Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1178 The Ancient Well

Chapter 1178 Ancient Well (First Update)
The crowd didn't dare to breathe, many people knelt down tremblingly, kowtowed instead of speaking, for such a powerful person, if they don't beg for mercy, they will die!
The only one who can make a powerful space magician run away without a fight is Pluto. To fight against the latter is to die. This Bai family, is Bai Baichuan a fool? Everyone started to blame him.

"You come whenever you want? Leave whenever you want? Pretend I don't exist? There's no manners at all." Ling Yun shook his head and smiled, looking a bit sinister.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, it was fun just now!"

this kid...

Beibei pursed her lips and said, "I don't have any manners at all. Has no one taught you?"

Little Eileen said: "It's the most annoying, bad and lewd!"

Emperor Taoyuan said: "I have seen Pluto!"

"Well, yes, there has been progress!" Ling Yun nodded slightly. People who are interested are different. Emperor Taoyuan secretly rejoiced for his decision.

Omura Satoshi vomited blood, and died immediately. He also wanted to say hello to make up for it, but his injury was too serious, and he couldn't bear it in the end...

The little guy rolled his eyes slightly, my lord?What means!
Beibei laughed loudly: "Forcing? Who forced him..."

Ling Yun: "..."

Ling Rufeng on the side laughed and thought, Beibei, why don't you be so funny, now is a very important and serious occasion.

Unable to get an explanation, Beibei rolled her eyes repeatedly and pressed the dial button on her mobile phone!


Say hello from the other side!
It was a foreigner who answered the call, and Beibei asked in a childish voice, "Hello!"

"Who are you?" The foreign man opposite suddenly raised his voice.

"Who are you?" Beibei asked back, and looked at the phone again, the number was correct!
"who are you?"

"who are you?"

He and Beibei are talking to each other, everyone is full of black lines, can you stop teasing! !

The little guy can't stand it anymore, why is he so stupid?Won't you change it!

She muttered, took the phone from Beibei, and said to it, "My name is Sissy, who are you!"

Everyone was shocked!
"My name is Aaron Moy, who are you?"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, the IQ on the other side is also the same as his daughter, can you stop being so funny.

The little guy curled his lips: "Don't learn from me!"

Aaron Moy said: "Don't learn from me!"

Ling Yun couldn't listen anymore, the little guy innocently gave Ling Yun his phone at this time!
"Let Da Jinya listen to the phone!"

"Golden tooth? It's him!" Aaron Moy paused, and immediately thought of the yellow-toothed Chinese man they caught in the Amazon forest two months ago!
In a moment!

Da Jinya spoke weakly, full of surprises, and finally got another phone call. He has been suffering these days, and being here is like going to jail.

"Where are you?" Ling Yun frowned, and his divine sense swept over directly!
"Help me..."

Before Da Jinya finished speaking, Ling Yun heard a scream!
Beibei rolled her eyes: "Uncle Big Gold Tooth must be a black man, he was caught."

Know how to eat black at a young age?Liu Qingcheng on one side couldn't laugh or cry.

The little guy suddenly became anxious, everyone was arrested, so what should we do!

Beibei said: "Don't be afraid, let's find another garbage collector."

Poor Big Gold Tooth was almost abandoned by Beibei, but he was a good teammate on an adventure together.

The little guy quit and insisted on big gold teeth, but it was hard for her to accept someone else.

Ling Yun patted Beibei's little head, whispered to her, and then said with a smile: "Qi Qian, you and your sister are here to have fun together, Dad promises you to get back the big gold tooth, okay?"

This choice is a bit difficult!

The little guy looked tangled until Beibei said: "Don't be afraid, I can fight monsters, and..."

She immediately whispered a few words in the little guy's ear, the latter's eyes turned gloomy, and he nodded wildly!
Now Ling Yun was relieved, and smiled strangely!
"Rufeng, I leave this place to you, I have something to deal with!"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he disappeared immediately, and Ling Tianyang didn't even have time to ask more questions!

As soon as Pluto left, many people moved their minds, but they ran away and died, all of them were done by Ling Rufeng, clean and tidy!

Taoyuan Jinghuang dare not have other thoughts!
Ling Tianyang grabbed Ling Rufeng and said: "Rufeng, where did your brother go, there are so many masters here, just in case... just in case!"

"Don't be afraid of them." Ling Rufeng shook his head, not paying attention to them at all.

In the face of his legendary strength, it's not enough!

The little guy shook Ling Tianyang's feet, and said in a baby voice, "Grandpa, I'll take you to a treasure hunt, where I found a lot of treasures."

Ling Tianyang: "Really?"

Liu Qingcheng: "..."

She was speechless, when did the little guy find it?Where is the import?

While thinking, Beibei shouted: "Come on, it's here!!"

Her little finger pointed to an abandoned ancient well, which was in the grass of the big yard.

The corner of Bai Baichuan's mouth twitched, how could she know!

But he thought it was a good thing!

The only thing that scares him a little is where Pluto has gone, what is that phone number, it is so important, it is so important to be able to have four evil spirits! !

heard!Everyone gathered there right away, the allurement was so tempting to them, and it was impossible to run away. Right now, they could only continue and there was no turning back.

The Great Elder of Tianshimen took out the compass, it was quite exquisite, Beibei's eyes lit up, it was a good antique and could sell for a lot of money.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of an old man in the crowd. Ling Rufeng turned around and found nothing unusual. He was Ying Shuisheng, the fifth elder of Tianshimen.

He mixed in the crowd early in the morning, being an inconspicuous desperado, just to prevent the emergence of the Four Absolute Fierce Lands. According to the records of Tianshimen, there are fierce creatures in all the Four Absolute Fierce Lands!
The first three fierce places were all terrifying flying stiffs. Whether this time it was true or not, he was not sure in his heart. In short, this time he was most disturbed, especially after Ling Yun left.

"That's right, this is the entrance to the tomb!" The Great Elder of Tianshimen's eyes were bright and sharp, and he was extremely excited. He was sure to escape the control of Hades when he entered the ancient tomb, so how unhappy he was.

A biochemical man laughed loudly, and said in fluent English: "Little friend, you did a good job!"

Beibei laughed out loud!

Her consciousness can cover Lanxing, it's just a small ancient tomb, it's a trivial matter.

Liu Qingcheng was very curious, how did Beibei know, could it be that Ling Yun told her before leaving?

Bai Baichuan came over slowly, pointed at the ancient well, and explained it!
There are three tunnels leading to the ancient tomb, and the other two were sealed by him early on, leaving only this ancient well.

The great elder of Tianshimen was displeased after hearing half of it, and the most vicious one of the three schools was left behind, so he was really angry with him.

Bai Baichuan smiled strangely, but no one noticed it, he knew it, but he just did it.

(End of this chapter)

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