Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1166 Ignorance

Chapter 1166 Ignorance (first update)
Last resort!
Ling Tianyang said in a loud voice: "What are you doing? He is my son, the grandson of the Ling family. You are an outsider, and I will not understand you."

Third Aunt Ling Yun didn't dare to make any more noises immediately, but she was still unconvinced and muttered: "What's the bullshit, it's not because of this bad boy, I'm an outsider now? Hehe..."

She didn't dare to say that marrying Lin Qiuyan caused the family's misfortune, she blamed Sang and scolded Huai!
"Third Aunt, originally you are an elder, and I don't want to say anything more, but I don't understand how you treat us like this. Why did my mother and I offend you?" Ling Yun frowned!
An Qing tugged at Ling Yun, and signaled him to stop talking, saying more to an ignorant woman, would it make her unhappy in vain.

Third Aunt Lingyun said: "No, but I told the truth."

"it is good!"

Ling Yun doesn't care!
Facts are facts, he didn't bother to talk about it, it's a disgrace!

"Go ahead, I'll go visit grandpa!" Ling Yun immediately stood up, patted An Qing's hand, and told the latter not to follow, but to stay here and chat with everyone!

Ling Longyang felt a lump in his heart, and was a little worried that Ling Yun would be affected by what he said just now. In fact, he was thinking too much. Would Ling Yun care?nonexistent.

Ling Tianyang's heart fluctuated with anger...

Hearing this, Third Aunt Lingyun gave her a contemptuous look and said, "Look, go, go, go and sue, I'm not afraid."

Ling Yun's footsteps paused, and An Qing laughed immediately: "Ling Yun, did you hear Qianqian's laughter!"

The little guy's laughter was already very small here, An Qing just didn't want Ling Yun to make things difficult for everyone just after he came back. The latter is the God Lord, King of Pluto, just be generous and forgive this ignorant woman.

An Qing guessed that it was because Ling Yun, as the eldest grandson, dragged his family to the capital at this moment, and Third Aunt Ling Yun must be worried about the division of property and Ling Yun's succession as the patriarch.

Not to mention, An Qing is a smart woman, in fact she is!

Only then did Ling Yun continue to move out!

Ling Longyang caught up and asked at the door: "Xiao Yun'er, let me take you there. It's been so long, you probably don't remember the way. Your grandfather's study has also moved."

Ling Yun didn't turn his head, and replied calmly: "No need, Second Uncle, you are busy with your work, so don't call me, I am very casual."

Hearing this, Ling Longyang sighed, it was obvious that Ling Yun just treated himself as a guest, and he should be the next generation Patriarch of Ling Mansion.

Looking at Ling Yun's back, Ling Longyang sighed again.

With a glance of Ling Yun's consciousness, he knew that Ling Wensong was there, quietly reading books in a study not far away, which was his hobby in his later years!

It just so happened that what I was reading was Journey to the West published by Lingyun Company!
Ling Yun came here, but he was politely waiting for Ling Wensong to finish reading!
The little guy was having a lot of fun, laughing all the time, this laughter attracted Ling Qianxue who was giving a lecture!

She walked towards the source of the voice, Ling Mingji frowned, and followed.

The little guy was listening to Beibei's story, and she made it up, she laughed so hard, the two sisters, Ling Xiaoyu, pricked up their ears, because what Beibei told was something they had never heard before, and it was so good!
Ling Qianxue quietly walked behind the little guy, booed at the two little girls opposite, and then covered the little guy's eyes!
She purposely asked in an old voice, "Guess who I am?"

The little guy pushed Ling Qianxue's hands away vigorously, and the latter laughed quietly, secretly thinking that the little girl is too cute.

"Is it grandma?"


The sound is still vicissitudes!

"It's grandpa..."

"It's still wrong, let's guess again!" Ling Qianxue shook her head and laughed!

"It's necrotic, Sissi doesn't even know you." The little guy pouted immediately, his consciousness swept away, and he immediately saw Ling Qianxue, who she had never seen before, guess what?When she is stupid?
"Well...then I'll test you. I heard from your father that you are very smart." Ling Qianxue said.

The little guy laughed: "Of course, Sissy is the most... smartest!"

Beibei on one side has black lines all over her head!

Sister Ling Xiaoyu covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing, this little guy is so cute!
"I'm your father's older sister, so why should Sissy call me?"

"My papa's sister? Does he have one?" the little guy asked curiously.

Ling Qianxue: "..."

"I am your father's sister, think about it!"

"Auntie?" the little guy asked tentatively.

"No, no, no..."

"Aha, it's my aunt!" The little guy immediately clapped his hands and laughed!
Ling Qianxue put down her hand in an instant, kissed the little guy's forehead, and praised: "Awesome! Remember, I am your aunt Qianxue, and they are also your aunts!"

The little guy nodded: "Well, they are twin elder aunts and twin younger aunts, Sissy remembers them all."

"Is this Beibei? Come here, let me hug you, Auntie likes a well-behaved and cute child like you the most." Ling Qianxue said with a smile.

Beibei's eyes lit up, and then she pounced on it!
The little guy tugged at Ling Qianxue, and said in a childlike voice, "Aunt Qianxue, isn't Qianqian cute? Isn't she obedient? Grandma said, Sissi is the most obedient!"

Ling Qianxue laughed loudly: "They are all cute and well-behaved!"

These two children are so cute, no wonder they are loved by children and parents in Shanghai.

Ling Mingji came over, half-closed his eyes and curled his lips: "I thought who was chirping, it turned out to be some losers!"

What he said even scolded his own sister!

Ling Qianxue turned her head and stared into her beautiful eyes with anger. She really had no choice but to take care of her younger brother. She was taught to be bad by her mother. She has been arrogant and domineering since she was a child!
The little guy scratched his head and asked Beibei in a low voice: "Sister, what is a money-losing product?"

Beibei didn't understand either, but she said shortly, "Accompany the money? It should be put by the bed."

Hearing this, the corner of Ling Qianxue's mouth twitched, unable to laugh or cry!

this kid...

There is no distinction between compensation and compensation!
Ling Mingji laughed loudly: "Laughing to death!"

Ling Qianxue was displeased and scolded: "Shut up, how can you say such a thing? They are your nieces!"

"Sister, you should stay away from the broom star, their family is full of bad luck." Ling Mingji said.

Ling Qianxue continued to scold: "What do you know? If you don't learn well at such a young age, who did you learn from? She is getting more and more presumptuous, and she is Long Beibei. Do you know what Long Beibei means?"

Although she doesn't belong to the circle of supernatural powers, sometimes she still hears some rumors in the living room. She is also very curious about Pluto, especially the video of the bloody group destroying. How powerful a person can change the situation!

"Cut, what Pluto? Fake to death, sister, wake up, such a powerful person, will keep a low profile? That video is fake, woman... Long hair but short knowledge!"

Ling Mingji didn't take it seriously, but he didn't know, Beibei frowned slightly, this person is so annoying, can you shoot him flying!

And the little guy scratched his head, Pluto seemed to be her father!
(End of this chapter)

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