Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1142 Pluto?

Chapter 1142 Pluto? (No.11 more)
The faces of the gods are unbelievable!

After a long time!
"Impossible, Murong old thief, who are you lying to? How could the emperor be the king of the underworld? It's pure nonsense." Nan Shenzun shook his head, his eyes were frozen.

"Don't think that you can talk nonsense because you are a senior. This old man is the first to disbelieve, and no one can spread rumors." Bei Shenzun didn't believe it either.

Xi Shenzun said: "What evidence do you have? Talking nonsense is also a big crime. Don't think that we are easy to bully at this moment. If we fight hard, we are not afraid of anyone. Life and death are not important."

The Emperor Wuzu's heart was beating fast, he wanted to ask Emperor Guapi whether it was true or not, because Ling Yun was silent, Hou Guapi sighed, this sigh let the Emperor Wuzu know the answer, he was dumbfounded.

The old lady Dongfang smiled, she was also shocked, the Taishen Lord is the King of Pluto?This... is too ridiculous.

Long Xingtian was speechless!He thought to himself, Ling Yun has so many identities.

"Don't believe me?" Murong Taishan smiled mysteriously, and then took out the document that the masked man gave him!

"You can take a look at the eyes of Pluto and Taishenjun, as well as the little one over there. She is the one next to Pluto. There are all the information in detail."

Word down!

The contents of the information were clearly imprinted in everyone's minds, their lips turned white and their jaws almost dropped from shock. The ancient Pluto, the strongest man in the Twelve Realms, was right in front of them, and he was still an enemy. This time he was doomed.

Among the three saints, Fentian Sword Saint and Lausanne Spear Saint were shocked to an unknown extent, and the pupils of the Death Fist Saint froze.

At the same time, they recalled what the Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor's subordinates said to them, don't mess with a man, that man is the ancient Pluto, if you mess with him, you have to make amends, let alone say anything about Emperor Farrar.

Offended now!
Really want to die and apologize?

Looking at Ling Yun's eyes full of killing intent, and recalling what the latter said just now, they knew that even if they begged for mercy, they could not be forgiven.

The ancestor Shangguan said viciously: "Fellow Taoists, don't be afraid, we have more people than the battle of the gods, and he has a guardian, this time he will definitely die!"

many people?It's useless to have too many people in front of Pluto!
A certain immortal emperor complained fiercely, he wanted to withdraw from the joint army, he didn't want to die, Pluto was invincible, and his methods were bloody and cruel.

People are talking about it!

Xie Wendong began to look Ling Yun up and down, shaking his head and nodding, not knowing what he was thinking!
The old horse also swallowed his saliva. He grew up listening to the deeds of Pluto since he was a child. He is old, but Pluto is not old, and he is quite familiar with the horror of the latter.

The faces of the gods were dignified and pale, Qi Qi and Ling Yun distanced themselves!

Queen Yaoyue and Qixian knew it long ago, and they had nothing on their minds, but how should this scene end, is the Holy Land and the United Army going to die?

Those who have seen Ling Yun's horror have never worried about it.

Empress Linglong came over quietly, swallowed her saliva, knelt down and asked: "Little princess, is what they said true?"

Her question was also asked by Dongfang Rumeng from behind. The little guy muttered in his small mouth, and replied in a childish voice: "You guys are so stupid, he is my papa."

Queen Yaoyue and Dongfang Rumeng: "..."

"Isn't that right, Lord Taishen, do you have nothing to say?" Murong Taishan said.

"Hahaha, what's the matter, a rebellious minister and a traitor, death is not a pity." Ling Yun laughed loudly.

Unknowingly, the strength of the hand increased a bit, and the evil king asked the crime and screamed in pain: "You will not die, what kind of Pluto, what is the emperor, ignorant person, I am the evil king, the evil king!!"

It was Ling Yun's thunder and lightning that greeted the evil king's questioning...

Doutian Zhanzun frowned, Pluto is nothing but, he is not afraid, how do you know if you haven't fought before, the world is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses, first rescue the evil king and ask the crime.

At this moment, each of their people is superior in strength, but in contrast to Taishenjun, he has begun to be isolated and helpless.

The truth is too!

As soon as Ling Yun's Pluto identity was made public, the gods began to stay away, so did Empress Linglong and the others.

The city lord who stood on Lingyun's side at the beginning also started to move away, only An Qing and Long Xingtian were left, Queen Yaoyue and Qixian didn't move after hearing the news, Youyue didn't recover, her heart was trembling.

"Dijun, speak up!"

Bei Shenzun was very anxious and impatient. He didn't want it to be true. If it was true, then they would be sinners. It was the seven old men who awakened Ling Yun from the Nine Nether Abyss.

"You said no!"

Even if the facts were right in front of his eyes, Nan Shenzun wanted Ling Yun to tell it himself, otherwise he would not believe it.

After Dongfanghong took over Ye Guhong, the general of Zhennan in the God Realm, he finally came to the God Palace at this moment. He was stopped by Ye Guhong and couldn't come, so Ye Guhong was defeated and died.

As soon as he came, he asked Ling Yun angrily.

"I don't want to take care of your affairs, but Taishenjun, it was your idea to take them in? If I kill them now, I hope you will save face."

Dongfanghong wants the old lady Dongfang and Dongfang Rumeng to die, so he can feel at ease!
Ling Yun stared at him, Dongfanghong?What kind of rubbish, if you save face, no one will care about him!
The old lady Dongfang said angrily: "Niety!"

"Ha ha!"

Murong Taishan arrogantly said to the laughing Dongfanghong: "Don't worry, fellow daoist, after killing Hades, we will kill them for you, them? No one will be left."

Pluto?over there?

Didn't they jointly kill the God Lord Taishenjun, when did he become Hades?

What the hell!

Who the hell is tired of living, killing Pluto?Dongfanghong began to look around.

Master Xuankong smiled, no matter whether Lingyun is Taishenjun or Pluto, he only sticks to the Buddha way in his heart, and will never target Pluto's past, no one has experienced everything of Pluto, so how can he underestimate others.

Maybe his past was just helpless, what his eyes see is false, only what his heart sees is true, so his blind eyes are worth it, worth it.

What Murong Taishan said is the real evil, this is human nature, in order to achieve the goal, use any means to cut grass and roots.

Master Xuankong, who understands this level of truth, smiled. This smile is grateful for Lingyun's enlightenment, otherwise he will be confused all his life, unable to distinguish between sin and evil, and walk a path that is not a Buddha. This is the greatest sorrow.

The difference between good and evil cannot be generalized. What he said to Taishenjun before came to mind.

Those who do bad things are evil if they are angry with others, just like Pluto, the crime is heinous!On the contrary, if you keep kindness in your heart, take pleasure in helping others, kill demons and demons, and help justice, that is righteousness!

Now every time he thinks about it, he laughs at himself for his ignorance. Is Pluto evil? The answer is, is the sky angry?No…

Are people angry?

Yes, it's just not to be outdone, and eager to win. In other words, if you don't die, you won't die. Just like at this moment, even if these people who die are dead, who is to blame! !
(End of this chapter)

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