Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1155 Mission

Chapter 1155 Mission (Second Update)

Ling Yun responded to Bei Bei with a soft hum, and motioned her to continue talking.

Beibei also said that she would help the little guy, the latter would be the queen, and she would be the vice queen, which made Ling Yun laugh out loud.

The little guy laughed and kept saying that her sister was better than her father at the moment.

Little Irene said in a milky voice: "The national costume is a combination of dragon and phoenix, the most awesome Irene, please fight."

"Protect our output." Beibei added.


These two sentences made them all laugh. Little Irene scratched her head, there was nothing wrong with her.

"Handsome, what about my Beibei Temple, is it still there?"

"What temple? Why don't I know." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched. What kind of bad things did these little guys do behind his back? Returning to Beibei Temple?Do you engage in underground forces?

"It's the most, the most... the awesome temple, which belongs to Beibei." Beibei said in a childish voice, her tone was a little excited, and she said a lot of words.

"Yoyo, you're so awesome, congratulations, Beibei." Ling Yun replied with a smile, what was going on in this kid's head.

"Ha ha!"

All the way there were laughter and laughter from the few of them, the mouth of laughter must have dried up.

For her temple, it is estimated that Beiying Yijue has not started to recruit people, and besides, the headquarters is not known. Where did the little boy get the money to collect the younger brother and build the palace.

at the dinner table!
The little guy said, "Papa, how long will we stay here?"

Beibei immediately continued: "You can't watch gourd babies, you can't watch TV, you can't watch cartoons."

Little Irene added: "You can't even play games well!"

An Qing: "..."

Ling Yun replied: "Go back to Blue Star the day after tomorrow."

"Really?" Beibei's eyes lit up!


Little Irene immediately stood on the chair and clapped her hands.

"Yeah! Papa is the best." The little guy immediately threw himself into Ling Yun's arms, and slapped the latter's cheek hard, her little mouth was greasy.

An Qing smiled and asked, "Am I not good?"

"Okay, but my papa is the best." The little guy poked Lingyun's other cheek again, making the latter dumbfounded.

Silent all night!
next day!

It's been a long time since Ling Yun had a holiday with Phoenix. As a qualified boss, this is wrong.

"Boss, what instructions do you have?" Phoenix asked as soon as he came out.

He is already familiar with Ling Yun's boss, and occasionally he is very casual.

"Let me take a big vacation and do something."

"What? Vacation? But...but I don't want to go out, stay in the space, eat and drink, and be at ease." Phoenix said truthfully.

"No, this is your benefit as an excellent employee."

"Haha, the boss is really discerning, yes, I am that excellent employee."

"Well, good employees must have regular vacations. I haven't forgotten your vacations, and I will firmly remember them."

"It's good to see the outside world." Phoenix nodded.

He watched Ling Yun take out a box of Wang Zai, and he couldn't understand it!

"For you!"

"You're welcome, thank you, boss." Phoenix replied, putting it away happily, not being polite at all.

Just accept it!

Ling Yun smiled, looked at Phoenix's excited expression and said, "I need you for a mission during the vacation."

"Mission? Didn't you say vacation?" The corner of Phoenix's mouth twitched, feeling like a trap.

"Go to the Demon God Sea and bring back the Emperor Fan."

Ling Yun did not forget the promise he made to Aunt Mei. The last time the immortal emperors sent by Xi Shenzun died, Ling Yun knew that the imprints on their bodies disappeared, and he could sense it immediately.

"Devil...devil...devil god...sea..." Hearing this, the phoenix trembled, trembling even after speaking.

"Is there a problem?" Ling Yun was displeased, staring at Phoenix.

The phoenix complained directly in his heart!
Have you been abused again this time?
"Can you change to another place, I don't want to go to Demon God Sea."

"Go, you won't die, who can do anything to you." Ling Yun smiled and shook his head to reject Phoenix's request.

"That pervert like you is inside, I know it, besides, the Demon God Sea is a sealed place, and it's like hell inside, I won't go, I don't want to be abused."

The phoenix also shook its head, and started to stay away from Ling Yun.

"That was in ancient times. The current Demon God Sea is not so scary. The environment inside is elegant, the seasons are like spring, the scenery is beautiful, and the sea breeze is blowing, and it is cool." Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, no matter what the phoenix's stunned expression, he was just fooling around.

"Really? The Demon God Sea has changed?" Phoenix began to think deeply, Ling Yun in front of him didn't look like he was joking.

"It's changed, it's changed, who is the pervert you mentioned just now?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

Phoenix stared at Ling Yun and shook his head: "Since the boss has forgotten that painful memory, don't think about it."

"Oh, will it be painful to remember?" Ling Yun frowned!
"Yes, very painful."

In Phoenix's memory, he had heard a little about Ling Yun's deeds, plus the past few days of working for Ling Yun, he felt that Ling Yun really didn't need to remember, he is very happy now, isn't he?

"Forget it. I don't want to know about the pervert you mentioned. If you don't go, will you say he's great or me?" Ling Yun's mouth curled up into a smile, which was very unpredictable.

"Boss, let that spirit old man in the gourd go, and let me go." Phoenix's hands and feet trembled immediately!

The strongest seal of the Demon God Sea was the one that sealed the ancient god, Yin Feng!
In ancient times, when the Yin wind was mentioned, who would not be terrified and terrified by the wind.

Yin Feng is indeed in the Demon God Sea, but he is in a deep sleep, and has not heard of him for countless years. People who have been to the Demon God Sea for a long time almost believe that it is a legend.

In a certain year in the ancient times, Yin Feng once incarnated, but Ling Yun terminated him and ruined his plan, which also caused the greatest pain in Ling Yun's life!
Fortunately, the phoenix has never seen An Qing, otherwise it would be scared to death! !

"Who is stronger?" Ling Yun asked again.

"I haven't fought against him before, but his strength was only half at that time."

Phoenix didn't witness the battle with his own eyes, but he came out of the demon god Haihua's avatar, so awesome, it must not be the peak strength.

Recalling the horror of Ling Yun, Phoenix couldn't make a choice.

"You don't have to go, you can get all the top ten ancient artifacts for me."

"This... this... this... they must be in a certain sealed place, otherwise they were taken by someone, how could I find them." The corner of the phoenix's beak twitched, what kind of mission is this.

"pick one of two!"

Ling Yun guessed that if the Phoenix was not stupid, he would definitely choose the Demon God Sea, and collecting the top ten ancient artifacts would be as difficult as reaching the sky, just him?hehe……

"Boss, I... I choose number one!" Phoenix gritted his teeth, the Demon God Sea is nothing more, just go, whoever is afraid of whom!

"Okay, good, excellent staff, promising, come back and give you a promotion."

The phoenix smiled when he heard Ling Yun praise him as an excellent employee again!
(End of this chapter)

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