Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1153 Situation

Chapter 1153 Situation (Fourth Change)
Qi Xian trembled, Ling Yun in front of him was not as strong as the terrifying black energy, they were not opponents, he finally rushed forward!

"Emperor wait a minute!"

"Huh?" Ling Yun paused, his brows furrowed slightly.

This meal was terrible, there were more and more nebulae, boundless.

"Dijun, my cousin is stupid, I'll take her away immediately." Qixian shook her head repeatedly.

"Don't come here, the emperor won't leave, he will kill him if he wants to." Queen Yaoyue pouted.

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "Qixian, go away."

Qixian was immediately shaken away by an invisible force.

Queen Yaoyue said: "I know you are ruthless, so go ahead."

Although Qi Xianren is not here, the voice has come.

"Dijun, look at those people on the mainland, those children, they have fathers and mothers, a happy family, can you bear it? They are as cute and lively as little princesses."

Hearing this, Ling Yun's black eyes turned scarlet red with a strong murderous intent, and then gradually regained clarity.

"It's worse than my wife and children? Hey..."

Ling Yun sighed, a mark floated out from between his fingers, and the mark flew into the nebula, and the nebula changed immediately.

Its terrifying power disintegrated in an instant, turning into black radiance, each one seemed to be alive, and it robbed and killed the Mo family, only targeting the fighters in the star sea.

Queen Yaoyue paled, with a wry smile on her lips: "Thank you!"

She knew that Ling Yun was very angry right now!

Then he said again: "If you are still angry, hit me, or even kill me."


Ling Yun rolled his eyes at Queen Yaoyue, then disappeared straight away, went to Wansanqian's lair, and found that someone had gone to Lou Kong, Ling Yun was so angry that he destroyed his lair!

In the end, Ling Yun seemed to be red-eyed, and bombed Tianhai Pavilion again. The terrifying energy made flowers one by one, and everyone was really frightened by the news.

Living under the moon!
Ling Yun and the others lived here for a few days until Ji Wushuang came to visit.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Ji Wuxue's first concern must be the Cancer star field before Zhen Wudao.

"Hey, two words, perfect." Ji Wushuang grinned.

Beibei on one side counted her fingers, blinked her eyes again and again, and then said in a childish voice: "Uncle Chicken, you obviously said three words."

The corner of Ji Wushuang's mouth twitched. It doesn't matter whether it's two words or three words. The important thing is that he is called a chicken!

The little guy said: "Sister Xiaoxue, is what my sister said true!"

Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing: "..."

Taking advantage of the little guy's inattention, Ling Yun and his wife secretly went out to play on the swing and made an appointment for a small meeting.

The beautiful scenery in front of me is a fairyland on earth, and the mist is rising.

It's like bathing in the sea of ​​clouds.

Tall and majestic mountains, a small green forest.

The sky is full of delicate clouds, as if pulling a silver basin and slowly sliding across the blue sky.

"Never tire of watching it!"

An Qing looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her eyes with obsession and fascination in her eyes.

The watery sunlight shone on the high mountains, and the thick water vapor on the top of the mountains was dyed blue by it.

It poured down the hillside like running water, and all the mountains were covered with a faint brilliance.

The vast mist rushed along the steep mountain, and a huge basin with a diameter of thousands of miles in the mountain was filled with blue water vapor.

The clouds are steaming and rosy, the streamer is changing, the mountain wind is rolling, and the water vapor is rolling up huge eddies.

"An Qing, do you like this kind of scenery?"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he grinned, showing his white teeth, which glistened under the sunlight.

"Ling Yun, you are the best!"

An Qing said coquettishly, she is sincere, without the slightest adulteration, this is what she thinks now, she really thinks that Ling Yun is very powerful in every aspect, there is nothing he can't do.

"Hahaha, no, you don't even look at who I am!"

Ling Yun laughed out loud triumphantly, he suddenly discovered that being with the one he loves and getting along with him is also a kind of practice.

"Ling Yun, keep your voice down, don't laugh so loud." An Qing looked up at Ling Yun, and said softly.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, it's too late!

The little guy ran out after hearing the sound, the happy moments that belonged to the two of them were gone again, Ling Yun and An Qing had black lines all over their heads.

As the little one ran out, everyone came out!
"Wow, Papa, was that made for me?" The little guy also saw the scene, fascinated.

Ling Yun laughed: "Yes, it should come for you."

An Qing said: "Who made my Qianqian so cute?"

Beibei jumped up and said, "I'm cute too."

"Aha, there's me too." Little Irene also jumped a few times.

Long Yanran laughed loudly: "That's are the cutest and the most mischievous!"

The three little guys rolled their eyes together, pouted their mouths, and kept chasing Long Yanran, who even played with them, chasing after each other, laughing all the time.

Ling Yun pushed An Qing's swing, and asked, "What happened to the Twelve Domains?"

Ji Wushuang was watched by them, and the corner of his mouth twitched. This kind of question was also what Long Xingtian and the others wanted to know.

Twelve domains are no longer twelve domains!
So many people died in that battle in the God Realm, and the entire Star Region was in chaos.

Ji Wushuang took down the Cancer star field, and even Gemini and Cancer were collectively called the Yunzhongyu!
Queen Yaoyue took over the Libra star field and merged with her previous star field, collectively called the Huangyu!
Diya's army invaded the three major star domains and took charge of the four major star domains.

Di Ya was the first to enter the Archer Starfield, but the Ice Archer King was defeated and fled without a trace.

Followed by Lion Star Field, this star field, the domain owner did not show up, the territory was completely broken, and the Imperial Army took over.

The Taurus Emperor of the Taurus Starfield, he has reached an agreement with Di Ya, and the Starfield will present it!
and so!
Diya ruled the four-star domain and changed its name to God's Domain!
This name is crazy!
The monster clan opened the channel and formed a world of its own, the monster domain!

The demon clan has newly established the demon master, a female fairy, she is Pepe, and another domain, called the demon domain.

The other four star domains remain unchanged, but they are united, and the title of the emperor is the monarch!The rulers of the four directions are in the realm of death.

The universe as a whole is divided into Yunzhong Realm, Imperial Realm, God Realm, Demon Realm, Underworld Realm, Dead Realm, Demon Realm, Demon God Sea!

Chongtian, as a small world, has developed too much. It used to be [-], but now there are [-]. How many of them belong to Diya?

Ji Wushuang sighed and said, "It's still calm in a short time."

Ling Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth and said: "Never mind him, this kind of layout is quite good, if the internal management is not in place, there must be conflicts."

"That's true. It's a good thing that Yun Zhongyu was taken care of by me, and everything was subdued." Ji Wushuang smiled, quite proudly.

Ji Wuxue rolled her eyes and said, "Are you sure?"


Hearing this, Ji Wushuang was suddenly embarrassed!

"There are no absolutes in everything, it's just an undercurrent." Ling Yun shook his head.


Ji Wushuang has been taught, and he handed over the management to the elders of Ji's family. Now that Ling Yun points out, he must keep it in mind and keep improving.

(End of this chapter)

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