Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1154 The Great Ideal

Chapter 1154 The Great Ideal (Part [-])
After finishing talking with Ji Wushuang, Ling Yun began to keep silent, pushing Qianqiu lightly, neither asking about the God Realm nor the Underworld!

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, during these three days Ling Yun asked them to make alchemy, including An Qing, who had five different fires in his hand, all of which were given to her by Ling Yun.

The little guy saw one, curled his lips and wanted to eat green vegetables, Ling Yun explained again foolishly, eating more can only strengthen it, it won't grow any longer.

Ling Yun would not want the refined medicine, so the spirit monkey screamed, this is its favorite, and occasionally the crane would swallow a few, like candy.

Last time in Pill City, a full hundred medicinal materials were gone, but they did not disappoint Ling Yun, and their alchemy skills were improved to a higher level.

The medicinal materials are gone, so it's a bit difficult to deal with. If you want to buy them, you can't just rely on planting. Some of them need to be aged.

Ling Yun has a bit of a headache, where does the spirit stone come from is still a problem, looking for melon skin?

Apart from him, there is no one else. The Guapi Emperor took over the Yuexia Auction and Yuexia Cultivation Academy. Although the two are currently in a downturn due to Lingyun, they still have some money to make.

At sunset, Ling Yun and An Qing took the three little guys to go fishing in a nearby pond, while Long Xingtian and Qin Xianglian went to practice, and even Long Yanran began to retreat.

The little guy sat on the air, waiting for the fishing rod, turned his head to look at Ling Yun, and said in a baby voice, "Papa, when are we going back?"

"Go back? Where...?" Ling Yun asked back.

"That beautiful, beautiful house." The little guy drew a big circle to explain the shrine.

"I can't go back." Ling Yun replied.

"No, I still want to sell Wangzai, earn a lot of money, I'll give it to you." The little guy blinked suddenly, smiled, and finally threw himself into Ling Yun's arms.

"Hahaha, really? Are you serious?" Ling Yun stroked the little guy's head, which was so cute and cute.

"Yeah, yum, I'll keep it for you." The little guy nodded.

Ling Yun: "..."

Didn't you just give it to him?

this kid!
Trying to trick him again!
"I don't want the spirit stone anymore. You need to buy medicinal materials and materials, do you understand?"

"Yeah, yum."

The little guy nodded again, Beibei was so excited that he caught a fish, he asked An Qing for help.

"Let's go." The little guy began to pull Lingyun, and there was a Thunder Gate on the ground, and he didn't know where it was on the other side.

"Qi Qian, we won't be allowed to stay there anymore." Ling Yun said truthfully.

The little guy blinked and asked curiously, "Huh? Isn't Papa the biggest?"

In her memory, the God Realm belonged to Ling Yun, but why she didn't let her stay, she was full of questions.

"Children don't need to know so much, you just play and study." Ling Yun smiled, gently brushing the little guy's hair.

"Then am I not the little God Lord?"

Hearing this, the little guy was stunned for a moment with a dumbfounded expression.

"Yeah, what's so good about being a God Lord?"

"No, no, it's amazing to be a god master." The little guy shook his head vigorously and refuted.

"Haha, does Sissy like that so much?"

"Yeah, yum."

"Do you want to be a God Lord? Or to rule the universe? Do you know, Sissi, that you are stronger than Dad."

Ling Yun started laughing, there is nothing wrong with that!
"Papa is the most powerful, what is the universe?" The little guy scratched his head with a pensive expression on his face. At this age, she is the most curious about knowledge, asking all kinds of questions.

Ling Yun said briefly, and the little guy's eyes lit up instantly, do you rule the universe?As if it was fun, she wants to conquer everything.

A small ideal sprouted in her mind, and in the future she really became a peerless queen, and the whole universe was in her pocket.

"Papa, help me."

The little guy rolled his eyes dejectedly, the ghost master had a pretty good idea.

"No, what are you thinking in your little head? I'm old and useless, and the Twelve Realms don't belong to me after living for so long. I can only rely on you." Ling Yun stroked his chin and said flickeringly.


The little guy rolled his eyes and began to disbelieve it!

"Really, look, one hair fell out." Ling Yun immediately pulled out a hair to show her, the little guy was stunned, and picked up Ling Yun's hair, a burst of sadness.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he still wanted to put on an old look, small sample?Fighting with me, he just laughed and said nothing!


"I am here."


"What's wrong."

"Papa is dying soon."

Ling Yun: "..."


Hearing this, An Qing was bewildered, what were their father and daughter talking about just now, why Ling Yun was dying, she panicked, lost all the fish in her hand, and immediately ran over to ask questions.

In the end, An Qing put her hands on her hips angrily, almost fainted from the anger, and the little guy was still scratching his head.

Night falls!

Ling Yun and An Qing went to work on dinner first, while they continued fishing, waiting for Ling Yun to call them.

Half an hour later, Ling Yun came, and when he saw that Beibei used the evil dragon yuan and the fire unicorn to illuminate, the corner of his mouth twitched and he wanted to vomit blood!
This is a heaven-defying treasure. If others find out, they will definitely vomit blood and die of anger.

Fortunately, the little guy didn't do this!


Slap in the face slightly.

The little guy was even more angry with him, Taijiyin took out the anti-mosquito bites, the century clock was used to hold the fish, and the lady piano was used for little Irene to sit on!

Ling Yun was completely speechless. Was she serious about collecting the top ten ancient artifacts?

"Aha, Papa, come on, I caught a fish."

"Great, did you cheat?"

The little guy shook his head, and said in a childish voice, "No, it hanged itself."

"What... hang yourself? Take the bait." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

"No, no, hang yourself, what my sister said, it's exactly the same as the TV." The little guy retorted.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shook his head lightly: "Come here, you can eat, tonight there is a lot of fish and meat, very rich, everything is available."

", did you stir-fry the golden cicada?" Little Irene asked, licking her mouth.

"There's none here, ahem... there are green vegetables, yes, green vegetables."

Ling Yun was embarrassed...

"Have you stir-fried the black cicada?" Beibei asked.

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines: "No!"

All the black cicadas have come out, is Beibei serious, but Blue Star's is indeed a black cicada.

"Is there any steamed ice cicadas?" Beibei asked again.

Ling Yun shook his head: "..."

"Is there any green cicada?"


"Do you have……"

"Talk, pack up quickly." Ling Yun hurriedly urged.

The little guy curled his lips, and said in a childish voice: "There is nothing, just lie to the kid."

Ling Yun: "..."

On the way back!
Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, my sister said that she wants to rule the Jianghu, for generations to come, and rule the big ball step by step."

The big ball in her mouth is the planet.

(End of this chapter)

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