Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174 Shangbai Family (First Change)
Over there at the Bai family!

Bai Baichuan and a group of elders are in the yard, surrounded by Tianshimen, killers, desperadoes, biochemical blacks, mercenaries, and tomb robbers!

A thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky, scaring everyone to run away!


When Beibei wanted to tease them, An Qing separated them, otherwise without Ling Yun's action, the Bai family would have been destroyed by the two of them.

Gathering a bunch of people is definitely not a good person, that's what Beibei thinks, and besides, she just wants to scare them.

"Okay, okay, go in and take out the things in your clothes yourself!" An Qing smiled helplessly!
"Yeah, yum!"

They are most concerned about the treasures in those pockets!
Ling Yun's cell phone is ringing!

He didn't intend to hide it anymore, anyway, sooner or later he would be known, and he knew who was calling from the other side!
It was in the Northeast Temple that the fifth elder he rescued, Ying Shuisheng, after so long, Sijue got a clue, and he wanted to tell Ling Yun immediately!
In Blue Star, Ling Yuyang and Liu Qingcheng already knew the identity of Pluto, but only Ling Tianyang and his second mother Zhang Jiahui didn't know about the small living room.

Of course, Lin Qiuyan doesn't know yet, she is talking with An Qing at the moment, waiting for the little ones to come out!


Ling Yun turned on the phone and clicked on Hands-free!
"Hello, my lord! I'm sorry to disturb you so late!" Fifth Elder Ying Shuisheng asked.

"What's the good news?" Ling Yun asked knowingly!

Just now when Beibei used his strength, he discovered what was going on in the Bai family at this moment, including the huge underground tomb, which was the largest group of ancient tombs he had ever seen in the Four Terrible Lands, with piles of funeral objects, the little guy and Beibei Definitely hungry.

No matter how rubbish they think, they don't want to take advantage of others.

"My lord, the old man has lived up to his expectations, and finally received the news that the third place of the Four Absolute Heroes has appeared, and it is in the Bai family in the capital!!"

Hear it!

Ling Tianyang and the others showed shocking looks on their faces, so fierce?At Bai's house!
"Okay, well done!"

Ling Yun nodded, his tone was very flat, Ying Shuisheng on the opposite side was taken aback, the plot was wrong, shouldn't he be greatly praised, he spent a lot of money to lurk.

"Can you come tonight, my lord? The old man heard that the four evils are the biggest and most vicious. The Bai family is full of schemes and schemes. There will be big disturbances. Maybe it will release evil things like last time to endanger the world."

Ying Shuisheng is still upright!With China in mind.

"Don't worry, with me here, tidying up the Bai family is just like playing, and there will be no big waves." Ling Yun sneered.

The Bai family is only worthy of playing with him. They are so trash that they can't be any more trash. All conspiracies and tricks will collapse in front of strength!

heard!Ying Shuisheng was all excited in his heart, and he didn't have to worry if Ling Yun came out.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Yun smiled, not avoiding Ling Tianyang and the others' eyes.

"Little Yun'" Ling Tianyang has almost guessed at this moment, Ling Yun is the King of Pluto!
"Dad, don't be so excited, fourth uncle and the others know it, and you should know it too. That's right, I am the king of this world, Pluto!" Ling Yun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


Ling Tianyang was covered in cold sweat, his son was actually the King of Pluto!The shock in my heart reverberated for a long time.

This is the prosperity of the Ling family. His son is indeed not an ordinary person. His eyes are moist at this moment. For many years, he feels ashamed of Ling Yun's mother and son!
He recalled the recent events, paused, and then smiled, why didn't he think of it, Ling Yun is the King of Pluto, how easy it is to guess.

No wonder Ling Rufeng was able to go to the dragon group, and his strength soared. It was his eldest son who was behind everything.

If Pluto speaks, how dare the Dragon Group executives not listen?

Zhang Jiahui swallowed her saliva: "Is what Xiao Yun'er said true?"

Ling Rufeng laughed and said: "Mom, why are our two brothers lying to you? Look at Dad, his expression betrayed him."

Hear it!

Zhang Jiahui was still shocked!

Ling Yuyang shook his head: "Brother, you gave birth to a good son!"

"That's right, Xiao Yun'er, don't forget your riches and honor!" Liu Qingcheng blinked, quite charming!
Ling Yun: "..."

"Brother, what do you think of the call just now, the Bai family is going to kill you?" Ling Rufeng straightened his hair with both hands, looking impatient.

"Didn't you receive the news before?" Ling Yun asked back!

"This photo is a few days ago, my subordinates took pictures of Bai Baichuan's conversation with the gold hunters from the island country!"

Ling Rufeng turned on the phone and released a group photo of the two of them!
The little guy ran over bouncing, and when he saw Bai Baichuan, his beautiful eyes stared!

Beibei laughed loudly: "It's him!"

Everyone wondered how the two little fellows had seen Bai Baichuan before, only Ling Yun smiled, the two of them still stayed in the Bai family with their spiritual senses!
The little guy frowned slightly, and secretly asked Lin Qiuyan, who is this handsome middle-aged uncle?
Lin Qiuyan hated Bai Baichuan so much, she told the little guy that all the bad reputation fell on him, he is a heinous person!
She also told the little guy that Ling Yun was bullied by him when he was a child. When the little guy got angry, her brows slowly frowned.

Bai family!

Bai Baichuan said: "Everyone must know that our Bai family is down and out, but the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, and our Bai family is still the first among the five great families!"

The elder of Tianshimen said: "Patriarch Bai, stop talking nonsense, take us to the cemetery, we have something to get back from Tianshimen."

The second elder of Tianshimen said: "We will fulfill the agreement. After we come out, we will help you eradicate the Ling family and deter the dragon group!"

What he said was not a joke, there is a very powerful magical weapon from the Tianshimen in the Bai family cemetery, which can kill masters in the legendary realm!

A mere dragon group?

Of course it doesn't matter!

Except for Pluto, Blue Star has not reached the legend. This is their guess. Unfortunately, they are all frogs in a well and know nothing about the outside world.

"No, no, no, two elders, I have said before that you have to express a little sincerity. If so, please go back." Bai Baichuan's eyes narrowed, and his smile was not fleshy.

Others discussed one after another, and many people stood on Bai Baichuan's side. There were only two elders and a few disciples in the Tianshimen, so they could only follow the public's opinion.

The condition for agreeing to Bai Baichuan before was to kill the Ling family by surprise first, and then use the biochemical man to divert the attention of the top executives of the dragon group, and then go to the cemetery!

Now that the people are almost here, it's time to act!

There was a scream, it turned out to be Bai Baichuan, behind him were two dogs biting him, it hurt!

The two earth dogs were made by the angry little guy, and they have made a lot of progress. At least they can use the five elements at a long distance.

This villain?
Actually bullying her father?
Unforgivable, the little guy is a bit like Ling Yun's persistence when he is serious!

(End of this chapter)

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