Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179 Can't Hold It (Second)
There must be many dangers inside, Ling Tianyang is worried, there are three children here!

He insisted not to follow, and handed it over to Ling Rufeng and Ling Yuyang, and Ling Rufeng even threw a walkie-talkie up.

If the three of them can do it, if Ling Tianyang finds out that something is wrong, he will immediately notify the people from the Dragon Team to come over.

Ling Rufeng looked at Beibei and the little guy. He knew that the two children must have different abilities, so he nodded with confidence.

Little Irene shrugged her shoulders and licked the lollipop, as if it had nothing to do with me. Anyway, the golden light below belonged to them, so she couldn't run away.

A certain cyborg jumped directly while everyone was not paying attention, and several of them immediately fought, scrambling to be the first!

Bai Baichuan said: "Calm down, I just arrived at the entrance of the tomb, and you are so anxious, you have forgotten who is in the hands of your life and death?"

Everyone stop immediately!

It's Pluto, and Bai Baichuan's words are also reminding their enemy is still Pluto, and only by working together to find another way out in the ancient tomb and getting rid of the control can have a chance.

What's the use of cannibalism now?

Bai Baichuan slid his wheelchair to the side of the ancient well, and then pressed a mechanism. The surroundings of the ancient well began to descend.

Ling Tianyang took Beibei and the others just watched from above, and they didn't make any noise to follow, it was very quiet, so quiet that even Liu Qingcheng doubted it.

"Shouldn't be!"

"What shouldn't it be?" Ling Yuyang asked.

Liu Qingcheng shook her head, thinking deeply!

In a moment!
He arrived at the bottom of the ancient well, Bai Baichuan didn't take a step forward, but let the biochemical man go forward to open the tomb door, there was blood on the side, needless to say, the person who jumped down just now must have touched some mechanism and died.

Beibei said in a childish voice, "Oh, I fell to my death."

The corner of Ling Tianyang's mouth chuckled, she said it was so funny when he was dead, he was really a treasure, and would make people happy.

The little guy was lying on the lawn above, looking down without blinking. It was a bronze-colored gate with a door buckle, lion-shaped, majestic.

It gave the little guy the same feeling as those ruins in the Twelve Realms, dark and terrifying, but vaguely, her brows were feeling again.

The blood dragon element is extremely active!

Beibei's brows were burning hot, and Xie Longyuan seemed to be even more excited.

The Great Elder of Tianshimen said: "Be careful, there might be poisonous insects from our master's gate coming out, so be careful where you step!"

It was said that some people felt itchy, could they be poisonous insects!

"Snap me, there's something on me."

Everyone immediately shone the light on it, and they swallowed their saliva fiercely, it was really a poisonous insect, a blue centipede, it was so big.


He was bitten, and Bei Bei trembled all over watching it, the past was unbearable, she felt deep sympathy.

After the person was bitten, he looked black and died immediately, while the cyan centipede disappeared immediately.

The Great Elder of Tianshimen said: "This is the famous Miao Yutang Gu worm, everyone be careful, I can't restrain it for the time being."

A certain cyborg dismissed it, he is a cyborg, what are you afraid of, go forward bravely, in fact, he has already been bitten, he is really fine.

With the appearance of the cyan centipede, everyone became alert, and some poisonous insects could not do anything to them for the time being.

With a loud noise, the door of the tomb was opened, and a few mouthfuls of black gas spewed out from inside. The gas was poisonous.

Bai Baichuan reminded again that it was really dangerous inside, and told them to be more careful, and at the same time, there was a funny flash in his eyes.

Ling Tianyang hurriedly took the three little guys away temporarily, don't absorb it, lest they also get poisoned.

The little guy pinched his nose early in the morning, so cute.

In a moment!
Beibei looked into the ancient well again, and Bai Baichuan and Ling Rufeng could no longer be seen, and they all went into the ancient tomb together.

The three little guys were watching eagerly from above, and Ling Tianyang was relieved for a while. He had always heard that they were naughty and disobedient, and didn't like to follow other people.

"Grandpa, can we go down?" the little guy asked in a childish voice, blinking his dingy eyes.

The corner of Ling Tianyang's mouth twitched, he...

"No, you are children, so you can't go to such a dangerous place."

Beibei curled her lips and said: "Little friend, there is no human rights."

She is not in a hurry!
Little Irene is a little excited, something underground is attracting her.

The little guy started to dig out his pocket, and suddenly found that she was not wearing the artifact skirt, and felt a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, the gourd was there.

She took out the apple and started to gnaw it, asking as she gnawed, "Grandpa, may I give you those treasures?"

"Forget it, leave your toys for yourself to play with." Ling Tianyang shook his head and refused.

I refused so simply, I regretted it very much afterwards!
The little guy was a little surprised that Ling Tianyang refused. Was it because she didn't express clearly enough?Then she asked again, also pointing to the ground.

Ling Tianyang still doesn't want to...

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched, don't give it if you don't want it, it's all money, it can buy a lot of things, Beibei muttered in a low voice.

Some voices could be heard from the ancient well, but they were all shouts, and there must have been heavy losses inside.

The fact is also that after entering, Bai Baichuan played a good hand. He reached a temporary cooperation with Taoyuan Jinghuang and the elder of Tianshimen, and he disappeared long ago. .

Ying Shuisheng immediately looked for traces everywhere!
Beibei started to get impatient, frowning, Ling Yun told her that she would come back later, how long has it been?
They are small... not stupid...

Especially the little guy started to feel uneasy, and wanted to go down, Ling Tianyang caught her several times, and after finishing her, little Irene went down again, he was so busy that he was sweating profusely.

"You three... I'm so mad, if you don't obey me again, I'll... beat you."

There is no other way, Ling Tianyang can only make ruthless moves!

The little guy immediately felt wronged and was about to cry!

Beibei said in a milky voice, "Grandpa, we are now obedient."

Ling Tianyang nodded, that's right!
The three little guys settled down and sat on the ground again waiting!

The little guy took the walkie-talkie, tapped it a few times, and said to it: "I'm Beibei, do you get it, oh!!"

Beibei: "..."

Ling Tianyang: "..."

The other side was hoarse, Liu Qingcheng's voice came!
"Hey, Sissy is so naughty!"

The little guy is embarrassed and laughs!
"Aunt Liu, are there many treasures inside?" the little guy asked in a childish voice.

"Many, so many, I can't even fill my pockets."

"That's a lot."

The little guy's eyes widened instantly, pocket?Can't finish it!
But she didn't understand that her pocket was different from Liu Qingcheng's!
"It's okay, it must be packed in a sack!"

Ling Yuyang on the other side was about to laugh. In fact, they didn't see a single antique, and they would lie to the children if they farted too much.

(End of this chapter)

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