Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167 A Little Punishment (Second Change)

Ling Mingji still didn't find that Beibei and the little guy were abnormal, and kept talking, even Ling Qianxue was angry! !
Ling Xiaoyu and Ling Xiaoyu couldn't stand listening to it, and were going to scold Ling Mingji together!

Beibei rolled her eyes round, pointed to the sky and said, "Look...there is a flying saucer!!"

Ling Mingji and the others all looked towards the sky that Beibei pointed at, but there was nothing. The little guy was also fooled by Beibei. She scratched her head and kept looking, why couldn't she see it?Where is it?

And at this time, Beibei kicked Ling Mingji into a shit-eating posture!

The little guy immediately saw Ling Mingji being kicked down by Beibei's phantom, and couldn't help laughing out loud!

Ling Mingji was in pain, lying on the ground, and immediately looked back to see who did it!

In the end, nothing was found. Beibei and the little guy were so far away and so small, it couldn't be them!

What the hell!


Ling Mingji began to feel uneasy!
Ling Qianxue smiled, she didn't know what was going on, but she felt much better seeing her brother being taught a lesson.

Sister Ling Xiaoyu laughed, and kept laughing at the dog-climbing Ling Mingji, because the latter couldn't get up!
It was Xiao Beibei who did it again, suppressing Ling Mingji with a trace of supernatural power, keeping the latter in a dog crawling style. Fortunately, she knows how to use it, otherwise Ling Mingji would die in an instant!
The little guy's saliva was almost dry from laughing, and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"There's a ghost... help me, sister..." Ling Mingji trembled, this is the first time he has encountered such an experience, can he not tremble?
Ling Qianxue also started to panic, what is the situation, they are fine and suppressed?Could it be...

A terrifying thought flashed through my mind instantly, that is Pluto!He is nearby!Thinking of this, her feet were trembling, and her face suddenly turned pale.


Ling Qianxue tried to ask Beibei, if it is true that Pluto protects Beibei as rumored, then as long as Beibei speaks, her younger brother will be able to keep her.

Beibei curled her lips and shook her head!
When this happened, the timid sister Ling Xiaoyu immediately went back to the living room to call for someone.

"It me!" Ling Mingji spoke again, his voice sounded really unbearable.

Ling Qianxue hurried over, squatted down, her eyes were red and said: "If you persist, someone will come soon."

The little guy whispered in Bei Bei's ear: "Sister, is he falling asleep?"

Beibei quickly shook her head, only for a while, can she die?Impossible!

Ling Xiaoyu yelled all the way, and everyone in the living room rushed over with anxious faces, especially Lin Qiuyan and An Qing, who were worried that something might happen to the child.

"What's going on?" Ling Tianyang asked as soon as he arrived.

Ling Xiaoyu was out of breath!Unable to answer, he kept pointing at Ling Mingji who was crawling like a dog on the ground!
It wasn't that the little guy had an accident with Beibei, An Qing immediately relaxed, and then she couldn't help laughing when she saw Ling Mingji who was crawling like a dog.

"Qianxue, what's wrong with him?" Ling Tianyang and Ling Longyang asked at the same time, and walked into them quickly!

"I don't know, he seems to be pressed by a force!" Ling Qianxue was burning with anxiety!
As soon as Third Aunt Lingyun came, she immediately said, "Son, son? What's wrong with you, did they do it?"

Immediately, she glared at Beibei and the others!

An Qing smiled, she was sure that this naughty Bei Bei did it, but there must be a reason, Bei Bei would not bully others casually, An Qing knew this very well.

Lin Qiuyan was displeased, how could she look at her granddaughter like this, she was so small, it must not have been done by them, maybe he accidentally fell down.

"It's him?" After hearing Ling Qianxue's words, Ling Tianyang frowned slightly!

In such a situation, Ling Tianyang can't solve it, it's Pluto's method!
Ling Longyang was shocked, and said cautiously: "Brother, what should I do?"

"Qianxue, what happened at that time? How did Mingji provoke him?" Ling Tianyang asked.

Third Aunt Ling Yun was crying and cursing, making people upset, Ling Qianxue said loudly: "Mom, can you be quiet, what do you know! If you continue to make trouble, my brother will die."

Third Aunt Lingyun was frightened immediately, didn't she fall down?It's so serious, hurry up and call a white car!


She was really ordering the servants to call an ambulance!
Ling Qianxue described the situation at that time in detail, and when everyone heard it, they were frightened to death when they knew about Pluto, Ling Tianyang and Ling Longyang tried their best, but there was still nothing they could do!
An Qing knelt down, rubbed Beibei's little head, and said with a smile: "Beibei, shall we forgive him?"

The little guy immediately clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, if he fell asleep, Mama would cry very sadly, especially Aunt Qianxue."

"Is that so?" Beibei blinked, she hadn't played enough yet, and felt that Ling Mingji could last more than ten minutes.

An Qing laughed again, while Bei Bei was thinking about it, she said a few more words, the latter immediately laughed, and then Shenwei disappeared.

“Bebe is awesome!”


"Okay, we're saved!" Ling Tianyang was overjoyed!
"It hurts me to death." Ling Mingji said with a look of lingering fear.

Ling Qianxue slapped her younger brother a few times and scolded, "I'll let you speak out and offend people!"

Third Aunt Lingyun immediately cared about Ling Mingji's health problems, and she cursed at everyone again!
An Qing shook her head, this woman must be pretending to be shit, and then she took the little guy and Beibei back to the living room, little Irene was still in the living room.

Seeing that Ling Mingji was fine, everyone gradually dispersed!

in the living room!
Lin Qiuyan secretly sat on the sofa, next to her was the little guy, the latter was a little bored, just watching the gourd baby, while Beibei and little Irene were playing games, and they were in double rows.

"Little granddaughter? Sissy? Do you see what this is?"

"Wang Zai?" The little guy's beautiful eyes widened immediately, and he even peeked at An Qing, Bei Bei and the others. When they realized that they weren't looking, they immediately covered Lin Qiuyan and the latter's Wang Zai.

"For you, hahaha."

"Yeah, yum, thank you grandma, I will also give it to grandma Wangzai in the future, and wait until I get the one from Papa's hand." The little guy replied in a childish voice, carefully unpacking it!

Still the original formula, still the original taste, this is Ling's Dairy brand Wangzai.

"Don't worry, take your time!"

Don't be in a hurry, it will be bad if you are found out, so the little guy sucked heavily, sneaking around like this, hiding in Lin Qiuyan's half arms, very cute.

After finishing drinking, the little guy sweetly asked: "Grandma, who made this Wangzai, drink it well, is it my daddy?"

Lin Qiuyan shook her head, how could it be Ling Yun, but it was not clearly written on the can, and she didn't understand, facing the little guy's question, she foolishly said: "Look at the words on it, it was invented by a person named Ling's Dairy Industry Creative."

"Is it this?" The little guy pointed at the four big characters of Ling's Dairy in a childish voice!

Lin Qiuyan nodded, and kept praising the little guy for being smart, but the latter was fooled into it like this, believing it to be true!

(End of this chapter)

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