Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136 Courting Death (Fifth Change)

Everyone nodded in unison, this statement is reasonable, Taishen Jun is too perverted, this matter has to be taken slowly, they have a lot of people, don't be afraid.

"Are you cowardly?"

Ling Yun smiled!
Shangguan Patriarch said: "No hurry, God Lord? I called you for the last time, and the acquaintance point will hand over the Supreme Command."

Murong Taishan said: "You really don't cry when you see the coffin? Don't forget, your situation, who is behind you? Resign quickly and hand over the Supreme Commander."

Hearing this, Ling Yun's eyes froze instantly, does this count as a threat to him?Killing chickens to warn monkeys has no effect, it seems that we must kill them all, and clean them up one by one!

Dong Shenzun said: "Go away, a bunch of wolves, the Supreme God will not resign."

"If I had known, I should have killed their two old dogs last time at Shenfeng, so as not to be beeping now." Nan Shenzun let out another yell.


Murong Taishan and Shangguan Patriarch Qiqi snorted coldly, a hint of coldness appeared in their eyes instantly.

The strict monk of the five monks of Putuo Temple took a step forward and stopped their conversation, saying: "Wait a minute, don't rush to talk about the affairs of your God Realm, the Supreme God Lord Benefactor, you should know what the little monk said to come here, right?"

"You are not a good thing. You came to annoy me one by one. I was in a bad mood that day, so I killed you." Ling Yun frowned, and it was Putuo Temple again, endless, can you save one?Even if it is destroyed, he is not a benevolent person.

With one stroke of divine light, four monks died. Strictly the monk must be patient with his junior brother. Don't act rashly. Blood revenge will be avenged sooner or later!

Dong Shenzun just wanted to ask, why didn't the Shura monk from Juewu Temple come?
next moment!
After calling Amitabha, Monk Shura, Master Xuankong and Master Xuanzhen came immediately. There was a reason for their late arrival. They saved many people in the lower realm and killed many intruders.

Monk Shura spoke in a Buddhist tone: "Sins, sins, are all the Buddha's fault!"

"You have committed evil, get out quickly, the God Realm shouldn't be caused by you."

"Alas..." Master Xuanzhen sighed again and again!
The actions of Putuo Temple are nothing more than Master Xuankong and Master Xuanzhen leaving one after another, and indirectly it is the fault of the Buddha, the Supreme God!

Since the founding of the God Realm, only this war has been raging, with countless casualties and the most serious.

"You guys? Oh... senior brother!!" Monk Strict began to salute as soon as he saw Xuanzhen!
"Brother, it's good that you come, and I will go back with the monk later."

Master Xuanzhen shook his head, and said: "All this is voluntary by the old monk, and it has nothing to do with anyone. Why are you killing so much? Forgive the old monk for his ignorance, my Buddha!"

The strict monk was stunned...

The other four were also dumbfounded, looking at each other in blank dismay, what's going on?Brainwashed again!
"Brother, follow us back, Senior Brother Xuanmiao is waiting for you!" A certain monk said at the same time.

"Amitabha, go back? Yes, but it's just a farewell. After this calamity in the God Realm is over, I will go back." Master Xuankong replied.

He wasn't worried that there was nothing the Supreme God could do. For such a powerful patriarch of all Buddhas in ancient times, the people in front of him were all scum. Out of sympathy, they came to stop the killing.

Only he knows the identity of Taishenjun, so powerful, once it is exposed, he can command the Twelve Domains.

If you don't go back and make it clear, the fearful Putuo Temple will not let it go, so Master Xuanzhen and the others are very clear about this, and the arrival of the strict monks this time is very clear.

Leaving Putuo Temple to practice is really to seek higher Dharma, to pursue the Dharma in the heart, and I don’t want to see Putuo Temple and Taishenjun as enemies. The latter is the true Buddha.

"My former buddhist friends, let's stop here, Amitabha, let's go, let's listen to what I have to say."

Master Xuankong bowed and said, he really does not want to be an enemy of Putuo Temple, nor does he want to participate in this chaos in the God Realm.

If the other side is obsessed with obsession, they will not just watch. They are needed here, and justice also needs them.

The Supreme God is righteous, so many people on the opposite side, in order to persecute the Taishen's family, aggressively attack the God Realm and cause war, they are sinners! !
"Smelly monk, go away and settle your matter slowly. Let us force the Taishen to retreat, otherwise nothing will happen." Shangguan Patriarch said displeased, always Amitabha, before seeing their Putuo Temple, now, hehe …

Just as he was speaking, a figure as fast as lightning suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yun, and a sword pierced into Ling Yun's chest!

"The wind has no movement, the ground has no shadow, and the sword in your hand walks invisible!"

Everyone was dumbfounded!The person who made the shot was the inconspicuous Zhi Zunwen, whose eyes were bloodshot and his body was so imposing, he even succeeded in assassinating Ling Yun even if he had the courage to assassinate Ling Yun.

The pupils of the gods flickered and shouted: "Emperor!!"

"Brother Ling Yun!" Long Xingtian's legs were shaking in fright. If Ling Yun died, they would not be able to live, so they were also very nervous.

"Ling Yun!" An Qing's eyes turned red, and she covered her eyes, unable to believe it!
"God Lord?"

Several city lords spoke subconsciously!
"My Buddha?...!" Master Xuankong was about to say it again, but when he realized something was wrong, he shut up again!
"Fuck, the emperor is finished?" The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was dumbfounded.

Immortal Emperor Taiyi frowned. If that's the case, then he is not the Supreme God. The latter will not be careless.

The little guy covered his eyes and laughed, this kid treats everything as a joke.

"Handsome Shumai will be angry." Beibei shook her head, she simply sat on the side and ate some fruit.

"Trash! Haha." Doutian Zhanzun has no fighting spirit at all, such a rubbish Taishenjun?It can also be attacked by people in this situation, which is really rubbish.

Was killing Hua Wuxin exhausted just now?Or pretend?
The evil king frowned when he questioned the crime, that's all?not enough!At the very least, Taishenjun must be hacked into pieces in order to relieve the hatred.


He didn't look at Ling Yun, but secretly glanced at Mo Liancheng. The two nodded in tacit understanding. No one knew that Mo Liancheng had quietly left.

Just when the villain was triumphant, Ling Yun shook his head, he was just an ant, he wouldn't be able to hide.


Before the Supreme Wenjian could be pulled out, the whole body was pierced by countless divine lights, piercing through thousands of holes, and the thief died miserably!
Doutian Zhanzun nodded, that's right, but injured?still?
I go!

Immediately, he widened his eyes, why is Taishen Jun not bleeding, is he dazzled?

Nan Wutian frowned and asked the same question as the evil king asked, and muttered to himself: "Ancient supernatural powers!"

Murong Taishan snorted coldly and said: "You have seen it, this is the Supreme God, he is so powerful, but he can't tolerate a junior's rude sword against him!"

He didn't say that he killed Hua Wuxin, but now that a junior from the supreme family died, the old dog Murong would babble.

Ling Yun: "Old man, are you joking?"

The gods all despise it, what kind of talk is this, can it be slaughtered by others?

(End of this chapter)

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