Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1149

Chapter 1149

Xie Wang questioned his guilt and didn't believe Ling Yun's words, he insisted on his idea and just didn't go out.

"Hmph, you want to lie to me." Xie Wang asked sinfully.

"Hahaha, you really don't cry when you see the coffin, it's so interesting."

Word down!

Ling Yun gave a look, and the century clock beside him immediately began to emit a hot light, and began to shine everywhere.

What the hell!

The evil king stared at the crime, trembling, this is not real, the century clock still has power, it is so fucking hurtful.

"Pluto, I advise you to be kind." Xie Wang tremblingly asked.

Ling Yun instantly sensed the location of the evil king asking crimes, and with the century clock shining on it, the little black air immediately slipped to the nearby rubble pile.

"Do you still want to go?"

"You can't trap me."

"With the century clock, you an ant is still not aware of it." Ling Yun smiled again, this is a smile that only kills a god, if it falls in the eyes of others, it will definitely tremble.

"I don't believe it, it can trap me? I'm the evil king!!" The evil king ran away recklessly, as long as he survived this calamity, he must make Ling Yun pay the price.

Ling Yun shook his head lightly, feeling a bit like a cat catching a mouse, Century Zhong quickly went to question the evil king, who broke out in a cold sweat.

Ong! !

Under the light of a golden bell, the little black air trapped in the evil king's questioning, let's see if he is still screaming...

"Damn it, just wait for me." The evil king refused to admit his guilt. Although he was trapped, he firmly believed that Ling Yun could not kill his remnant soul.

"Stubborn?" Ling Yun put a little lightning power in, but he was a little dumbfounded!
The evil king blamed the black air for not conducting electricity, let it be fine if you can't abuse it, just kill it, and go back to see the little guy.


It's a bridal chamber!

"What are you doing? Did you see that your moves have no effect on me, let me go quickly, and leave your whole body next time."

Ling Yun: "..."

He snapped his fingers, released the first demon form, yawned deeply, and stretched.

"What the hell?"

There is a feeling of impetuousness in the evil king's questioning, which cannot be an illusion.

When he looked up at the sky, he trembled again.


What kind of freak is Pluto, is this about to collide with planets?

What the hell!

People who saw this horrible scene started to stay away from Endless Sea one after another. In short, the farther they escape, the better, because this place will be destroyed.

"No no no!"

All the gods on Shenfeng took a breath and said the same thing at the same time.

Everyone was stunned!
"I hate!!"

Under the light of the century clock, Xie Wang asked the crime, unable to move, watching the meteorite falling from the sky in despair, a meteorite like a planet.

Ling Yun said that he would destroy the God Realm single-handedly if he wanted to make the evil king feel guilty and hopeless!
The meteorite fell, and the light and energy of the explosion were too great.

A force of swallowing the sky, overturning Xuanhuang, swept away towards the endless sea, just like a rough wave, with a trace of blazing heat, the shattered space of the God Realm split layer by layer, tearing and tearing.

The evil king was immediately killed by this force when he asked for his crimes, which was a miserable scene.

Ling Yun stood alone in the air, looking back, the universe trembled, the light in his eyes seemed to collapse the eternal sky, what a power it was!
His black hair fluttered wildly, his clothes flapped and was blown by the strong wind.

Ants are still ants after all, everyone is vulnerable in front of him, the whole process is just like playing.

After Ling Yun finished everything, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and the Taishang Order appeared in his hand, which is what everyone wants.


He crushed it, and a golden light radiated from it, floating up like smoke, and then began to rebuild the God Realm.

The gate of the God Realm was erected by Ling Yun, and the Chitu Continent appeared one by one in an instant, so let everything start again.

Since the one who died in the evil king's sin was a remnant soul, not counting the ancient demon god, Ling Yun didn't set up a tombstone.

Ling Yun shook his head, this place no longer belongs to his world, and the new God Realm has nothing to do with him anymore.

Demon God Sea!
In the training place where the evil king asked his crimes, his real body spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his face was ferocious, and his eyes were filled with endless killing intent.

"Okay, Pluto, right? You ruined this king's tens of millions of cultivation bases. Good job, if this king doesn't turn the Twelve Domains upside down, I won't ask the evil king to question me."

"Empress? That woman, this king remembered, Lord Yinfeng's daughter, she was reborn!!!"

"Pluto, I also remembered, it's you, that lunatic!"

A monstrous killing intent surged into the sky, and his subordinates all looked terrified, with incomprehension in their eyes.

His remnant soul couldn't recognize Ling Yun, but his real body remembered it.

This battle was even more tragic than the battle of the gods. How many immortal emperors died, three of the domain masters alone died, Mo Liancheng, Dongfanghong, Zhen Wudao, none of them survived.

After destroying a huge force, the Alliance of Gods, the legend of Pluto continues, and everyone's scalp tingles when they think about it.

The holy land of the God Realm no longer exists, an ancient symbol has come to an end, the conspiracy of the evil king to punish him has been ended, and many minions who came out of the sea of ​​demon gods have been killed.

Ling Yun sighed, and then stepped into the black hole, leaving endless imaginations for all the theatergoers in Endless Sea.

At the intersection of the Twelve Domains and the Blue Star, Ling Yun sent the little guy and An Qing into a mysterious space called Yuexiaju.

This is his long-term plan. He is going to live here. He will not be a God Lord, regardless of the underworld.

As soon as Ling Yun entered, he heard the laughter of the little guys. The space here is like a small island, with several sets of villas and palaces on it. It is unusually macroscopic, and everything is beautiful.

"Papa, my papa is back." The little guy shouted happily.

"Handsome sorghum??"

Beibei ran over excitedly, pulling Ling Yun's leg.

Ling Yun: "..."

The cursed swords had been destroyed, so Ling Yun immediately forged a fake cursed sword with his bare hands, which was exactly the same, and handed it to Bei Bei, who didn't understand, and smiled openly.


An Qing rushed over upon hearing the sound, her eyes were moist, and the next moment, the two embraced tightly without saying a word.

The little guy's eyes are turning gray!
"Papa, hug me."

The child was really jealous, and shook her head vigorously, insisting that Ling Yun hug her together, Ling Yun and his wife couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother Lingyun!"

Long Xingtian was happy, he didn't expect Ling Yun to come over alive, he was also very worried.

Ji Wushuang said: "Haha, the Twelve Domains are interesting now, and it's a separatist regime again."

"It deserves it, let them live impatiently." Ji Wuxue shrugged, not surprised by such a result at all.

Queen Yaoyue and Qixian shook their heads wryly, they had already guessed the result.

The Dongfang old lady smiled and said, "Master Pluto, I have known you for a long time, thank you very much."

"Just kidding, it's a matter of convenience, so why not be polite." Ling Yun replied with a calm smile.

Dongfang Rumeng didn't dare to look at Ling Yun directly, and lowered her head shyly.

As the host, Ling Yun entertained them very warmly here, bringing out all the good wine and tea, and he was not stingy at all.

The content of their chat did not leave the battle in the God Realm just now, and the impact was too great.

(End of this chapter)

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