Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1130 Wedding

Chapter 1130 Wedding
At the beginning, the little guy was running around, and everyone was so cute, and Beibei and little Irene were both outstanding, dumb and cute! !

Flower petals bloomed under the sky of the entire shrine, so beautiful that it is not an exaggeration to call it a fairyland. Flocks of birds sang and lingered in the sky to send blessings.

Wherever An Qing walks, there will be a flower growing, with ten miles of red makeup. Only Ling Yun can achieve such a grand ostentation, which is enviable to everyone.

Ji Wushuang lamented that his future weddings should be like this, and he couldn't be sloppy, thinking to himself that Xin Zhao's wedding banquet was rather sloppy!

The little one was still touching the flowers on the ground curiously, and she poked each one a few times to see if there was something special about it!

When Long Yanran asked about her, she said childishly, touching the flowers, hoping they would talk, Long Yanran couldn't laugh or cry.

The divine guards carried gifts from the lower world one by one. Although they did not have the chance to witness the wedding in the prosperous age, their blessings were not lacking.

There is a special master of ceremonies to register in the shrine, and the income of the gift is put into the storage ring, a female fairy emperor is in charge, and the whole scene is orderly.

With Ling Yun appearing!

Everyone stood up and shouted in unison!

"Congratulations, Lord Taishang!"

"Congratulations, Lord God, happy wedding."

"Thanks for the compliment, everyone's hospitality is not good, please return Haihan!"

Ling Yun smiled, drunk all sentient beings, Empress Linglong and the bridesmaids dare not look at them, they are so handsome that they are shockingly handsome, although they don't see their real faces.

Dongfang Rumeng's eyes are slightly red, she also likes the Supreme God, so envious of An Qing, why isn't she the bride.


Ling Yun's consciousness also warned the representatives of the twelve domains, is it okay to make trouble?He will stay with him to the end, but it's not certain whether he will survive or not.

The people in the God Realm, he just smiled at them, and they will shuffle the cards today. A group of people who eat the inside and outside of the food, whether they are too godly or not, will clean up one by one after he completes the wedding.

Ling Yun took An Qing's hand and walked to the high platform step by step. On the latter's white veil, a happy smile appeared.

An Qing's sixth sense is very strong, today's wedding is very wrong, so she held Ling Yun's hand tightly: "Husband, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of? You idiot, I have everything to do with you." Ling Yun's dimples were very intoxicating.

"Thank you!"

An Qing was once again moved by Ling Yun.

Today's wedding will be completed no matter what, this is the first wedding between him and An Qing, so we can't leave any bad things for An Qing.


The little guy is so happy!

Beibei secretly pulled the little guy and little Irene, they want to take pictures, they are talented and beautiful, so what if they don't take pictures! !

An Qing and Ling Yun sang a love song duet, the singing was a match made in heaven, An Qing realized that Ling Yun was better than her, and she had no regrets in loving him in this life.

Of course, there are two small dancers, Little Guy and Beibei, who are indispensable for singing. They danced gracefully and won a lot of applause.

Jingu is still very normal, no one took the lead to make a fuss, maybe it was closely watched by Shenwei, maybe it was waiting for an opportunity, who knows.

The main event is coming, Ling Yun and An Qing's wedding went smoothly to the last stage, according to the etiquette and customs of the God Realm, at this moment they have to drink a cup of wine, and then officially become the empress! !
A glass of wine?
What kind of posture is her parents...

The little guy was staring at her, and she said in a baby voice, "Papa, I want to play like this too."

Long Yanran quickly hugged her, what are they doing with a glass of wine?

"Sissy, let's play again in the afternoon, be quiet now, and don't disturb your parents!"

"Yeah, then...Okay!!" The little guy curled his lips, staring at it all the time, and hated the smell of the wine, so he pinched his nose.

The little guy was still sitting on the crane's back, and he didn't want to come down.

"Hahaha, I'm late, I'm sorry everyone."

Everyone turned their heads and saw a figure leisurely walking over. How dare a certain representative of Tianmen come?It's as if it wouldn't work without him.

Ling Yun waved his big hand, and a word came from the corner of his mouth: "Get lost!"

A gust of wind pressed down, and the broken Thunder Gate on the ground "invited" the elder of the Tianmen out. The exit was the Nine Nether Abyss, and it was estimated that he would not be able to return.

Everyone's mouth twitched!
A certain immortal emperor thought that someone was taking the lead in causing trouble, so he stood up directly: "Dijun, today is your end!"

No one spoke, the Jingu fell silent, the audience was completely silent, this idiot is embarrassed...

The killing intent flashed across Ling Yun's eyes, and a star of divine flames floated out from his fingertips. The immortal emperor broke out in cold sweat, before Ling Yun could make a move!
Emperor Guapi and Ji Wushuang subdued him immediately, as if they didn't exist?How dare you say that.

So that Immortal Emperor was secretly taken away by Emperor Guapi, his cultivation was abolished and he was thrown into the lower realm, life and death?Resign yourself to fate.

In Emperor Guapi's opinion, how could this person not die?If you fall from such a high place, you will be smashed into shit.

Beibei curled her lips, she just couldn't understand the representatives of the twelve domains sitting on the seats, she even ran down and beat them with her small fist.

But she didn't use any power, so a little broken child made everyone laugh.

"Bad guy, bad guy..."

Such a lively day was ruined by them, and Bei Bei was in a bad mood.

Qin Xianglian kept apologizing for her.

"Beibei, go with your sister, don't make trouble if you have nothing to do, go back to Lanxing and put you in kindergarten!" Qin Xianglian patted Beibei's forehead speechlessly, and the latter shook her head and quickly covered it.

"You guys really disappointed this emperor, why can't you wait so impatiently?" Ling Yun muttered to himself, watching with cold eyes, who told him not to kill and see blood today!

Ling Yun really wanted to say something like a grass mud horse! !
What breaks the rules?

He didn't care about it, as long as the wedding with An Qing went smoothly, he didn't mind killing people here.

In the shrine, there was only one God of Fortune present to preside over it, and when he was about to shout a salute, there was a bang bang bang not far away, which stunned everyone!

Ji Wushuang's expression changed, and he said, "Go on, I'll go out and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, he turned into a streamer and flew out alone!

The Sea Emperor's spiritual sense swept away, and he only sensed a dangerous aura, and his other spiritual senses were also limited.

Dongfang Rumeng was really worried for Ling Yun and the others, and the sad look on her face gradually appeared. The old lady Dongfang looked at the discolored sky and muttered to herself: "Fengyunqi, I am also a drag on the emperor."

Some of the people present at the seats shook their heads and smiled wryly, some were silent, some had solemn faces, and some gloated.

The God Realm has finally made a move, and the wait for this moment is a bit long.

Ling Yun frowned tightly, he began to know everything outside, he was looking for death, his layout was broken, he took a wrong step, his fists were clenched for a while!

An Qing held Ling Yun's arm tightly, hoping to complete the wedding, she really didn't want to leave any regrets, it was just a little bit close.

(End of this chapter)

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