Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1148 Destruction of the God Realm

Chapter 1148 Destruction of the God Realm

"End it, Pluto."

These words were very low, and the voice was very vicissitudes, but it was like a ray of dawn, reaching Xie Wendong and the others' hearts, and all hope of survival was handed over to the evil king for questioning.

They all broke out in cold sweat, their backs were drenched, and they all looked at the sea of ​​flames in the nine heavens. In front of that volcano, they felt like ants, and Ling Yun was pointing to destroy the volcano. bright.

The flames were soaring, scorching and unstoppable, and the sky and the earth were blood-red, because the sea of ​​fire was blood-colored, which was extremely strange and symbolized death.

A wave of coercion fell, as vast as the ocean, as if hundreds of millions of stars fell down, with unparalleled fluctuations, the prehistoric power of the evil king came.


The surrounding earth suddenly shattered, and the void was twisted like twists, which was horrible.

Ling Yun sacrificed the century clock, and the sky was filled with golden light, which was extremely dazzling.

The entire God Realm was shrouded in terror by its golden power. The Xie Wang asked his sins with his eyes wide open, and his mind was full of doubts, why the Century Clock still had such powerful power.

The century clock caused the dome of the sky to collapse at this time, and the pitch-black cracks were spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the void was completely shattered.

Afterwards, a large number of flames cast by the masked man surged past and filled the cracks. From a distance, it looked like a magnificent pattern of magic circles, with cumbersome avenues and profound meanings.

The prehistoric power of the evil king's questioning could not help Ling Yun, and was completely blocked by the century clock. This power had too much influence.

At this moment, no one can be indifferent, even the people from the God Realm of the Endless Overseas are trembling, their strength can be seen, so their perception is amazing.

The century clock's peerless murderous intent surged, driving the world's shocking murderous aura, the chaos exploded, and the sky and the earth were gray, as if it had been blown up.

Xie Wendong vomited blood, he struggled powerlessly, and was very unwilling, why didn't God help him and kept silent!


He really couldn't figure it out.

Looking at this force with his desperate eyes, he chose to laugh at himself.


Mo Liancheng on the one side is definitely not giving up, he has created all kinds of formations, but the result is very embarrassing, the century clock plus the power of Hades, is he able to resist?

"Pluto, I curse you to die." Mo Liancheng's last words were still full of anger.

Strict Monk and the others ended up being wiped out, and Old Dog Murong was pinched by Ling Yun who suddenly appeared.

It's all the fault of Old Dog Murong, this villain has been pushing everything behind his back, otherwise God Realm wouldn't have ended up like this.

The terrifying power of the century clock is still on the rampage, breaking through layers of barriers, shattering the defensive vigor of the evil king's prehistoric power, and aiming at his black eyes in an instant.


The evil king screamed in pain when he asked the crime!

The God Realm was also destroyed by the power of the century clock. The Shenfeng, the Suolong Pagoda, the Yuexia Cultivation Academy, the Yuexia Auction Building, and the Lingyun Yujian Formation on the Dream Cloud Forest, nothing happened.

They saw everything clearly, they all stared wide-eyed, their faces showed horror, their hearts were throbbing with fear, the God Realm was destroyed!
The surrounding area was shattered, and the cracks in the void absorbed a lot of rubble and corpses.

A big hand slowly stretched out above the sky, gradually getting bigger, and finally opened up the sky clouds, as if it could hold the sun and the moon in the palm of its hand.

Ling Yun was looking for the evil king to interrogate him. The sky prison was destroyed by his own power. The latter must have avoided a fatal injury, it must be a serious injury. Such a thick black mass, the light of the century clock slowly recovered, and floated beside Ling Yun.

and so!
Ling Yun's hand that fell from the sky was looking for the evil king to question his crimes. This guy must be killed, even if it is a remnant soul, he still misses the little guy's Tai Chi seal.

"Cough cough..."

"Ant, is it worth it?" Ling Yun pinched Murong Taishan's body and asked with a smile.

"The old man was wrong." Murong Taishan was dying, he couldn't open his eyes, his blood was dripping on the ground.


Ling Yun laughed loudly, and knocked Murong Old Dog out of his hand towards the sky, and Mount Murong Tai fell straight into the endless sea.

The terrifying power killed Murong Old Dog in an instant, leaving only the corpse, Ling Yun dismissed it as garbage.

Do you want to be a God Lord just like that?

The Shifangtu in front of the masked man was also affected by the power, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and then seeing that Shifangtu was completely silent, he clenched his fists and roared.

Ling Yun stood on a certain rock, his eyes narrowed slightly, such a king is like a king over the world, with a domineering side.

"Come out, evil king ant."

Hearing this, the evil king blamed a certain black air for sneaking into a certain fallen tree, trembling.

"What? I'm afraid, you are the evil king." Ling Yun laughed.

Xie Wang couldn't bear such cynicism, and said, "Just wait for me, you are already the king's enemy, and I will fight you forever."

"Hahaha, okay, I like it. Before that, I want to ask, do you have that ability?"

"Hmph, I can't use my full strength here. This matter is endless. One accident is not enough to judge success or failure." Xie Wang snorted coldly, his tone was still so desperate for face.

"Really, I don't know if you have such a chance." Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Why not? I am the evil king, the evil king, ranked seventh among the top ten evil kings, do you understand what this means, ignorance."

"Hehe, the ancient demon god, but today your remnant soul can't live, believe it or not."

"Bah, I believe you a ghost. I used a forbidden technique. You can't find me. I will sneak back later. I will make a comeback someday. You wash my neck clean."

Xie Wang gritted his teeth and replied, this is the first time since he was sealed that he lost so badly, he was too embarrassed, he didn't even dare to stand up, thinking of Ling Yun's power just now, he was afraid for a while.

"Hahaha, are you so confident?" Ling Yun frowned.

"Hmph, want me to go out? Impossible, no matter how big and terrifying your hand is, you can't find me there, so you can't do anything about me." Xie Wang asked the crime very confidently, his forbidden technique is not Ordinary martial arts, ancient forbidden arts!
Ling Yun smiled, and immediately withdrew that giant hand in the sky.

"As you wish, I have many ways to find you, but the easiest way is to use it."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, the century clock revolved around him tacitly, making a slight chime.

Xie Wang broke out in a cold sweat when he questioned the crime, and began to question Ling Yun's words, should he believe that the Century Clock still has that kind of power?

According to his understanding in ancient times, the century clock can only exert its vast power once, and then it will become scrap iron.


The century clock in front of him can still turn, it's not scrap iron, he is still dumbfounded.

"Can't you come out?" Ling Yun asked again, he just wanted to give Xie Wang a chance to question his crimes, let him consciously point out and suffer death, so as to save time wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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