Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177 Tiger Poison Eater (Fourth)

A certain Chinese desperado couldn't bear it, he slowly came to Ling Yun, who didn't even look at him!
"Master Pluto, I have no grievances or enmities with you. It is also an accident to meet here this time. I don't want something from the cemetery. Please let me go!"

"Please let me go too, I am willing to follow Lord Pluto, I can do whatever I want." Another killer knelt down and said!

Ling Yun sneered, such a person deserves to follow him?joke!
Ling Rufeng was a little moved, if he could recruit them, it would be a blessing to Huaxia.

"Will you all be watching the young master of the Bai family!" Ling Yun smiled mysteriously, this smile made Bai Baichuan frowned, thinking to himself, could it be that Pluto discovered his plan?

Everyone immediately begged Bai Baichuan to let them go, but the latter looked dazed!

Ling Yun said: "Let's talk about this later, Bai Baichuan, don't you feel any heartache? Your selfishness ruined everything."

Bai Baichuan: "Hehe, isn't life just a gamble, if you lose, you lose!"

"Oh! Then look at him!" Ling Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and a black hole suddenly appeared in front of Bai Baichuan, and a young man fell out of the black hole!
"Pluto!!" Bai Baichuan trembled angrily after seeing who fell down!
The young man is his illegitimate son, Bai Han!

Looking at this strange environment, Bai Han suddenly turned pale with fright!

Bai Baichuan didn't answer his son's words, but looked at Ling Yun and asked, "What are you talking about, I don't know him, what do you want?"

Bai Han: "..."

Doubt in a dream!

"It's not what I want, but I'm asking what you want? Don't you want to see the ancient tomb for the last time? As long as you kill him!"

The veins on Bai Baichuan's forehead popped out, want him to kill his son himself?There will be no Bai family in the future, which is really annoying.


Ling Yun didn't think, what about him back then?Did Bai Baichuan ever want to let him go!
Ling Yuyang immediately thought of it, and laughed loudly: "Bai Baichuan, you don't know him, so you can do it, as long as you kill him, we will fulfill your wish! How about it!"

Bai Baichuan clenched his fists, feeling a little moved in his heart!
Ling Tianyang frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Liu Qingcheng secretly played a closed-eyed game with the three little guys, just because she didn't want them to see the next scene. She thought too much, and the little guys watched too much, and it felt like a game. With Ling Yun around, they wouldn't Will think so much.

Bai Baichuan sighed, no matter how he chooses Bai Han, he is dead, since the latter was discovered to be from the Bai family, the ending was doomed.

However, after he enters the cemetery, maybe everything will change, if he fails, he will become benevolent!

"Hey, I hope you can keep your promise!"

One sentence ended Bai Han's life and death!

Bai Han's skull was crushed by Bai Baichuan's claws, and he received a box of lunch in an instant. The last pain reminded him that this was not a fucking dream!

What the hell!

Ling Tianyang's eyes widened, is he really his own son?Bai Baichuan is a ruthless person, he must be praised!
Ling Yuyang shook his head, further confirming that Bai Baichuan had a conspiracy.

Ling Yun smiled, "A tiger's poison doesn't eat its children. Bai Baichuan is really crazy. The latter wants to go to the cemetery so much?"Turn the tide?

If he is not there, the things in the cemetery can save the Bai family. China has thousands of years of dragon energy, and Bai Baichuan needs it. The dragon energy can make the three little guys have a full meal, otherwise Ling Yun would not have stayed. Kill so many people!
There are some common anti-theft techniques in the cemetery, such as some poisonous gas, poisonous insects, a lot!

I don't have a deep understanding of the specific Ling Yun, anyway, I just need this group of scumbags to die!

There was a slight fluctuation in the space, someone used space magic, Ling Yun frowned, and looked at Lan Xing, such strength is not bad!
A formation-shaped aperture suddenly illuminated everyone's eyes, which was a bit dazzling. After the light weakened, there were a few more figures in the Bai family!
Bai Baichuan was pleasantly surprised, at least he still has relatives!
The first person to come is Taoyuan Jinghuang, a native of the island country. He is a strong man of the older generation of the island country and one of the pillars of the shrine.

At the same time, he is also Bai Baichuan's uncle, with a childlike face and white hair, he looks full of vigor!
The two next to him are also well-known in the island country. The one dressed as a samurai is Toyotomi Konoha, the number one leader in the ninjutsu world, and belongs to the Toyotomi family!
The middle-aged man standing with his hands behind his back is named Omura Satoshi, a well-known island country master, he is proficient in space magic, and once stayed in the Church of Light when he was young.

"Who are you?" Taoyuan Jinghuang immediately felt that something was wrong, and the air was filled with a fishy smell, which was the smell of blood.

at the same time!

He saw his nephew, sitting in a wheelchair, a little miserable, with a dead body next to him.

Others didn't dare to speak, Ling Rufeng: "You can't afford to offend people, the islanders come here blatantly, are they looking down on Huaxia?"

Ling Yuyang said: "Do you remember me?"

Toyotomi Konoha's eyes widened, and he immediately remembered, "It's you, you're not dead!"

The tone is very surprised!

"So what if you bully none of you, I came here this time to see my nephew, what's wrong?" Taoyuan Jinghuang replied calmly.

Ling Yuyang: "I'm not going to die, I just want to piss you off."

"Uncle, they belong to Hades and also belong to the Ling family." Bai Baichuan said!

"What?" Taoyuan Jinghuang stared at Ling Yun and the others, which one was it?He has to make amends first.


The patron saint of the island country, Yamata no Orochi was killed, how could they offend Pluto, isn't this looking for shit in the toilet!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will leave immediately, just passing by."

Regardless of what other people think, Taoyuan Jinghuang first knelt down and begged for mercy from the people over at Lingyun!

The corner of Bai Baichuan's mouth twitched!
Omura Satoshi stared slightly, Pluto?He doesn't believe it!
He finally came here using space magic, and he couldn't just leave so easily.

Toyotomi Konoha heard that he was the king of Hades, so he directly launched ninjutsu, killing first is respect!

Such an ant dared to challenge Ling Yun, who shook his head, and the Supreme Suppression pressed him to the ground and rubbed him!


Pluto struck again, and everyone's hearts sank!
Beibei curled her lips. Originally, she wanted to slap her into the air, but her handsome uncle took him one step ahead. It was a pity that she couldn't show the little guy a shooting star.

Toyotomi Konoha vomited blood directly, dying, he didn't understand why the gap was so big, it's a shame he didn't kill any of them, at least he had to kill a child!
Taoyuan Jinghuang's body began to tremble again, is begging for mercy useful?It was the people he brought who took the initiative to provoke Pluto!

Omura Satoshi was so frightened that he was in a hurry, and immediately used space magic to prepare to run. If he didn't run, he would die.

Ling Yun directly sucked him back, pulled him out of the circle abruptly, he yelled in pain!
(End of this chapter)

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