Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139 Another Helper (Eighth)

Then there were three figures also rushing over, they were the Demon Emperor Swallowing Heaven who came out of the Demon God Sea, vowing to keep Ling Yun's family from being in peace!
The three of them watched from mid-air, and locked onto An Qing's breath.

When the old man raised his eyes, he found three powerful auras, whether they were enemies or friends, they seemed to be familiar people.

immediately! !
He shouted: "There is a cloud in the northwest Xuantian, and the crow flew into the phoenix group."

The three mysterious people looked at each other and smiled, they turned out to be acquaintances: "The whole house is full of heroes, who is the king and who is the minister!"

"Ha ha!"

"Old horse!"

"Three Saints!"

"Long time no see!"

"Long time no see, are you here?"

"Private matters, we will deal with them later."

"Why are you here?"

"The meaning of my lord,'s inconvenient to tell you."

The four of them are still chattering, which is really speechless.

The three saints are the Burning Sword Master, the Lausanne Spear Master, and the Death Fist Master.

Xie Wang Wengui and Doutian Zhanzun laughed, it was lively now, there are so many masters coming out of Demon God Sea, one of them can shock others, and there are so many at once, I just don't know what their purpose is.

Ling Yun warned: "Anqing, take them away, Xiaoxue, protect them, there are many people on the other side, be careful of sneak attacks!"

Hear it!

An Qing hurriedly brought the three little guys to her side, she also took off the clothes that Ling Yun gave her the magic weapon and put it on Long Yanran.

Long Yanran refused straight away, how could this work, but An Qing knew that she couldn't live by herself, so she didn't allow Long Yanran to refuse, and forcibly draped it on her body.

Empress Linglong and the others protected the little ones, and many city lords also appeared, such as Xian Lingzi and Beiying Kamikaze.

"Are you standing in line?" Bei Shenzun said angrily, there are many city lords who did not choose to come here, and many God Realm families chose the Holy Land.

A certain city owner said: "No, no, no, we will not participate in this matter, and no one will help."

Xingchen Gong Jiusheng was promoted as the middle representative, and many immortal emperors of the twelve regions stood by him, including the elder Hong of the Vulcan Zong, and several city lords. They were not involved in the middleman's side.

The gods are so angry, they are members of the God Realm and belong to the subordinate forces of Shenfeng, but they say such chilling words at a critical moment.

"Shen Bikong, Patriarch of the Shen Family of Suzaku City, Chang Zhizi, Patriarch of the Chang Family, and Jiang Bielong, the Patriarch of the Sanjia, will you all choose to rebel in Suzaku City?"

"White Tiger City Shu Ning? You are also neutral, I am so mad, what a son of a bitch." Nan Shenzun said cursingly, his body jumped up excitedly.

Even though they saw it with their own eyes, the gods couldn't believe it.

The little guy heard Nan Shenzun swearing and muttering, and then thought it was so funny, he suddenly laughed.

Bai Hucheng Shu Ning bowed slightly, he could only say sorry, he was neutral.

Jiang Bielong said angrily: "This is not our choice, it is the result of you forcing us, and there are several killers, is it my fault? I will be dismissed every now and then."

Shen Bikong said: "Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents. Don't forget about the domain master war. How much did our Shen family lose? It was all caused by the Supreme God, so I can't blame me."

"People go to high places. Senior Murong gave me good conditions." Chang Zhizi said leisurely, with a sissy tone.

"Okay, okay, I hope you don't regret it!" Xi Shenzun smiled strangely

"Come on, don't let him have a chance to catch his breath, he needs time to develop his big move." Murong Taishan looked at Po Lingyun's current state.

That's right!

Ling Yun's big move is here, the sky prison!This move was used to deal with Nan Wutian's battle of the gods. All the God Realm was trapped by terrifying lines, and no one could leave the God Realm alive!

The masked man on a certain island in the Endless Sea took a sip of water, and seeing the situation in the entire God Realm, he smiled!

"Pluto has finally made a move, don't you hide it, just in time to eat my moves, the emperor wants you to clone Panshu."

Above the shrine!

A huge meteorite suddenly appeared and fell straight to the Jingu Temple!

Everyone was surprised, who did it?But for Taishenjun, they laughed happily.

The masked man just dropped a small stone on the map of the ten directions, and the meteorite appeared. At the same time, he threw a small octopus under the shrine mapped by the map of the ten directions!

The meteorite has not fallen!

A huge head drilled out from under the shrine, startled everyone, but the little guy cast a glance and trembled!


This is a monster, dozens of times bigger than the Yamata no Orochi in the island country!
After Beibei finished eating the fruit, she ran over to look at it, with another expression of disgust.

Where did this giant octopus come from!It climbed up the shrine and destroyed a palace with just one tentacle. It was so terrifying.

Even though the octopus doesn't have much power, its physical body is very destructive. The masked man just wants Ling Yun to panic and make the people in the shrine panic.

Only in chaos can there be opportunities to take advantage of.

Ling Yun frowned, the fall is not a meteorite, the monster is not a monster, what is going on, it suddenly appeared, the messenger behind the scenes is too weird.

"Papa, Papa, what is this?" the little guy shouted there.

An Qing: "..."

Beibei said: "I will stew it tonight."

"Okay, okay, baby likes it, big octopus." Hearing this, little Irene was overjoyed, little stars twinkled in her eyes, and saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth!
The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched, little Irene, your father and the others have all been arrested, and you still want to eat at this time.


Ling Yun stretched out one hand, and the huge power fluctuation smashed the falling meteorite into pieces!


Those crushed stones fell down again with hot flames!

Ling Yun frowned, and then he waved his palm, all the broken stones gathered, and locked onto the big octopus!
Murong Taishan and the others were all ready to fight back, but the result was embarrassing!

With a scream, the body of the big octopus was severely injured!
The little guy got excited again, feeling like the big octopus is dancing!
At the same time, Ling Yun was ruthlessly beaten by Doutian Zhanzun and the killers of the Demon Gu Sect, who dominated Floating Cloud with guns, and the golden knife son-in-law gang beat Ling Yun. The ancestor of Shangguan also joined, and Ling Yun was not given a chance to breathe.

Nan Wutian said he was watching a play, but he really was watching a play, he didn't help anyone, he didn't speak, he felt that the God Realm was very strange.

The meteorite that suddenly appeared, and the big octopus?It seemed that he couldn't sense the endless sea beyond the God Realm. He had been thinking about what was going on.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor also knew that Ling Yun might be doomed this time, so he brought up Emperor Guapi, pointed at An Qing and the little ones, and said to the crowd: "You fight back, but she is the daughter of the emperor's wife, and they didn't do anything." , don’t embarrass them.”

An Qing was very touched!

Ling Yun glanced over during the battle, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, if it wasn't for his phantom of the soul that was killing at the Suolong Pagoda, he would be passive!
Everyone rolled their eyes, the words of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor?How old is he!

(End of this chapter)

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