Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1143 Lingyun Fury

Chapter 1143 Lingyun Fury (No.12)

What he believes in his heart is that Ling Yun's ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas will guide him, so what Ling Yun does has his meaning behind it, or it is all passive, Buddha also has fire!

Hearing this, Ling Yun laughed loudly: "It's all here, to be honest, you really made this emperor very angry."

"Angry? Shouldn't it be our Holy Land that is angry? Shouldn't it be everyone who worships you, the Supreme God? A notorious devil who has become a god. How ironic. How many people have been deceived and how many people have been crushed?" dream of a hero."

The black-faced Raksha spoke for the first time, and every sentence he said was justified and well-founded. Everyone was full of anger, and they clenched their fists unconsciously.

"Is he still reasonable?" Shangguan Patriarch shook his head, with a hopeless look on Ling Yun's face.

"Xuanzhen? Xuankong? Have you all seen it clearly? Taishen Lord is the king of the underworld, a demon, and the representative of demons. Shouldn't you join forces to eliminate demons and defend the way?" Murong Taishan had a sarcasm on his face!

Xie Wendong's body momentum is slowly accumulating, Pluto?
in the case of!
He will kill with his own hands. This kind of demon leader must be killed by the way of heaven. He is replacing the way of heaven and killing all demons. In this life, he has missed many opportunities to kill demons in order to kill Hades. If he fails this time, he will be benevolent!
He raised his bow and arrow, intending to shoot Ling Yun, but Monk Shura and his scriptures flashed, Doutian Zhanzun and the others were all knocked back, obviously they were helping Ling Yun.

Shangguan Patriarch's hands trembled with anger, and the five strict monks looked in disbelief, their former fellow disciples! !
Why help Pluto?

Or are those materials false, Taishenjun is Taishenjun, Pluto is Pluto?The two have nothing to do with each other.

"You are all sinners!" Doutian Zhanzun angrily pointed at everyone, especially Master Xuanzhen and the others.

Dongfanghong shouted: "I don't care, I just want them to die."

The ancestor of Shangguan glared at the god, "You guys did a good job."

The gods are speechless, what can they say, what about the god master, what about the king of the underworld, at this moment they no longer have the identity of resisting Ling Yun as before.


People have two sides. Although Pluto has a bad reputation, what about the opposite?They are good people?Where to go when the reputation is good again.

A Dongfanghong who vowed to kill her mother, a group of evil kings asking for guilt, a Doutian who was so arrogant that he entered the God Realm, several killers united, and a few benevolent monks are not good things. Pluto vs.

Nan Shenzun: "Ah bah!"

In the upcoming fight, their gods will not give up on Ling Yun.

"Amitabha, we three little monks, overestimated our abilities, and dared to learn your brilliant moves."

This is obvious, they just want to help Ling Yun, the opposite is the evil!

"It's unreasonable. Don't think that we dare not do anything because you used to be from Putuo Temple. Believe it or not, this old man beats up the three of you every minute, and returns Amitabha, Amitabha, your old mother!!"

The Shangguan patriarch suddenly lost his temper, and they were about to achieve their goal. Three dead monks, what kind of meddling is there.

He said this just to pass the mouthful, he can't beat Master Xuankong.

The little guy rubbed his eyes, and began to understand a little bit, this is not a game, those on the opposite side are all bad guys, they want to beat her father, her little head can't figure out why.

She immediately crooked her mouth, with an expression of wanting to cry, a little bit strong, holding back.

"What's wrong?" An Qing felt a lump in her heart. Could it be that the child couldn't face it? After thinking about it, she really thought it was possible.

"Ma Ma!" The little guy said with a slightly choked tone.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Sissy is a very good, very good child." An Qing's eyes turned red in an instant, I'm sorry for this child, so young let her see the most true heart.


"Don't cry, mom is here, hug!"

"Why did they beat my daddy!"

The little guy couldn't hold back and cried!
Her power began to awaken, affecting everything in the world, the sky was thundering and lightning, and it began to rain lightly, making Beibei feel very depressed.


An Qing hugged the little guy and shouted!


Ling Yun turned around.

"Let's go back, the position of God Lord, don't worry about it."

"Wait a minute."

"She's crying." An Qing's heart ached, the little guy was crying, and there was another heavy rain.

Ling Yun was very unhappy. At this moment, Zhan Zun Doutian seized the opportunity and chopped off Ling Yun's right hand. With the cooperation of the masked man, the evil king escaped immediately.


Everyone's scalps were numb, and they were shocked in their hearts that Doutian Zhanzun could chop off Hades' hand.


Seeing Ling Yun lose a hand, the gods were ready to move, their eyes flickered with unwillingness, and they looked at each other!
The Martial Ancestor God Emperor stared wide-eyed, what happened to Pluto... is he not strong enough?
Lingyun's blue veins bulged, his right hand recovered and he wanted to do it!
right hand?

It recovered in an instant, and after a burst of thunder, the new hand came out, which scared a lot.

This is Pluto! ! !
Xie Wang Wengui took a big breath, his eyes were shocked, he frantically took the elixir to recover from his injuries, it hurt him to death, then he stared at Ling Yun, as if he was staring at his mortal enemy, Ling Yun must die, this was the first time he had suffered such a crime.

As soon as he took a step, he heard the little guy crying, and the latter cried even louder when he saw Ling Yun being beaten again.

Ling Yun was startled.

He turned around and walked over, patted the little guy's head, and the latter hugged him instantly.


"Sissy is tired, um...then I'll send them all away, it's time to clear the venue."

Ling Yun smiled and said, this smile is full of death.

"Let's go...haha, she's dreaming." Shangguan Patriarch said contemptuously.

"Are you pretending? Don't take off your mask yet!" Xie Wendong pointed his arrow at Xuan and said to Ling Yun!

"This king wants him to have a bad death." Xie Wang asked the crime and said angrily.

next moment!
The falling raindrops evaporated, and the black clouds that covered the sky quickly dispersed, and the sky was clear for thousands of miles in an instant, the calm before the storm, and Pluto was about to be angry.

Ling Yun stood up again, faced the crowd, and then shouted in a deep voice: "You are all going to die."


The god trembled, and the aura of the Taishenjun began to change.

"Old boy, do you want to make me your enemy?" Ling Yun asked, looking up to the sky, as if he was sighing.

Dong Shenzun was unconscious, and after the other gods looked at each other, they smiled and said: "What did the emperor say, we are together."

"Yes, we will fight side by side together, we will kill him without leaving a single piece of him, and we will never return." Nan Shenzun said.

"Haha, good good!" Ling Yun laughed again.

But Shangguan Patriarch and Murong Taishan were out of temper, the latter said: "You are helping the evil spirits, I killed you all today, from now on we will rule the God Realm and benefit one side."

Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. When the situation changed, stars, sun and moon could be seen faintly in the sky. Then, while laughing, he held down the ice mask!

Broken! !
The ice mask that symbolizes the Supreme Lord was crushed by himself, showing his true colors!

(End of this chapter)

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