Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1175 Debt Collection

Chapter 1175 Debt Collection (Second Change)
Bai Baichuan has been bitten by the wheel all the time, and everyone is helping him, but!

These two dogs will condense even if they are separated, it really makes people's scalp tingle!
"Stop them." Bai Baichuan yelled with a pale face. His feet were beaten and maimed by the stone man. He was making a wheelchair, and now he can't run away with his hands!
The Great Elder of Tianshimen was secretly startled, what kind of spell is this?Such a strange thing happened right in front of his eyes, and he was still helpless.

"As soon as it reunites, break up immediately!" Someone suggested!

But the effect is not great.

Everyone also looked shocked!

Seeing Bai Baichuan's miserable state, the little guy finally smiled happily, she withdrew her strength, ran into Ling Yun's arms, and said softly, "Papa, he is so bad, Sissy taught him a lesson for you, ah ha."

The little guy immediately got up, with a smile on his face, which really touched Ling Yun.


"You are welcome."

Everyone must not know what their father and daughter said!
The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched, and she suddenly laughed. She also realized that the little guy was really good. She felt that no one could bully Ling Yun except the few around them, especially protecting her father.

Beibei clapped her hands and said, "Sister is amazing, that dirt dog is fierce, I don't know if the villain knows his fault or not."

"Aha, are there bad guys? Is there any brother?" Little Irene asked with a blink of her eyes. She went to secretly play the game just now, and she didn't know what Ling Yun and the others said!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth raised a smile, it's time for the Bai family to be destroyed!

"Dad, help mom, An Qing, take good care of them. Our family will go to Bai's house and let them see if we should pay back what we owe?" Ling Yun said in a deep voice, his eyes flickering with amusement.

Ling Tianyang immediately widened his eyes, and when he went to Bai's house, his whole body was trembling. He wanted to rush into Bai's house with a big knife every day and night before, and kill them all!
What he dare not do, his son will help him do it!
"Little Yun'er's angry look is terrifying!" Liu Qingcheng joked!
At this moment, only Liu Qingcheng can make fun of Ling Yun!

The little guy in Ling Yun's arms said softly, "I'll come, I'll come!"

"The door of blackness and autumn is open for me..."

Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing: "..."

Beibei was dumbfounded! !
Ling Yun still cooperated with her and opened the black hole in front of her. The latter laughed aloud, as if she was the one who opened it.

She turned her head and smiled, that cute figure told Ling Tianyang and the others that this was what she opened, and she looked forward to being praised!
Lin Qiuyan knew this little child's mind in shock. She didn't ask what was going on with the black hole, but praised the little guy for being amazing, and the latter immediately jumped up and down.

Zhang Jiahui was too shocked to speak, but her son seemed to know everything, and he was calm and calm from the beginning.

An Qing waited for her to finish her compliments, and then explained to Lin Qiuyan. Ling Tianyang was also listening, supporting the trembling Lin Qiuyan!
A group of people immediately entered the black hole!

Bai family!

Bai Baichuan was sweating profusely, and was applying medicine. He grinned in pain, and the noble aura of the past was gone.

Everyone is waiting for Bai Baichuan's order, the latter plans to divide into two teams, each faction represents half of the people to kill the Ling family, and half of them to enter the cemetery!

After dividing the number of people!
A black hole changed from small to large, and suddenly appeared in everyone's sight!

"This... space magic, it's him!"


"How is this possible, he can really ignore everything?"


Everyone's faces were pale, and some started to retreat in surprise, and of course some were very calm!

Why did Pluto appear here? Besides, no one has seen Pluto's true face, so it's hard to say.

When Bai Baichuan saw Ling Yun who appeared first, he was startled, his face was bloodless and livid.


"It's a kid, so young, so fake!" A certain killer shook his head!

Ling Yun glanced over, and he died suddenly, his body turned into a layer of blood mist!

It's so terrifying, this is Pluto, one look can kill people, no one can do it except Blue Star's strongest Pluto!
Everyone distanced themselves from the black hole, Bai Baichuan was scared to death, all the people he sent before died, and with what he saw now, he understood!
"Hahaha, I really think I'm ridiculous." Bai Baichuan closed his eyes and smiled, his whole body relaxed!

"It's ridiculous, is it fun?" The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

Ling Tianyang and the others came out of the black hole one after another, and the latter's eyes widened one by one, and they came to another place, shit!It's so convenient!
"Ling Tianyang, Lin Qiuyan, you have given birth to a good son!" Bai Baichuan sneered, opened his eyes, and stared at Ling Tianyang and his wife with a hint of ruthlessness.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't dare to breathe. Ling Yun's aura is too strong here, and the atmosphere is very depressing!
"Young Master Bai, don't come here without any harm." Ling Tianyang shook his body, facing Bai Baichuan, he no longer had the low-pitched tone he used to, but a tone full of confidence.

"Hahaha, your whole family is here, why do you miss me? One thing I regret the most is that I didn't try my best to kill this kid!" In the cold, it seemed that Ling Yun was going to be torn apart.

The little guy curled his lips, and when he saw the white bandages on Bai Baichuan's feet, he burst out laughing, these are all her masterpieces!

Look! !

The little guy pointed to the dirt on the ground, that was the dirt dog from before.

"It's all about you, it's hurting our family." Lin Qiuyan burst into tears, thinking of her heartache for more than ten years.

"Bai Baichuan, your doomsday is coming. When you chased and killed my brother, did you ever think that today will happen?" Ling Rufeng sneered. Too many people are useless!
"Now is the time to take your dog's life." Ling Yuyang also gritted his teeth with hatred, Bai Baichuan was his biggest enemy, and the experience of the trapped dragon prison was vivid in his memory, as if it happened again yesterday.

"It's not enough to kill you ten times." Liu Qingcheng said angrily!

"Hahahaha, what a big tone, this kid is the King of Pluto! You are amazing, but I also have dignity!" Although Bai Baichuan's defeat was already certain, he refused to give in even if he died. Why should he die?Even death is suicide, besides, he still has a chance to live.

"Patriarch of the Bai family, you haven't tried it yet, I think you are very strong." A certain biochemical person said, not paying attention to Ling Yun at all, and even encouraged Bai Baichuan to provoke Ling Yun!

Ling Yun frowned, what kind of garbage, dare to interrupt!
With a snap of his fingers, this lucky cyborg was instantly surrounded by a cloud of black air. After the black air passed, there was nothing left!

Everyone's hands and feet began to weaken, and many of them knelt down. They all had Chinese faces. The foreigners were terrified, but they didn't make the next move.

These are the bad guys?
Beibei's eyes were round and round, and she thought of a good idea again! !

(End of this chapter)

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