Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1128 Total War

Chapter 1128 Total War (Third Change)

An army of [-] followed, and the army participated in the attack on the South Gate, joining hands with the remnants of the Demon Gu Sect, the strongest old man under the rich emperor, three to one!When he came to kill forcefully, the rich emperor vowed to pay back the blood of the emperor.

There are also several representatives of Diya, who clearly said that they are watching a show, and they will still make a move when the time comes, which shows Diya's ambition!

Jiuchongtian was resting and recuperating. The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor rushed over as soon as the retreat time came out. He could have caught up, but he heard that someone was going to deal with the God Realm on the way.

Therefore, the Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor returned immediately, mobilized the army, and met the sixth heaven's Taiyi Immortal Emperor on the way, and the latter was fighting!
Immortal Emperor Taiyi's opponent, the Emperor of the Seventh Heaven, is like this!

Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor immediately assisted Immortal Emperor Taiyi, and the two teamed up, Ben Rushi was naturally no match, so they ran away.

For the remaining ones in the Holy Land, Murong Taishan and Shangguan Patriarch took the lead according to the plan, and led the Holy Land family to kill the Shrine. Along the way, taking advantage of the city lord's absence, they conquered the major cities!
But Murong Chong and his two daughters returned to Liuxian Palace and did not participate, and no one from the entire Liuxian Palace participated. Chiba's order, keep old lady Fu's spirit for 100 years.

south gate!

Thousands of rich emperors have five arks, and a small one from the Demon Gu Sect. The number of people is beyond the imagination of the Eastern God. There is another boat on the endless sea below the south. It is the monks of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Putuo Temple. There are more than a dozen small Putuo Temples on board. monk.

There was a commotion in the ark, and several arks in a row were destroyed in an instant. It was a man wearing a black mask, looking down at the sky.

He is Qixian, just now he destroyed from the east gate, ready to destroy all the way to the north gate, and then complete the task.

Dong Shenzun secretly gave a thumbs up.

Sanjiu Guiyi said coldly to Dongshenzun who was standing with his hands behind his back: "I'm sorry, the old man's position is different. It's because you have gone too far. It's fine to catch Young Master Biao. You shouldn't kill him, and you shouldn't kill him." The five evil spirits of Scorpio!"

"Three nines return to one, the old man has heard of you, it is better to meet you than to be famous."

"Huh? What are you talking about? I don't know the deity, your cousin? Who..."

Dong Shenzun certainly wouldn't care about such things, so he didn't know about Jin Wuliang yet, but he had heard about the five evil spirits of Scorpio.

"Ask your god master, what an offense, the rich emperor only wants the blood of the emperor to pay the debt, the old man has an attitude of ignoring death today, if you want to block me? Then let's fight."

Sanjiuguiyi's attitude is very clear, to carry out the order of Emperor Fu Wansanqian, he knows that he alone is not the opponent of Taishenjun, let alone whether he is sure to defeat Dongshenzun.

But this time, so many people wanted the life of Taishenjun, as well as his allies behind him. He saw hope, and if it didn't work, they would die together.

Dong Shenzun felt the strong will to fight, he was secretly startled, and made a mistake, how could he stop so many people by himself?

Just one three-nine-to-one is enough for him to have a headache!
What's more, there are also killers from the Demon Gu Sect, if they are attacked during the battle, it will be a disaster. Is the south gate about to fall?

A roar!

"Come on!!"

The battle is about to break out, and the two figures detonate the battle situation! !
Dong Shenzun and Sanjiu Guiyi did not love to fight, they killed all directions, terrifying fluctuations swept all around, the whole battlefield was horrible, blood flowed like a river.

"Those who offend my God Realm, die or surrender!" Dong Shenzun's brow flashed a mark, and there was a halo around his body, his strength was beyond the mark.

The gold-medal killer of the Demon Gu Sect was ruthless, and frowned: "When death is imminent, speak wildly, old man, you are old."

Just as Dong Shenzun thought, he really wasn't one-on-one, and three gold-medal killers from the Demon Gu Sect joined in.


