Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134 confrontation (third)

Anyway! !
He, Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Taiyi Immortal Emperor should observe first, he is nothing, once the identity of Pluto is revealed, then the real blood will flow like a river, looking at the twelve domains, who can fight Pluto.

When the identity is ready to be revealed, what kind of expressions will these people in front of them have?
He is looking forward to...

Seeing this, Ling Yun smiled playfully: "I'm very proud of you, if you have time, hurry up and show it off, and you won't have a chance in the future."

The god is defeated!

He is the protagonist, as long as he is there.

The corner of the melon skin emperor's mouth twitched, the emperor still likes to pretend so much!

Xi Shenzun stepped up and said angrily: "Enough, the two seniors of the Holy Land, have you had enough trouble, what happened to Senior Zhizunyu is entirely his own fault, no wonder, you are also responsible for what happened to Senior Gongsun and Senior Mo! "

If Murong Taishan hadn't promised Ling Yun to fight against the latter, they would not have met Lei Nu together!
Ling Yun took out a few elixirs, flicked them lightly, and there was a burst of golden light in the mouths of the gods who landed on the ground, and then they could get up one by one, the supreme-level elixir is not just blowing!

Everyone was excited to see that the Taishang must die, so that those pills belonged to them. Thinking about it made me excited.

Nan Shenzun and the three of them knelt down, kowtowed to Ling Yun, and pleaded guilty again. They disappointed Ling Yun, the east gate fell, and thanked them for their kindness. thing.

"Hmph, I'll scold you later!" Patriarch Shangguan glared at the Western God Venerable. It was a great shame that the seven Death God Venerables actually let an ancient devil who everyone got and punished be their god master.

If it wasn't for the decision of the gods, how could his three friends who had been fighting openly and secretly for many years die?

Xi Shenzun stared!
What qualifications does the Holy Land have to count them down?Be silly!
"Where's the supreme family? Why did they die? Wouldn't the Lord Taishang tell you about what happened a few hours ago?" Murong Taishan frowned, quite surprised that Lingyun didn't look scared at all.

"Please start your performance." Ling Yun shook his head, why did he explain?It's not like he killed people, there's nothing wrong with it.

"Fellow daoists, please listen to this. The Supreme God Lord killed my friend Supreme Jade, and also his family members. The whole family almost died tragically." Murong Taishan glared at Ling Yun.

And a young man emerged from behind him, he was Zhizunwen, he had been cultivating in a certain sect in the God Realm, and he was notified this morning that they all died in the Supreme family.

He clenched his fists and cried bitterly to the crowd: "This hatred, this hatred, I am different from the Supreme God. Today I swear here, even if the mountains and rivers collapse, the blood is splashed into ashes, and the sun and the moon are wiped out, I will repay this!" hatred."

The gods were full of anger when they heard it. There is no evidence to say that the supreme family was killed by the Supreme God.
A certain immortal emperor in the Twelve Realms clapped his hands and shouted: "Okay, okay, I will be the first to support you. You are an inhuman God Lord. The God Realm doesn't need it. Let's fight against the God Realm and the God Lord together!"

All the gods looked at it together, but he still dismissed it!
"Honest!" Dongfang Rumeng contemptuously said, the one who spoke just now was the person who had been praising Taishenjun and An Qing as a match made in heaven, it was so fake.


Speak wild words!

If Ling Yun doesn't kill him, who will he kill! !

A shimmering sword energy caused his head to be decapitated, and it was kindness not to let him suffer so much. The people around the latter kept backing away in fright, with a hint of fear in their hearts.

"Haha, he's angry. Did you see that he's still crazy in front of us? I'll let you know what it's like to die later." The gold medal killer of the Demon Gu Sect said heartlessly. His face was full of flesh, like Ling Yun. The one who killed was his dearest and dearest.

"Kill chickens to scare monkeys? Will we be afraid? My God, you think too highly of yourself. Are you too happy today? If you don't see the situation clearly, you're already at the end of the world." A certain person said.

The gods looked contemptuous, and the old man Nan Shenzun spat, which made the little guy laugh out loud.

"Big words!" Xi Shenzun stared at the people opposite him. In his eyes, how many people opposite him were scum, as long as the Supreme God was serious, it would not matter.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, many people laughed, who is not ashamed?

Zhi Zunwen roared up to the sky again: "It's not that we commit crimes below, but that the Taishen Lord is ruthless and ruthless, slaughtering our family! I want to use my fighting style to tell everyone here that I want to sacrifice the blood of the Taishen Lord The dead souls of my supreme family members!"

"Haha! The emperor's blood? Are you really kidding me?" Ling Yun smiled sincerely, the reason is really high-sounding!

Everyone howled passionately, the militants who said this were excited and their morale soared!
"That's right, our Holy Land will use blood today to tell the Supreme God Lord and the God Realm that we are rebellious, for no other reason, the Supreme God Lord is not a Ming Lord." Murong Taishan's words once again pushed morale to a climax.

"Since it's rebellion, let's fight!" The revived Dong Shenzun said angrily, he can still fight, the Holy Land is already an enemy, so don't worry about it so much.

"Wait... You keep saying that this emperor slaughtered the supreme family? This emperor has no blood on his hands, so don't put other crimes on this emperor and confuse the world's eyes." Ling Yun said.

"It wasn't you? Who could it be? A family died tragically, they were too impulsive, hey..." Shangguan Patriarch looked heartbroken, and everyone had already begun to believe him.

"Hahaha, so that's the case. What can I say? Then what do you want me to say?"

Ling Yun is speechless, he shouldn't have said that sentence just now, when they believe that you did it, no matter how you try to explain it, it will be futile, the explanation is just a cover-up.

But what...

The catastrophe of extermination of the Zhizun family is indeed inseparable from him, but he didn't kill it, the murderer was Hua Wuxin!

"Wrong wrong wrong..."

Nan Shenzun stood up, the fact is not like this, how can he slander the emperor for everything?The latter is too hot! !

Dong Shenzun said angrily: "What the hell is your Holy Land? Do you want revenge? Find an alliance with the gods, the culprit for the tragic death of the supreme family is Hua Wuxin!"

"Even Hua Wuxin, many people know about this, right? Jiang Bielong?" Nan Shenzun stared at Jiang Bielong, the lord of Suzaku City, who did not speak.

Doutian Zhanzun's eyes froze, it doesn't feel right to listen to the words, Hua Wuxin?They couldn't find it either, could it be that he did it!

"Impossible, Hua Wuxin is the leader of the Alliance of Gods, how could he do such a thing!!" Shangguan Patriarch said angrily.

Bei Shenzun laughed and said, "Don't believe me? Just take a look, where is Hua Wuxin from the Alliance of Gods? Let him come out."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, yes!What about Hua Wuxin? ?
Can't find it?

The gods were secretly delighted in their hearts.

 Please vote for the new book more, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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