Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173 Planning (Fourth Change)

Good tea!

Ling Rufeng took a gulp!

"Don't drink it, it's a waste of drinking like this!" Ling Tianyang's face hurts, in his eyes, Ling Rufeng is a violent thing!

"Father, you don't understand. It's a waste if you drink too much. You're just cultivating your internal strength. Drinking this tea won't work. Your body can't absorb that much." Ling Rufeng said.

It was said that Ling Tianyang's head was full of black lines, and he was reprimanded by his own son, and he was still powerless to refute!

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "Don't waste it, drink it, I have plenty of this tea!"

Ling Tianyang widened his eyes, rubbed his hands together and said, "Really? Xiao Yun'er, give me five catties... no no, ten catties!"

Ling Yun sprayed the tea all over the floor!Ten catties?It's too much, although it is the worst grade of fairy tea, but he doesn't like such rubbish in his hand, and the stock is only a few taels.

As soon as the little guy came out, he saw this scene, and laughed again, her hair was still a little wet, and An Qing ran away without paying attention.

Ling Yun said: "It will be a little later, there will be!"

The little guy didn't understand anything, so she said in a childlike voice, "Yeah, yeah, there will be some later, if you eat too much, you will get angry. Sissy has never been picky eaters, she loves green vegetables."

After she finished speaking, she fell into Ling Yun's arms, making them dumbfounded!
As soon as Ling Yun touched her hair, he immediately put on a serious face: "Next time, don't dry your hair, don't come out!"

With a very subtle movement, the little guy's hair dried immediately, and the latter nodded.

"Papa is the best, do you really tell stories?"

"Do you want to listen?"

"Yes... But can we talk about it tomorrow!"

"Why?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and then he whispered in Ling Yun's ear. The latter couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, and she wanted to show those treasures to everyone.

I don't have time to listen to the story tonight, so I can only act like a baby and explain to her father tomorrow, the little guy is quite smart sometimes.

Ling Yun was originally trying to trick the little guy into taking a bath, so he didn't intend to talk about it at all, so he nodded happily, anyway, the latter probably forgot when he woke up tomorrow.

Ling Tianyang looked at the little guy and said with a smile: "Qiqian, your clothes are so beautiful, who bought them for you?"

The little guy looked down at what she was wearing at the moment. It was a change dress that An Qing personally cut for her in the God Realm. She was told not to wear the artifact skirt at night!
"I'm numb!"

"Wow, your mother is so kind to you." Ling Rufeng said.

"Er Shu, is your mother treating you badly? Your clothes are not as beautiful as mine." The little guy said in a childish voice, standing on the sofa with his hands on his hips, as if to let them all see her new clothes!
The little guy was digging out his pockets, he was suddenly embarrassed, this is not an artifact skirt, there is no storage space.

Ling Tianyang had a lot of questions to ask Ling Rufeng, but now he didn't have time to ask them, everyone came out, so he could only hesitate.

Ling Rufeng signaled him not to worry, and would explain clearly to him, so the latter was not so anxious.

As soon as Lin Qiuyan came out, she touched the little guy's hair to see if it was wet, with a cautious expression on her face.

"Sissy, you can't do this in the future, you can't play with your hair if it's dry!"

"Grandma, I know I'm wrong, papa has already accused me!" The little guy lowered his head aggrievedly, he is just a child who did something wrong!
"Okay, long memory." Lin Qiuyan flicked the back of the little guy's head, the latter muttered and accepted it humbly.

"elder sister…"

The little guy was dumbfounded when he saw that Beibei had new clothes again!

In this case, they won't be able to take out some things in their pockets. They haven't divided the gifts yet. There are so many people now, don't they?When will it be.

"Haha, what's wrong with my sister?" Beibei asked with a blink of an eye.

Little Erin understood right away: "Pockets, pockets!"


Beibei just found out!

To find a way, the two little guys sneaked back into the bathroom to find An Qing, and no one else was allowed to follow!
The Bai family, inside the solemn study.

Bai Baichuan and his other father, Bai Sen, both of them sat here, their faces were very cold, especially Bai Baichuan's eyes were shining coldly.

"I can't bear it any longer. The Ling family bullies people too much. If I let it go like this, I, Bai Baichuan, will have no face." Bai Baichuan shouted coldly.

"What do you want to do?" Bai Sen looked at the angry Bai Baichuan.

"Kill them!" A murderous intent flashed in Bai Baichuan's eyes. Before, he just wanted to play, but he didn't expect to play badly with a good hand.

"What else can you do?"

Bai Sen said anxiously.

"Father, don't worry. I've already made arrangements. My method is very simple. It's natural for a professional to do such a thing as killing someone."

"A killer again?"

"Right or wrong..."

"What do you mean?" Bai Sen frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Tonight I notified the seniors in the tomb robbery world." Bai Baichuan's eyes turned cold.

"Baichuan, you are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire. I won't go crazy with you." Bai Sen's eyes widened, and he looked at his son in disbelief.

"Father, we have no choice. The ancestor is dead, and we have lost our heritage. Don't you understand that the dragon group wants us to die!" Bai Baichuan's eyes were ferocious, and his face looked extremely terrifying.

He doesn't want to do this either, if he doesn't resist, he will only become more and more passive!

The backyard of the Bai family is a cemetery. Tonight, he has released some news. As long as others can help him, he will do whatever it takes.

"Baichuan, about the cemetery, will the Tianshimen come?"

"It will definitely be, and the person will probably be here soon." Bai Baichuan smiled slightly!
The four most ferocious places, but the Tianshimen have been looking for it all the time, Bai Baichuan doesn't believe it, after they hear about it, they will be indifferent!
Some foreign organizations had let him out a few days ago, and only those in the Bai family cemetery could save him.

It is rumored that the four most ferocious places are a very big secret of the Bai family, guarded by powerful corpse energy, it is very scary.

Later, he will gather them from afar, get rid of the Ling family first, fight against the dragon group, and share the treasures in the cemetery together, provided that someone has played with him.

Bai Baichuan is not a fool, he will not do things like leading wolves into a house.

The little guy pulled Beibei and muttered, An Qing was helping them with clothes, and they were not free, and then they found out about the situation of Bai's house.

It's because there are a lot of people with energy in the Bai family, which are internal force and supernatural power. The two children don't understand, blink and blink, and there is a dark supernatural aura, which the little guy hates the most.

at the same time!

I'm curious, why is it so rubbish?Beibei's feeling is that she can knock them into the air with her body. It's not just bragging, it's just so awesome.

Lin Qiuyan came in, looking at them funny, why are the two children looking at each other?

"Why is Sissy looking at Beibei? Why are they looking at each other? Did they have a fight!"

Eye to eye?
An Qing felt a lump in her heart, it's not good!
They must be playing!
(End of this chapter)

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