeared inside the east gate through the Gate of Thunder, then swaggered over, pulled out chairs, and ate melon seeds to confuse the enemy.

Ling Yun arranged [-] heavenly soldiers, and immediately went to the east gate to assist Nan Shenzun and Zhong Shenzun in guarding!
In the palace, Ling Yun was the only one left. He looked at the whole game of heaven and earth chess, with a smile on his lips, murderous intent flashed in his evil eyes, and then he withdrew his soul phantom. Not surprisingly, they couldn't capture the palace.

east gate!

Nan Shenzun and Zhong Shenzun were chatting and bickering about their daily life, they were so happy, the great general of the Far East, Bu Jingfeng, was inside the east gate, waiting for the opportunity, and caught the enemy by surprise.

Outside the God Realm!
In the early morning, God's machine was deployed, and the combined army surrounded and suppressed the God Realm!

The banner of the Alliance of Gods is fluttering with the sea breeze, Doutian Zhanzun is standing on the bow of the ark, the king looks down on the entire east gate domineeringly, and the evil king has not yet appeared.

Nan Shenzun was slightly startled, did the Alliance of Gods come out?There are more than a dozen arks in a row, moored on the opposite side.

Although Hua Wuxin disappeared, she was still unaffected. The Alliance of the Gods was still fierce, beating the drums, and the momentum was huge.

Doutian Zhanzun, the leader of the Alliance of Gods, confronted the [-] heavenly soldiers at the east gate, while Nan Shenzun and Zhongshenzun were the deputy commanders and commanded the heavenly soldiers.

As the main gate of the God Realm, the east gate was paid special attention to by Ling Yun, but there was really no manpower available. With so many enemies on the opposite side, Nan Shenzun swallowed his saliva.

The slogan of the Alliance of Gods, no life left at the East Gate!
The bloody eyes flashed across Doutian Zhanzun's eyes, and he said, "Is there no one in the God Realm? Only two old men are left?"

"Old man, bah, a sip of water can spray you to death. This old man is not old. He is in his youth, but his development is a bit fast." Nan Shenzun retorted his words very shamelessly.

Zhong Shenzun took a sip of tea and sprayed it all over the sky.

"Hahaha, you are old, it's time to retire. I don't understand why you are working for Taishenjun? Is it worth it? Stupid or not, he is not a Mingjun." Doutian Zhanzun looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, with a trace of contempt in his eyes look.

"Who are you? How dare you slander the Lord Taishen. I have never seen you in the lineup of the Alliance of Gods." Zhong Shenzun said displeased. For him, Ling Yun was the one who reshaped his second life. Status matters.

An elder of the Alliance of Gods on the ark said: "Who is he? Don't you know him? Be more careful!"

Doutian Zhan Zun laughed out loud!

When the fog cleared, Nan Shenzun and Zhong Shenzun rubbed their eyes, then squinted at Doutian Zhanzun, more and more shocked!

Follower of Emperor Fan, Doutian of the Eight Great War Venerables! !

How could he be alive, oh my god, how many unknown secrets does the Alliance of Gods still have, and the person who has been declared dead for so many years has returned.

"This... You are not dead, why did you turn against the God Realm again, you were a member of the God Realm back then." Nan Shenzun said angrily, he really couldn't figure it out.

The more he looked, the colder his face became, and the sharper his eyes became. In the end, he was ferocious, glaring at Zhan Zhan Doutian because the latter raised his middle finger.

Zhong Shenzun said: "Old Nan, calm down, Doutian must be trying to provoke us, we must not be fooled."

"Old man bah!"

"Hahaha, I want to see what you can protect today. Today is the great day of the Supreme God. If you like our congratulations, he will like it."

Doutian Zhanzun folded his palms together in front of his chest, behind him an invisible dragon surrounded him, jumping and dancing, and he could see the terrifying power wandering away.

"It doesn't matter how many of you there are, God Realm is not a vegetarian. If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end. Want to ruin the wedding? No way!"

Nan Shenzun slashed out with a palm, layers of air exploded, waves swept over Doutian Zhanzun, the latter smiled lightly, he piled his palms together, the invisible dragon roared, and rushed over immediately.

The drums sounded again, and morale soared!However, the sound of war drums suddenly disappeared, and the ark exploded inexplicably. The Alliance of Gods only saw a black figure passing by, and many people died.

Doutian Zhan Zun didn't care about the fire in the backyard at all!
There was a roar in the sky, and after the thick smoke billowed, Doutian Zhanzun laughed loudly: "It's interesting."

He was quite surprised that this move actually counteracted Nan Shenzun's palm, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he stared at them.

With the confrontation between the two, the battle at the east gate started completely.

The south, west, north, and all walks of life are waiting for the opportunity. As long as there is any trouble among them, it will be a prairie fire offensive, and the flames will encircle the God Realm.

south gate!

Attacked by the remnants of the Demon Gu Sect, they are extremely brave, Putuo Temple is also participating, they don't care about mercy anymore.

When Master Xuanmiao heard in Putuo Temple that Master Xuanzhen had also left Putuo Temple, he was furious and sent disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall to go. There is no need for the God Realm to exist.

north! !
Mo Liancheng committed suicide because he got the news that Queen Yaoyue attended the wedding banquet of Taishenjun. He was really annoyed. He knew from the death point that the two of them were having an affair! !

Ximen's attacking army is the Aquarius Starfield, they are also crazy, Dongfanghong will not let his mother go, the encirclement and suppression of God Realm is an opportunity, an opportunity to prevent future troubles forever!
(End of this chapter)

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