Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146 Big Kill Special Kill (No.15)
The evil king asked the crime and laughed!

He is not worthy?
He is an ancient demon!

In his heart, he thought that Ling Yun was too conceited, and the latter was just a junior.

"Kang, don't think I'm afraid, I'm the evil king, the evil king! You're ignorant at all, killing you is enough!" The evil king laughed loudly as he questioned his guilt, continuously condensing the black energy, interweaving it into an energy ball, and constantly blooming under control , One divided into two, two into three, and three into thousands, like a volcanic eruption, bursting out endless black air of destruction.

The imposing manner faintly surpasses Ling Yun!
The masked man strikes again, the land keeps forming a stone, and keeps attacking Ling Yun, it's really endless.

Stones fell all over the sky, attacking indiscriminately, and being affected everywhere.

same time!
Other people crawled out of the stone pile. The Sansheng was not dead, and he was able to stand up again after swallowing the elixir, with a pale expression of lingering fear.

Ba Qiang Fuyun received the lunch box, Murong Old Dog was dying, green-faced Jade Begonia and Doutian Zhanzun half-kneeled, coughing non-stop, spurting blood one mouthful at a time.

Xie Wendong was so angry that he looked straight at Ling Yun in the sky and clenched his fists tightly.

The old horse suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yun, with a cursed sword ready to pierce through Ling Yun's body!
It turned out to be embarrassing!
The sword of the curse instantly deformed when it touched Ling Yun's body, and it could no longer be sharpened. The latter's body is so awesome.

"Jie Jie, you are really scary. If this sword spirit can control your body, it will be perfect." The old horse smiled ferociously, extremely ugly.

The voice fell.

He took a few steps back, and the sea of ​​flames released by the masked man surged instantly, like a giant flame beast, opening its mouth wide.

And he displayed countless sword intents to the fullest, and at the same time rushed towards Ling Yun to bite the transformed sword energy and sea of ​​fire.

Ling Yun shook his head, the other side is too rubbish, only one evil king is enough to ask the crime, the others, hehe...

A fingertip wave!

The old horse was killed in seconds, and another one was killed by Ling Yun.

In the God Realm, all the enemies converge and disappear near the Shrine.

Doutian Zhan Zun laughed, they haven't lost yet, so what if so many people died?Taishang must die.

"Pluto, you are so strong that I am afraid, very afraid, you know, but the alliance of the gods is not as simple as you imagine."


Ling Yun sat on the stone, shaking his head lightly, and quickly used his back hand if he had any, he also wanted to see it, because there happened to be a fire in his heart!
Doutian Zhanzun had already calmed his mind, his face became impassive, and his eyes under his sword eyebrows suddenly became unfathomable.

Turning to the Xie Wang, he asked, "Master Xie Wang, you don't need to make a big move on this matter, we can deal with it all with the Alliance of Gods, Pluto? I don't believe he has any power."

Xie Wang asked his crimes and nodded slowly, with a heavy expression on his face. He thought about it, but he probably didn't see enough. He secretly gathered his strength and waited for the next battle against Lingyun!
Doutian Zhanzun gave an order and shouted: "The power of the gods, come!"

A powerful light shines on the God Realm, and all the living people of the Alliance of Gods summon the power together.


This is power, Ling Yun's eyes froze, quite surprised.

The power of the gods could see it, and Ling Yun was bombed down with one move, and Ling Yun was greeted by the masked man's big move.

Ling Yun disappeared in midair!

The voice did not know where it sounded: "Death!"

Doutian Zhanzun was suddenly held down by Ling Yun with one hand on the Tianling Gai, and a complete shatter came!

Doutian Zhan Zun died, but the screams still disappeared.

At this moment, Ling Yun's power was invincible, his aura was unparalleled, and his fluctuations were vast. Wherever he passed, the sky was shaken and collapsed.

Xie Wang was dumbfounded for a few breaths when he asked the crime, and then he fought desperately. Ling Yun in front of him was really a true god.

"Evil King, kill him quickly, or we will all die."

Burning Heaven Sword Saint Way.

Xie Wendong began to hide in the dark, shooting three arrows.


The void trembled, as if it was about to collapse. This was the power of the evil king's fusion of ancient supernatural powers. It was like nine black dragons roaring. The majestic force was like billions of stars falling down. Surrounded by endless black air, a very large black mass right in the sky.

The huge roar made people's spirits and souls almost shattered, and Sansheng raised expectations in his heart. They still heard about the deeds of the evil king's crime. They are very strong, and dozens of them are not one of the evil king's crimes. opponent.

The frightening thing is that the black group that the evil king accused him of is not only one, but divided into three, so terrifying that it makes one's scalp tingle when one sees it.

"not bad."

Ling Yun nodded slightly.

The evil king laughed loudly when he questioned his crimes, and several supernatural powers fused together, possessing incredible power, just like a stream of hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, one after another, and finally turned into a black sky.

The vast expanse is surrounded by black air, they are intertwined together, releasing immeasurable light, and the lethality is terrifying.

Everything around was completely destroyed!

Ling Yun didn't hide or dodge, and then said to the rest of the people with a weird smile: "You trash, I'll let you see something interesting, it's time to end, I've had enough."

Just a villain behind the scenes, Ling Yun ignored the masked man's attack, the latter was already messed up, Ling Yun was so strong that it made him angry.

What do you mean?
After staring at Ling Yun with his questioning eyes, Xie Wang merged into the huge black group with puzzlement, no matter what, the battle still had to be fought.

The hands and feet of the three saints trembled, could it be that there is really no hope, the words of the Demon Emperor Swallowing Heaven reappeared in their minds, and Pluto couldn't afford to offend them.

They hate it!

Taishenjun is Pluto, and the target of the assassination is also him. It's really bloody. They are really unlucky this year.

Xie Wendong said: "Devil, Heaven will definitely annihilate you for the sake of justice!"

Ling Yun smiled lightly, and replied: "Ah, weren't you crazy just now!"

Veins on his forehead popped up and he continued: "What day is it today, a lifeless ants."

The evil king refused to accept the crime, and said angrily: "Who are you calling an ant, I am the evil king, you are finished, you are finished, I will not let you go no matter what."

His bottom line was also provoked by Ling Yun, with all his strength, he was waiting to fight Ling Yun.

Fentian Sword Saint's face was ashen, and he said weakly: "Who else, are we really going to die?"

He didn't feel happy because of the evil king's words.

The Lausanne gun master waved the gun in his hand, looked at Ling Yun with a pale face, and replied: "It is impossible to live, he is very strong."

At this moment, Ling Yun is not serious in his eyes, and the people on their side are basically dead, so how can they play.

Xie Wendong said: "We still have people, and there are still some in the combined army in the God Realm. They are here."

Ling Yun said: "Okay, let you despair."

Under the eyes of everyone, Ling Yun took out the little guy's ancient artifact Century Clock from the void!

The expression on Xie Wang's face suddenly changed when he questioned the crime!
(End of this chapter)

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