Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1133 God Venerable Lost

Chapter 1133 Deity’s Defeat (Second Change)

Second, Ling Yun is waiting for everyone to arrive, let's have a massacre, he doesn't want to fucking live, and dare to disturb his God Realm, today is his day of great joy.

Thirdly, he must know who is behind the scenes. If he is not killed, Ling Yun is really sorry for the dead soldiers of the God Realm.

Murong Taishan replied: "I'm sorry, Taishang, we made a slip of the tongue, the imperial power contest will not start, this day is just brought forward."

"My emperor's words have always been effective. You guys are going to die. Think this is the best tomb. Feng shui is good?" Ling Yun's forehead is full of veins! !

Facing such a huge force, An Qing turned pale with fright, she hugged the little guy tightly, and the latter was willing to get off the crane's back.

On the ground where the two sides faced each other, a hole was smashed, and after the smoke and dust billowed, Dong Shenzun stood up in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Dijun, I'm sorry, the old man is useless."

Word down!

He threw up a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground!

"Big Brother Dong?"

Bei Shenzun and Xi Shenzun were pale, and they were extremely shocked. Who is so strong, can beat the big brother Dong like this.

"It's Steward Dong!!"

The shock of everyone was no less than that of others. In the eyes of some people, Dong Shenzun is the second in command of the God Realm. Now it seems that the God Realm should change hands after today, and the Taishang Lord is doomed.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor plucked a beard and was thinking about how to resolve it.

Sanjiu Guiyi frowned, he stood in the air, looked at the cloud of black air next to him, and remained silent, he only knew that he couldn't beat it, and he didn't know the origin.

Kill Dong Shenzun as soon as he appeared, interfere with the duel between them, dare not speak out, and almost died in the hands of Dong Shenzun, and don't thank the evil king for asking the crime!
Ling Yun clenched his fists without raising his head! !

He shouted angrily: "The evil king asks you to blame!! You wait for this emperor. After the liquidation, this emperor will make you despair, ignorant ants."

"Jie jie jie jie! It's really crazy, the person who killed this king is still so loud, who do you think is an ant?"

The black air that Xie Wang questioned laughed dismissively, with an undisguised sneer, it's nothing more than a god, he is not afraid of anyone when he asks evil!
He slipped around the Suolong Pagoda and came back, but he couldn't get in the Suolong Pagoda, the formation was too perverted, and none of the ten gods inside were vegetarians, so he had no choice but to come to the Shrine to meet up .

Outside the shrine, he saw the fight between Sanjiu Guiyi and Dong Shenzun. He was so angry that he could only vent his anger on Dong Shenzun, who was really deflated.

Doutian Zhanzun frowned, he was a little curious, why did Taishen Lord know that the cloud of black energy was the evil king's questioning?

Xie Wang looked around the shrine and found the little ones, but he looked at An Qing, why did he feel a little familiar, who did he look like? ?
A fiery red figure fell from the sky!

When the two sides confronted each other, a burst of violent sand was thrown up, Nan Wutian stood on both feet, appearing domineering, the dust and sand were like raging waves.


Everyone only felt his terrifying aura, not angry but mighty!

As soon as he came, he looked around and taunted Dong Shenzun on the pit, saying: "Tsk tsk, it's really embarrassing, hahaha, but this emperor is just watching the fun, you go on, don't say hello, I'm just a soy sauce."

"It's really Emperor Nan Wutian, he's back!!"

Many people present trembled and stared wide-eyed.

God Emperor Martial Ancestor just said shit!

Nan Wutian?
he is not dead?Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he stared at Nan Wutian intently, the danger of the shrine is tricky.

Dongfang Granny and Dongfang Rumeng were also shocked.

You Yue has unknowingly stood by Ling Yun's side!
The little guy broke free from An Qing's arms, ran down and tugged at Ling Yun's clothes, and said softly, "Papa, don't be angry!"

not angry?
Ha ha…

Then he is not Ling Yun!
They have all come to him, and they are still not angry. How dare this group of ants shake the sky!
"An Qing, take them away, don't come here, stay well, don't move around."

"Sissy, Beibei, little Irene, follow me, don't run around!" Although An Qing was obedient, she was still very worried that Ling Yun's fists would be hard to beat with four hands, and everyone on the opposite side was a famous big shot.

Little Irene shook her head, her father and grandfather were both captured, she couldn't leave them behind.

The little guy muttered, not realizing the seriousness yet!
The evil king has always been looking for an opportunity to inquire about crimes. He saw the little guy, the ancient artifact Tai Chi seal, it's been a long time! !

With so many people, Shangguan Patriarch was full of confidence, and he said bluntly: "Great God, your position as God Master has been abolished!"

Ling Yun asked amusedly: "Abandoned? Why? What do you say? What rubbish!!"

"Hahaha, why? Do you have the guts to say it? Today, more than half of the people in the God Realm have agreed to your right to be dismissed. If people in the God Realm follow your orders again, they will be helping Zou to abuse you, and they will kill you without mercy."

"You insist on telling the old man one by one? It will make you lose face!!" Shangguan Patriarch retorted, his tone was a bit like an elder teaching a junior!

Murong Taishan said: "The farther ones are settled one by one. Let's talk about the recent ones first. The tragic death of Zhizunyu in the Holy Land, was it your fault? Did you kill Brother Gongsun? Is there any love?"

Ling Yun laughed loudly, it's really funny, if you don't die, you won't die, who is to blame!

"Really!" Murong Taishan questioned!
"Is it!!" Shangguan Patriarch asked again!
boom! !

A few figures fell, namely Nan Shenzun, Zhong Shenzun, and the Far East General Bu Jingfeng. They were killed by the evil king again. The latter was angry and went to the east gate to torture the seriously injured They throw it.


The god was defeated again, and the enemy was so terrifying that many city lords were already preparing to stand in line.

"Lao Nan, Lao Zhong! Fuck, this is going to wipe out the whole army, the emperor is watching you."

God Master Xi came back from helping the God Master East who had lost consciousness to death just now, and saw his brother being abused, so he immediately peeked at Ling Yun speechlessly, not knowing what the latter was thinking.

Guapi Da was outside the shrine, saw the evil king questioning them, and the latter held Nan Shenzun and the others, and immediately made a move against Zhan Xie king, and came back after suffering a little injury. There was no need to fight, and there were more and more opponents.

After he came back, he knew that something had happened completely, so he stood on the side of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor and did not participate in any fights, that is, he would not help anyone.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor whispered to Emperor Guapi: "Boy Guapi, what's going on? How long has this emperor been in seclusion? You've caused so much trouble? It's very tricky. Nan Wutian's strength is unfathomable. I'm afraid of the emperor. Not an opponent, is their family doomed?"

In this battle, the Martial Ancestor God Emperor said that he was not afraid, it was all false, he was not sure to fight, and he didn't dare to persuade him, he could only wait for the change, wait for the opportunity, and be ready to assist Ling Yun at all times.

"You'll find out later."

Emperor Guapi sighed, what should he say?He doesn't understand the specifics, but it's a big tree to attract the wind, and the identity of the king of the underworld is not allowed to be dark!
(End of this chapter)

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