Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1144 One person is enough

Chapter 1144 One Person Is Enough (No.13)

Under the shattered mask, everyone could see clearly, it was still that handsome and shocking face, frightening and creepy nightmare.

Pluto! !
Everyone was terrified and did not dare to breathe, Ling Yun's aura was too strong.

Ling Yun's eyes swept across the world!Those who stand in the wrong team will die.

Standing behind him were the gods, Queen Yaoyue, Qi Xian, brother and sister Ji Wushuang, and three monks from Juewu Temple.

After looking at each other, the others all stood by An Qing's side, such as Empress Linglong and Empress Hanyue.

The old lady Dongfang walked up slowly with a cane, and she also stood behind Ling Yun, the lineup was almost formed.


Doutian Zhanzun and the angry evil king interrogated, Murong Laogou and Shangguan Patriarch, the surviving Patriarch of the Holy Land.

Floating clouds with tyrannical guns, the son-in-law with golden swords, the strict monks of Putuo Temple, Xie Wendong, Dongfanghong, Sanjiuguiyi, the shivering old horse, and the uncertain three saints!

Di Ya's three subordinates, as well as Mo Liancheng who came back after recovering, and other casual cultivator emperors, and some families in the God Realm who were added to their lineup, such as the Shen family of Suzaku City and the city lord Jiang Bielong.

The opponent is also a strong lineup, but for Ling Yun, it is still a bunch of scumbags, vulnerable to a single blow.

The neutral ones are Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Taiyi Immortal Emperor, Huaguapi Great Emperor and the others, as well as the father and son of Endless Sea Sea Emperor who were rescued by Ling Yun. The clouds in the sky formed one black and one white, with distinct layers!

The record crystal burst, audiences outside the Jingu Palace don't have to watch it.

"Jie Jie..."

"I like this kind of strength. You are crazy enough. This king also said that you must die. They? They can't escape. Let's kill you first."

Xie Wang laughed out loud when he questioned his guilt. He felt that Ling Yun was stronger than a little bit, but in their eyes it was not enough. As long as Ling Yun was restrained, the Tai Chi Seal would be his.

"Don't be afraid, there are too many of us, so it's useless to coax someone." Shangguan Patriarch said.

"Since you admit it, is it too high?" Old Dog Murong's eyes froze, as if he was very dissatisfied with Ling Yun's attitude.

The same ancient characters?

Why should he be inferior?So he arrogantly hates Ling Yun, what are you afraid of!
"An Qing, take them back."

Ling Yun ignored them, a black hole opened behind him, such a bloody scene should not be seen by the little ones, and the little ones were crying.


"Go back, it will be fine soon." Ling Yun said softly, looking back and smiling, drunk all beings.

An Qing was dumbfounded again...

Queen Yaoyue blushed.

You Yue committed a nympho!

Taishen is so handsome... love love love...!
Shangguan smiled disdainfully, he thought Nan Wutian was still there!
"Great God, what are you bragging about?"

"With such a lineup, I ask you if you are afraid, and Pluto is like this. Don't forget, we still have Emperor Nan Wutian."

Old Dog Murong said!

"It's not certain who will live and who will die!" Doutian Zhanzun let out a deep shout!
Ling Yun smiled, a bunch of bronze scum!

"Boys, you have also seen that I am the King of Pluto, and I am no longer suitable to be a God Lord. In the future God Realm, you can decide for yourself. You must be tired. I am enough for this battle."

"No, Dijun, your divine master cannot step down!" Bei Shenzun said!
"The old man doesn't agree either!"


"We agreed to advance and retreat together."

The other gods spoke up one after another!
"Also, we are all ready for a fight to the death." Bei Shenzun said again.

"Needless to say, I've already made up my mind. If you come with me, the God Realm won't be able to accommodate you!" Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

What he said, Xie Wang asked his crimes and laughed out loud, what he said was the same as the Taishen Jun wins. For a strong person like Xie Wang asked his crimes, Ling Yun's words were crazy!

Bei Shenzun was unwilling to reply, but was glared at by Ling Yun.

"Amitabha, my Buddha...cough cough...the supreme benefactor, I am willing to stand by your side and do my best." Master Xuankong said.

"No, it's time to go!"

Ling Yun frowned, their presence would only affect his normal performance.

Everyone on the other side was watching, Qi Qi hoped to gang up on Ling Yun, and didn't want one more person to help him, wishing Ling Yun could say so.

"Ling Yun..." An Qing hugged the little guy and shouted, her face was full of worry.

"Take her back."

Word down!

Three black holes appeared, one behind An Qing and the others, one behind the gods, and one on the side of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

There are all his enemies in the God Realm, there is no need to exist, they are all villains, taking advantage of the chaos to burn, kill, loot, destroy buildings, and make a mess everywhere.

With the addition of a masked man behind the scenes using the map of the ten directions to call for wind and rain, the former glory of the God Realm is no longer there!
"Old boys, don't know when we will see you again this time, I owe you this."

Ling Yun turned his head and threw a jade slip to God Venerable, and when he stepped on his foot, a holy light healed God Venerable Dong.

Xie Wang questioned Zui, his eyes froze, and he asked: "Ancient supernatural powers, why do you have so many?"

Ling Yun didn't even answer him!
Want to go?

Doutian Zhanzun and the others are going to rob and kill them, and they don't intend to let any of them go.

Ling Yun saw through it, and a gust of wind blew to temporarily stop them.

Dong Shenzun recovered from his injuries, rushed up and said, "I won't leave!"

Ling Yun is not happy!

Shock them back with one kick, and at the same time the black hole turns to their feet!
call out!
The seven gods fell in together, with stunned expressions.

After the little guy saw this scene, he burst into laughter, aha...! !

On the other side of the black hole is Shenfeng. After the seven gods fell to the ground in embarrassment, Ling Yun's consciousness was also transmitted. The jade slips were used to cover the entire Shenfeng.

Depend on!
Doutian Zhanzun was furious, ten of them ran away in the blink of an eye!
This time he attacked, with a set of martial arts skills, he attacked Ling Yun, who just smiled and knocked him flying with a single punch, rubbish thing, his power of Hades is not for bragging.

The old dog Murong panicked suddenly, what kind of weird guy is this?So how can you play with the perverted power?
This was the first thought of some of the Immortal Emperors of the Twelve Regions, and they really acted. The ancestor Shangguan looked down on such people the most, and he slashed them with his palm, and there began to be conflicts among them.

Ling Yun looked at the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, who took the lead to enter the black hole with great interest. On the other side of the black hole was the Yuexia Cultivation Academy, and Empress Linglong was also there, carrying another jade slip.

The remaining ones that were originally prepared for the gods can only be given to the monks of the Juewu Temple. The monk Shura took the Lingyun jade slips into the black hole. Opposite is the beauty of Lingyun's family, Dream Yunlin.

In the end, there was the frightened An Qing, Long Xingtian and others.

The little guy shook his head, not wanting to leave Ling Yun, pouted his mouth and blinked his teary eyes.


An Qing comforted her.


The little guy is still shaking his head!
Beibei said: "Shuai Shuai is angry, can Beibei play too?"


An Qing didn't speak, and Qin Xianglian was the first to disagree. How could she, a poor child, play with this?To be honest, she is so shocked that she is numb now, this kind of battle is like the end.

at the same time!

She was also worried about Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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