This kind of fight, Sanjiuyi is very unhappy, so he said angrily: "This is a fight between us, who will come? Don't blame the old man for being rude."

His strong fighting spirit now hopes to compete with Dong Shenzun. If even Shenzun can't defeat him, there is no way to kill Taishenjun.

However, if he wins, he regains his true energy, and he may go to the shrine to take advantage of it. When the Taishen Lord is beaten by a group and his flaws are exposed, he will kill him!
Think about it!
A greater fighting spirit suddenly rose in his heart, and he was extremely excited.

Hearing this, Mo Gu Zong Tiexin ruthlessly frowned, he didn't speak, and laughed.

"He will leave it to you, don't let it go."

Then, the three of them rushed all the way into the south gate, trying to break through the southern barrier of the God Realm. Fighting with them were five powerful monks from the Law Enforcement Hall of Putuo Temple, who were as powerful as Master Zhenghe.


Every time it hits the enchantment of the God Realm, Dong Shenzun is terrified. If the bombardment continues like this, it will definitely fall.

support, support...

He needs support, don't brag anymore, why take the overall situation, fuck it, isn't this bullying, what about Qixian people?He started looking around!
Dong Shenzun gritted his teeth with hatred, there was nothing he could do, Sanjiu Guiyi on the opposite side kept fighting with him, and he couldn't get away at all, he retreated and killed him, and knocked him down and affected his progress.


Dongfanghong from the Aquarius Starfield didn't make a move for a long time. His army only had four arks, and they were confronting Xi Shenzun.

Suddenly he received the news that the East Gate was in an emergency, and asked him to rush to support. He slowly directed the army to bombard the heavenly soldiers led by Xishenzun, and then withdrew from the battle at the West Gate.

Encountering Qixian wearing a mask on the way, the Dongfanghong army lost two arks, and he was hurt to death.

Ling Yun's layout at the west gate was abolished, even the sword-shaped formation of the second line of defense was wasted, and Xi Shenzun was afraid of being cheated, so he and the general of Zhenxi Aman stayed at the west gate for the time being.

North Gate!

Mo Liancheng is crazy, he has a lot of troops, all of them have learned the formation technique, each of them has the strength to reach the immortal, there are too many people, he is rushing to the Queen of Yaoyue, with a rhythm of robbing people.

Beishenzun and Zhenbei General Yan were dragged to death, Qixian also came as planned, and quickly retreated after the disturbance.

"Mo Liancheng, you are a good domain master, why do you want to attack the God Realm?"

"Could it be that my god lord has offended you?" General Zhenbei Yan squinted and asked, he spoke while fighting.

Boom! !
"There's so much nonsense, the master of this domain doesn't like him, and the hatred of taking his wife is irreconcilable." Mo Liancheng said displeased, he hasn't done anything yet, it's because of those formations.

Thirty thousand heavenly soldiers?Facing Mo Liancheng's army and the awesome human-shaped formation is to die. In less than 10 minutes, almost the entire army was wiped out. It's really miserable.

Hearing this, Bei Shenzun was dumbfounded?Hate for taking his wife?Why did this statement make Zhenbei General Yan also startled, is there a third party?

"you're so funny!"

Bei Shenzun laughed at him, but he was slapped flying by the latter, missing a single front tooth!
Mo Liancheng got a great opportunity at the fatal spot, but he was not the Immortal Emperor Sixteen Seventeen at the beginning, he was the Immortal Emperor Eighteenth who was at the pinnacle of cultivation base like a rocket.

Dealing with the Northern God Venerable was effortless. Although the Zhenbei General Yan was not good enough, he was fast enough to hold Mo Liancheng.


The north gate fell!

Bei Shenzun swam out of the sea, he didn't believe that the gap was so big, he launched an attack, and fought Mo Liancheng again, this time it was okay, he persisted for six rounds, and then took turns with Zhenbei General Yan.

The two suffered a lot from Mo Liancheng!

In the end, Mo Liancheng's eyes emitted killing intent, ready to end them with one move!
A close call!
Bei Bei, who loves to play, came to the rescue, hiding in the room and sneaking to watch the play.

 Favorite and pay attention, and a few tickets will come, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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