Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1138 1 Sword Kills No Way

Chapter 1138 Killing Wudao with One Sword (Seventh Change)

Only when she and Ji Wushuang teamed up can they fight Zhen Wudao [-]-[-]. Ji Wushuang faced it alone just now, and she was lucky if she didn't die. There was also a demon Shura and several holy land family heads.

Holy shit! !
Zhen Wudao couldn't escape even if he wanted to, Ling Yun grabbed his arm and squeezed it hard, it shattered!


With such a pitiful cry, Patriarch Shangguan and Tie Xin Wuqing all shot together, all punches!

Ling Yun broke through with a backhand!

Murong Taishan attacked again.

Zhen Wudao took the opportunity to break his own arm and fled. Ling Yun's figure reappeared, and Zhen Wudao was knocked down again, with no power to fight back!
This time Doutian Zhanzun can only stop Ling Yun's move!
"Presumptuous? Lord God, when our alliance doesn't exist?"

Tie Xin ruthlessly said: "Your life, your blood, we like it!"

The golden knife son-in-law laughed, as long as there are them in the Demon Gu Sect, revival is inevitable, the premise is that the emperor must die, no matter what the cost.

At this moment, Ling Yun is the power of the Supreme God. Although the phantom of the soul wants part of the power, he is still fearless and kills all the way!
What the hell!

Emperor is crazy...

This is what some of the city lords said in their hearts. It was the first time I saw the Taishen Lord chasing and killing a person so relentlessly. What did he do?
"One arrow pierces the sky!"

Xie Wendong took Ling Yun back a step with an arrow, but the arrow was still blocking Ling Yun's steps, and the latter frowned. What kind of power is this? It's a bit strong.

"My Lord, stop!"

Xie Wendong is about to shoot the second arrow at Ling Yun, and the power of his heart-piercing arrow, I don't believe the Supreme God can block it!

"Xie Wendong, what are you doing?"

Dong Shenzun immediately went to stop him. His power was not passed down from the arrow god to his opponent, so the latter shot an arrow through his heart and killed Dong Shenzun. The arrow pierced his chest, and everyone laughed.

"Big Brother Dong!!"


"It's not true!"

Several gods stared wide-eyed, their mouths trembled, and their footsteps were shaky!

Master Xuanzhen and Master Xuankong sat cross-legged and chanted together: "Amitabha, sin is sin!"

The moment Dong Shenzun fell down, the corner of his mouth was bleeding and he said to himself: "I'm sorry, the old man is still useless, always dragging his feet, and disturbing."

The God of Wealth began to take out the elixir again, taking out the most valuable money, but Ling Yun's feet were frozen by the old man, and he couldn't move a step.

Bei Shenzun said: "Get rich, is there any?"

"Get rich!"

"What's the rush!"

Emperor Guapi walked over and pointed to the shy little guy, who scratched his head very cutely.

The god's eyes lit up, the little princess must have the Heaven-Defying Pill, so that the big brother Dong can be saved.

Nan Shenzun pointed at Xie Wendong angrily: "Bastard, who are you helping? We are from the God Realm and have always been representatives of justice!"

Xie Wendong said with a righteous face: "The enemies in the world can never be killed. The purpose of my existence is not to kill people. I will never work for anyone, and I will never help any force. I am the descendant of the arrow god. I have always only helped the heavens, too. The Lord of God is no longer the Lord of God."

"What is the law of heaven? Why did you shoot Boss Dong with an arrow just now?" Nan Shenzun questioned.

"As you can see, Taishenjun ignores the way of heaven, he is not a Mingjun, there is no way to chase and kill, and he doesn't listen to persuasion!" Xie Wendong replied without any regret.


The mouths of the gods twitched!
The city lord was dumbfounded, what is the reason for this, what do you say?Tiandao didn't say anything, it's silly.

Ling Yun was angry, and the terrifying force shattered the arrow, and all the fragments of the arrow pierced Zhen Wudao, who screamed again and again.

He just couldn't figure out why he was chasing and killing him, but he didn't have the power to fight back!Are you scared?should be!

So he sealed off his own perception, hearing, sight!

Deal with Ling Yun based on feeling!

Ling Yun sent Xie Wendong back with a sword aura, and Doutian Zhanzun made another move, very annoying!

"court death!"

At the same time, a huge power surged upwards from Ling Yun's fingers, and the power that had been simmering for a long time finally came.

The power is like nine layers of oceans, like three universes, so vast that no one can resist, it is a red evil sword aura, soaring straight into the sky, red all over the sky!

A sword embryo imprint appeared between Ling Yun's brows, which was a sword-shaped symbol, which flashed red, and then his finger sword instantly slashed down.

The sky is full of red, endless sword energy emerges, criss-crossing, smashing down the shrine, and cutting down the countless clones of Zhen Wudao. The destructive power is extremely strong. They resist with all their strength, and there are sword marks all around.


There was a sudden sound of spurting blood, and the power of the truly innocent countless clones was directly crushed by Ling Yun's terrifying evil sword energy, and the whole person was shocked back again and again, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body was shattered.

"No! I'm the domain master, so you can't be that strong?"

Dead, he still doesn't want to believe it, he is the domain lord, Ji Wushuang was defeated by him so badly, why did he die in one move of Taishenjun's sword technique!

The evil king laughed out loud when he questioned the crime, which is interesting. Although many people were killed by this sword, what does it have to do with him?
The old man's eyes flashed with shock!

Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Taiyi Immortal Emperor trembled at the sight, killing the domain master with a single sword, it is still rumored that the strongest avatar is Zhen Wudao!
Youyue became a nympho, obsessed with Dao Lingyun at this moment! !

The masked man on the island frowned slightly, and then he was planning something, with a mysterious smile on his lips.

All the gods gave a thumbs up, cheering for Lingyun, shouting along with the little guy and Beibei!

"Papa, come on."

"come on."

"Dijun is awesome, come on!"

Bei Shenzun secretly made friends with the little guy, he smiled and said: "Little God Lord? Little princess?"

"Grandpa is good, aha."

"Hehe, everything is fine, do you have any pills? The most advanced ones, have you seen that, this old man is dying!"

"No more, give it to the chicken and sorghum."

The Nitian Pill in the little guy's hand was from Keng Lingyun, and it was just one. It was given to Ji Wushuang just now, and the latter was revived with full blood and is recuperating.


Bei Shenzun was disappointed, and then he could only give Dong Shenzun some ordinary pills to extend his life.

Murong Taishan said angrily: "Xie Wendong, why didn't you make a move?"

"Don't order me." Xie Wendong's tone was a little impatient.

Hearing that Dong Shenzun couldn't recover immediately, Nan Shenzun said angrily: "Can't you see, they are villains, they have killed so many people in our God Realm, shouldn't you kill them with one arrow? Didn't you see that cloud of black air?" To? It is an evil thing."

"Shut up, I only believe in the way of heaven in my heart, that is to prove everything with strength." Xie Wendong said, his eyes did not look at the evil king's questioning, nor at Nan Shenzun, very arrogant.

"Haha! Well said!"

Doutian Zhan Zun clapped his hands and applauded.

Master Xuankong and Master Xuanzhen shook their heads together, the world is really ignorant, it seems that only the Supreme God is the real Buddha.

Just now that sword has alarmed the entire God Realm. Many people in the God Realm went to the Endless Sea to take refuge, and many allied troops died outside the God Palace!
(End of this chapter)

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