Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1147: Wrath of the Evil King

Chapter 1147: Wrath of the Evil King

Fentian Sword Saint felt a little familiar, and suddenly remembered that his face was pale, his hands and feet were weak, and Pluto, who owns the century clock, would have killed him if he fought him, and he was not sure about the fight just now.

Facing the century clock at this moment, they really lost!

"Master Pluto, please forgive me, I am willing to follow you for the rest of my life." Burning Sword Saint knelt on the ground, showing no intention of fighting.

at this time!
The five brothers and sisters of the strict monks of Putuo Temple woke up together.

All the stones that fell on them were shattered, and then they stood up with golden light all over their bodies.

There were too many people, but the Burning Sword Saint was even more timid, he shouted in despair!

What the hell!

What the hell!

What the hell!

Immediately choose to run, in case there is any crack that can slip out of the terrible dungeon.

The masked man's eyes flickered with fiery color, the ancient artifact century clock, this heaven-defying artifact is actually in the hands of Pluto, he must make a plan, kill Ling Yun, and seize the artifact.

"How is it possible, the Tai Chi seal is also there?" Xie Wang asked Zui, his eyes widened.

Ling Yun played with the century clock, his eyes cast a cold light, and lightning flowed from between his fingers, turning into a sword energy, chasing and killing Fen Tian Sword Saint.

The Lausanne gun master roared, "Fen Tian, ​​come back."

Although a certain monk helped to block part of this sword energy, it still seriously injured Fen Tian Sword Saint and killed the monk who blocked it.

Yan Yan was furious: "You devil."

Xie Wendong was dumbfounded, why Tiandao didn't respond at all, who will tell him what's going on.

There is a shadow behind Ling Yun. The masked man uses the leaves to attack Ling Yun. He is always ready to snatch the century clock and get the magic weapon. The masked man is not reconciled.

No matter how unwilling it is, so what, Ling Yun pointed, and the masked man's move was invalidated.

After Murong Old Dog was recovered from his injuries by a certain emperor of the Holy Land Clan, looking at everything in front of him, he became decadent, and Emperor Nan Wutian must have run away.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew that Nan Wutian must have lost to Pluto in the battle of the gods, and his life was in vain.

It's ridiculous that they thought they could kill Ling Yun and seize the position of God Master, but now it seems that even if they get the position of God Master, so what.

"Is the way of heaven blind?" Xie Wendong pointed at the sky angrily!

Ling Yun laughed: "It? Hehe..."

Word down!

A thunderbolt struck instantly, Xie Wendong hid quickly, otherwise he could temper his body again.

"It's not blind, who are you attacking?" Xie Wendong was very unconvinced, and began to hide and hide from the thunder, he was puzzled.

Fentian Sword Saint's body was mostly shattered by Ling Yun. He looked at the sky and said to himself: "With an existence of that level, we have no chance of winning at all. We might as well rely on him, but why? Even begging for mercy is not enough?"

The Lausanne gun master said: "It's really annoying, hahaha, hahaha!"

On the surface, he seemed to be crazy, how could he accept such a result, and agreed to kill the people around him who was appointed by Emperor Swallowing Devil to kill?
"Devil, kill so many of my juniors and take your life." The strict monk was full of fighting spirit, and he was not afraid of Ling Yun at all.

The evil king inquired about his crimes and used the law of heaven and earth, and all the black clusters towered into the sky, and the whole body was wrapped in black energy, only two pairs of pupils were exposed, which were extremely eye-catching.

The berserk breath ravaged the world, the vast fluctuations shattered everything, and hundreds of millions of lines were derived from the black group, shining brightly.

Ling Yun laughed out loud!

In front of them, Ling Yun was a god, and every time he took a step, a thunderbolt would descend from the sky.


Behind him, surrounded by a large number of black silk, it is a vision, so big that it is boundless, and the breath is terrifying, making people feel creepy.

The direction of Ling Yun's walking is upwards, playing with the century clock, and stepping into the sky step by step.

Everyone is puzzled!

What is Pluto doing?
At this moment, the masked man put all his eggs in one basket and used the map of the ten directions to suddenly drop a mountain from the outside, and smashed it near Ling Yun, splashing a torrent of gravel and smoke.

There was a burst of heat in the air.

Xie Wang asked his crimes and let out a breath. When he waved his hands, the wind howled, blowing away the smoke and dust, revealing the mountain.

It was a volcano, about a thousand feet in size, and its whole body was fiery red. The magma in it was boiling, and the heat wave was scorching.

It was shining, like a big sun, and the temperature it emitted was so terrifying that it instantly melted the surrounding earth and turned it into magma.

Many people were affected again, and many places in the God Realm began to collapse.

In the blink of an eye, the Baili area centered on it became a place of magma, and the heat rose.

Xie Wendong and the others flew into the sky together, the feet were too hot to stay.

Then, the mouth of the volcano opened wide, as if the gate of hell had been opened, and endless black air surged out from it, filling the sky.

The evil king laughed out loud when he questioned him, just as he wanted!The more black energy, the stronger he is.

Ling Yun didn't care at all, he stopped when he reached a suitable position.


In the dark gray sky, a big hand slapped, surrounding the fire pattern, covering the sky and the earth, absorbing all the fire energy below.

The big hand came straight down and pointed at the Lausanne Spearmaster, who stood upright with a single shot, but it was a pity that he was directly crushed by Ling Yun's big hand, and the blood mist exploded.

This scene once again stunned the few living people present. Such a supreme powerhouse was instantly killed just like that? Is this lava prepared for Hades?Give it to them anyway, it's annoying.

Monk Strictly can't get angry, his back is soaked, this is a massacre, no one can defeat the mighty Pluto, the biggest defeat is that the Taishang is the Pluto, how ironic, are they out of their minds? , And provoke Pluto again.

How to fight against a strong man with one move?
Mo Liancheng emerged from the Chitu Continent, exhausted, he tried to destroy Lingyun's sky prison, but he was beaten in the face, the sky prison had no flaws, and he had nothing to do.

When he saw the surrounding area clearly, his expression was not calm, the plot is not like this.

Between the heaven and the earth, the dark wind blew across the wilds, and bloody flames suddenly burst out from the ground and spread all over the sky.

Nine layers of sea of ​​fire formed, stretching across the sky, incomparably magnificent, like a miracle, ordinary people couldn't do it at all, its goal was undoubtedly coming towards Ling Yun.

Looking at the evil king's questioning, he absorbed the essence of black energy, and the abnormal scarlet eyes on the black group fell off, revealing a pair of fierce beast eyes, like a beast awakening.

In the middle of the sky was a sea of ​​fire battlefield, Ling Yun pointed to the volcano that suppressed the masked man, the masked man was already sweating.

At the same time, the evil king who had merged into the black group questioned the crime, roared inside, and a thunderous voice came out.

"This king is the one who ended your legend, die for me!"

"The century clock is nothing more than a century clock. A century clock without a spirit is a waste. It is worse than garbage. It is scrap iron in your hands."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up immediately, this statement is justified!

Ling Yun sneered and said, so awesome!

"Then try!"

"Try it, let you see what power is, you dead king, you forced me, look at my prehistoric power."

"Yo yo!" Ling Yun was slightly surprised that a remnant soul could be so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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