Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1131 Defeat

Chapter 1131 Defeat
The little guy blinked and stared blankly on the crane. Long Yanran wanted to hug her, but she refused.

Long Yanran turned to look at Beibei, and the latter's consciousness began to pay attention, she muttered: "Bad guy, hate it!"

It feels like she played the right game just now, but everyone is so fierce.

Qin Xianglian and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, especially Long Xingtian, who was always preparing for battle.

Fa Cai Shenzun was sweating profusely, but still remained calm, and when he was about to say the ceremony was completed, the formation on the edge of the shrine collapsed with a bang.

The Haihuang father and son looked at each other and ran over immediately, also helping to buy some time.

An Qing begged bitterly, and said with red eyes, "Please!"

Ling Yun suddenly smiled and said: "Go ahead, leave them alone!"

Since it is irreparable, Ling Yun simply doesn't care first, later, everyone will die! !

Why was Lingyun's layout completely broken so quickly? ?

Back to 10 minutes ago...

east gate!

Faced with so many enemies, the gods were powerless even if they wanted to, and the heavenly soldiers retreated steadily. Nan Shenzun, Zhong Shenzun, and the Far Eastern General Bu Jingfeng were all beaten by groups.

Doutian Zhanzun joined forces with the six elders of the Alliance of Gods and the tricked Dongfanghong. The lineup is quite large. Nan Shenzun and the others are only three, how can they be opponents.

Although they are not opponents, the [-] heavenly soldiers are not bragging. They resisted desperately and vowed not to take a step back, but they are willing to do what they want.

The east gate was suddenly blizzarded, countless celestial soldiers were melted into snow, and the gate was lost in an instant. The alliance of gods broke through the terracotta continent all the way, attacked the city and looted the land, bloodbathed the gods, and killed countless people!
On a remote island in the Endless Sea, the masked man is here, and in front of him is a picture with the map of the ten directions written on it.

If some people in the Twelve Realms saw it, they would be so shocked that their jaws would drop. It is rumored that the Shifangtu can dominate the battlefield for thousands of miles. It is not a formation, but a peerless weapon.

It can ignore the casting distance, and with a single finger on it, the situation can change color, mountains and rivers collapse, and the void trembles.

Just one breath can form a hurricane in the God Realm, the heavy rain caused the God Realm to vibrate violently, and the blizzard just now was the masked man's secret help.

At this moment, the masked man is watching. On the map of the ten directions is the God Realm, which is extremely clear. The God Realm is the game, and the mountains and rivers and the United Army are playing the chess game, manipulating this big show!

All the rest of the heavenly soldiers who fought at the east gate of the God Realm were petrified, and it was the good deed of the masked man.Pluto?Before his peerless fierce soldiers, he must surrender.

He destroyed Ling Yun's layout, and an unknown powerful opponent behind the scenes appeared. Ling Yun made a mistake, one wrong step, one wrong step!

Everything outside is really chaotic, with corpses everywhere!
south gate!

The three-nine-to-one is not an ordinary thing, the latter has nine arms behind his body, his blood is surging, and his hair is blowing wildly with the wind!

He fought hundreds of rounds with Dong Shenzun, but he was still a little bit behind, and Dong Shenzun temporarily gained the upper hand.

And the masked man doesn't care about the south gate for the time being, it has already been breached anyway!


Xi Shenzun and Zhenxi General Aman walked back and forth, and they all sensed the movement not far away, and they were at a loss for a while.

Should I go to support?

What if they left and Simon was attacked again?

Just as they were thinking, a dark shadow in the sky suddenly covered the sky, like a night!
When everyone looked up, many heavenly soldiers fainted from fright. They were poisonous flying insects, and if they were bitten too often, they would die.dense!


Where did it come from?There will be no such species in the God Realm!
Xishenzun said angrily: "It's Juechen Poison Palace, you run for your lives, Ximen will be lost if you lose it, the emperor will not blame you."

The Great General of Zhenxi, Oman, is alone in charge of the pass, and he faces Du Feizhong alone.

The masked man sneered, this is the poisonous flying insect he just threw into Shifangtu, just one, Shifangtu is really powerful, to help him get so many, enough, the limit.

"Don't be stupid, Aman is back!!"

Bei Shenzun looked at Oman's back with red eyes, how fragile he was at this moment.

"Hurry up, let me stand up!"

"You can't stand it."

"That's right." O'man looked back and smiled, and this smile was imprinted in the mind of God Venerable Xi, becoming an eternal smile that could never go away.


The general of Zhenxi, Aman, resisted for 5 minutes, his strength was exhausted quickly, and he had no choice but to blew himself up in the end!

The huge energy cloud killed a large group of poisonous flying insects. There are masked people around. As long as one of them survives, it will attack again.

Xi Shenzun, who fled to a distance, covered his face and cried bitterly, crying like a child.

The Heavenly Soldiers couldn't escape much, and the remaining poisonous flying insects flew in again, and the same method was staged in turn, all of which would kill the poisonous flying insects by self-destructing to buy time for teammates to escape.

North Gate!

Mo Liancheng took the first step, and there were more than 100 people left in his army. At this moment, he recovered and charged straight into the God Realm, fearless of life and death.

Beishenzun and Zhenbei General Yan came back to rescue the soldiers. When they saw that there were only more than 100 enemies left, they were shocked and laughed at the same time.


A gust of wind blows!


The laughter stopped abruptly, the [-] heavenly soldiers they brought were instantly petrified, and Bei Shenzun suffered an unknown force, his heart ruptured, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Back, there is an ambush!"


Zhenbei General Yan was also injured, he grabbed Bei Shenzun and fled quickly, very embarrassed!

The masked man dismissed them, not to be pursued by the poor, and temporarily released the two of them.

With that loud bang, the combined army broke through all directions of the God Realm and rushed straight to the Shrine!

Just relying on the powerful gods and generals, they can't stop so many enemies at all, and the enemies that follow one after another want to get a piece of the action. In the past, Jiutian watched with cold eyes, which was chilling.

Some of those who came later were killed by Qi Xian!
In less than 10 minutes, the God Realm was defeated except for the east gate, and Qi Qi, the representative of the main force, began to blast and kill the Shang Jing Palace!
Inside the east gate!
According to Ling Yun's order, Ye Guhong, the great general of Zhennan, set up an ambush, and [-] heavenly soldiers invited you into the urn, vowing to kill the alliance of gods and defeat it.

Zhennan General Ye Guhong watched from a distance, and when the Alliance of Gods and the Aquarius army entered the encirclement, he gave an order!

In an instant, swords rained all over the sky, beating the Gods Alliance and them hard. The latter was attacked by the enemy, causing countless casualties, and temporarily managed to kill them.

call out!
call out! !

The Heavenly Soldiers watched the Alliance of Gods and their heads fall to the ground one by one, which was really satisfying.

Dongfanghong, who took the opportunity to sneak in from outside the east gate, was red-eyed, and her subordinates who had finally seized power were killed just like this, and she suddenly burst into anger.

"Who are you!"

"Old man Ye Guhong is the one who took your head, remember!"

(Important notice, it will not be updated tomorrow morning, that is, it will not be updated at 25 am on the 25th, and it will be updated at noon on the [-]th!)

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(End of this chapter)

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