Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1135 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 1135 The Unexpected Person (Fourth Change)

Everyone began to wait for a while, and it was too late to see the person who spoke about the Alliance of Gods, that is, Doutian Zhanzun had nothing to say.

"Doutian, are you dumb? Tell me, Hua Wuxin!" Nan Shenzun said.

Doutian Zhan Zun: "..."

"Because he died together with the Supreme Family's Seven-Star Destroyer Formation, and the corpses are just outside Suzaku City. The old man keeps all their corpses. They are about to be cremated. Who knows that something has delayed them."

Dong Shenzun spoke leisurely, this time we can win the round, let them be embarrassed!

Murong Taishan shook his head, he still didn't believe it, and shouted: "Hua Wuxin, where are you, come out!"

heard!The gods laughed!

Old man Murong Taishan is really funny!
"You've seen it too, Jiang Bielong!! Speak up, you're the city lord." Xishenzun questioned Jiang Bielong, who had remained silent all this time, the latter shook his head, his eyes flickered strangely, and Ling Yun caught his eye.

Ling Yun said: "That's enough, don't talk about it, the emperor recognized it, you won, the emperor killed the children of the supreme family, it has nothing to do with Hua Wuxin."

Hear it!

Everyone was extremely shocked. The Taishen Lord was insane, so he wanted to kill them all?
"Dijun, don't be stupid." Nan Shenzun was taken aback, it was clearly Hua Wuxin, why did he admit that it would have a great impact on the position of the God Lord.

"That's right, the old man just said that he did it, God Lord? You are so dignified and unworthy!!" Murong Taishan said angrily, and hearing Ling Yun's confession with his own ears, he was furious.

Zhizun Wen's eyes exuded a strong killing intent, and the vision in front of him gradually turned scarlet, a scene of blood staining the sky.

The seven gods are puzzled!

Even Martial Ancestor God Emperor and the others are at a loss!

The old lady Dongfang shook her head, she couldn't see through it, but she was extremely vigilant and found something abnormal outside the shrine.

Just when they were talking about it!
There was an explosion in the shrine, several palaces were destroyed, and corpses were sent flying.

It's Shenwei!
The captain of the guard was also there, and there were thirteen corpses in total, all of whom died in battle.

"Vulnerable, is this the shrine? It's really spectacular, but it's a will cease to exist after today."

The shocking words came from far to near, and everyone slowly saw the approaching figure clearly!
The League of Gods was overjoyed just hearing the voice!

Suddenly smelling a fragrance, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, it was Hua Wuxin!
Leader of the League of Gods!

The gods wiped their eyes and called out the impossible, Hua Wuxin was clearly dead!
Ling Yun smiled wryly, Hua Wuxin was not Hua Wuxin, this was the reason why he admitted to killing the supreme family, once Hua Wuxin appeared, it was confirmed that the gods were lying, and the result was the same.

He just sensed that Hua Wuxin's body was taken away, and she took advantage of the chaos to kill Shenwei outside the palace. To be honest, he was also very surprised.

"I seem to have heard someone calling me just now? Is it my illusion?" Hua Wuxin chuckled, not a mother at all.

"Are you willing to come?" Doutian Zhanzun said at this moment, his face was slightly displeased, no one was seen during the battle, and the truce appeared again, why don't you be late.

"Hahaha, there are a lot of people. I'll make it easier for you. I'll fill up some corpses for you as soon as I arrive. It's fine if you're late."

Hua Wuxin laughed and acted very well, except for Ling Yun, no one could tell that Hua Wuxin was taken away and reborn, and she deserved a beating in that embarrassing manner.

The Great Emperor Nan Wutian watched quietly in mid-air, this kind of situation is only interesting, behind him is the three-nine-to-one, and he is waiting for the latter!Take turns to ask Taishenjun to explain.

"Are you really Hua Wuxin?" Bei Shenzun asked questioningly, his tone was very disbelieving, he inspected the corpse, if Hua Wuxin was really alive, wouldn't it be slapping him in the face!


It's already a slap in the face at this moment!

"What? Is the god blind?" Hua Wuxin walked slowly to the Alliance of Gods.

this time!

The people of the Alliance of Gods noticed a little bit that the leader in front of them had changed a little bit, and it was hard to explain why.


The several gods were at a loss for a moment, and they looked up and down Hua Wuxin with their spiritual sense. After confirming that it was him, they really didn't know how to deal with it.

"While I'm not here, you actually wronged me? What kind of supreme family died tragically? It's none of my business, it's really funny, funny, what do you think? Great Lord?"

Hua Wuxin actually dared to pass by Ling Yun, whose hands were filled with lightning!

not good!

Doutian Zhanzun shouted: "Be stupid, leave!"

Everyone watched without blinking!

When Hua Wuxin looked back, he was pinched by Ling Yun's throat, and his whole body was laxated with a hand full of lightning power.

"Damn it... how could you have such a powerful force?" Hua Wuxin was in a panic, she didn't care at first, so what if she choked her?He also has a way to escape!


Even with such a slap in the face, he couldn't escape Ling Yun's right hand!

"You still dare to walk in front of me? Tell me, who gave you the courage." Ling Yun's eyes were full of killing intent, but at this time, Hua Wuxin came to the door, and he was still embarrassed?
Doutian Zhanzun immediately stepped forward to rescue him. Under the terrifying fluctuations, Ling Yun kicked his martial arts. At the same time, several members of the Alliance of Gods went up to join hands with Ling Yun.

"Want? Give it back to you!"

Ling Yun released the thunder and lightning sword energy into Hua Wuxin's body. The latter stood on the ground in pain, his face suddenly flushed, livid, and pale!


"Get out of the way, I'll suppress what's in his body." A cyan ray of Zhan Zun Doutian entered Hua Wuxin's body, trying to confront Ling Yun's power.

"Jie Jie... Interesting!"

When the evil king questioned the crime, a trace of black energy drifted in... The result! !



boom! !

Everyone's scalps were numb, Hua Wuxin was pierced by the sword energy drilled out of his body right in front of their eyes, repeatedly piercing him to death, countless sword energy entangled him, as if he would never stop dying!
Hua Wuxin is dead, a certain ancient character has just been reborn, how funny!
Doutian Zhanzun was dumbfounded, why?

The evil king was also at a loss when he asked the crime, and became silent.

"Damn it, you killed our leader!"


Many elders of the Alliance of Gods glared at Ling Yun, they chose to die and rushed forward!

"Don't fucking act rashly!"

Doutian Zhanzun said this a bit late, many elders were shocked to death by Ling Yun's palm, they were all scum, without any effort.

"The devil!"

Everyone's scalp was numb and their hairs were terrified. This kind of Lingyun really made their immortal emperors of the twelve domains terrified.

Beibei stared wide-eyed, and said directly: "It's amazing, Beibei wants to learn."

An Qing actually laughed. She touched the heads of Beibei, the little guy, and the little Irene next to her, and said softly: "Study hard, it will be your era in the future."

"Yeah, yum!"

The three little guys nodded frantically.

"He is a god-lord. He is super powerful. Don't act alone without orders. We are here to kill him in groups. We are not single-handedly individualistic and competitive."

Doutian Zhanzun said displeasedly, his eyes became cold, and he went up one by one, what's the difference between sending him to death, it's a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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