Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1180 Rescue Da Jinya

Chapter 1180 Rescue Da Jinya (third change)
The little guy chatted with the boring Liu Qingcheng, and forgot what he was doing!
But Ling Yun is not here, it is impossible for them to go down, Ling Tianyang will never allow it.

Don't say they are so young, even if they are ten years old, they can't be allowed to go down, isn't this a desperate act! !
Ling Yun here!

Da Jinya was severely beaten, and saw that the mobile phone was taken away, and his face was ashamed!
"Hey, young master, I have traveled all over the world, and now I am a prisoner. It really makes me sad."

"What are you talking about!"

The black man on one side cursed in English!
Da Jinya's teeth were almost broken in anger: "Don't let me have a chance to stand up, or I will kill you one by one, what a motherfucker! Hu Luopingyang was bullied by dogs."

The black man beat him down with a whip, and the big gold tooth screamed again, and the former smiled triumphantly.

"Go to your mother..."

Da Jinya immediately insulted him in English!

The black man frowned: "Go to your mother..."

The big gold tooth was greeted with another whip, and the wax was almost not dripped, and the small body couldn't resist it!
Ling Yun's figure emerged, and he patted the black man on the back, and the latter looked back!

Before he finished speaking, Ling Yun flicked his finger, and the heads of the black men disappeared, which frightened Da Jinya into surprise and joy.

"Master Ling?"

"Let's go!"

Ling Yun nodded, and the iron chains that bound Da Jinya's body loosened, and the latter's eyes widened.

The clever Da Jinya trembled immediately, he had already thought of Ling Yun's identity, he was not a fool, he knew what to ask and what not to ask.

"Young Master Ling, wait for me, Lao Jin, I just swore to kill them."

Da Jinya is very vengeful, his eyes are full of murderous intent, after staying here for so many days, how can he not hate? ?

"I'll give you 5 minutes!" Ling Yun kicked a gun under his feet, Da Jinya wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and immediately picked it up.

"Five minutes? Trifle."

Da Jinya was confident that it would be done in a minute. Facing the rushing person, he shot suddenly.

1 minutes later...

"No, Ling Shao 5 minutes is not enough, Lao Jin can last 10 minutes!!"

"Ahem..." Ling Yun was speechless, whoever said something trivial just now, was it his big gold teeth!

"I'm going... This is a human? How did you get up, and the ammunition is low."

Da Jinya became more and more frightened, what kind of thing was rushing in front of him, it was too scary, immortal body?The one who was obviously shot, continued to act as if nothing happened.

crazy... crazy...

"Young Master Ling, after thinking about it, Lao Jin decided to forget it!" Da Jinya was suddenly discouraged, and the energy just now was gone!
"No more revenge?" Ling Yun asked back!


The corner of Da Jinya's mouth twitched, how could he take revenge?Strength does not allow it.

Since the big gold tooth is forgotten, Lingyun is fine, this is an experimental base, located in northern Mexico!
The base was too big, and it was full of human experiments. Da Jinya was lucky that he didn't have his turn. Those who were killed just now were all zombies, and they would only die if they were hit on the head.

With an attitude of none of my business, Ling Yun took his big gold tooth and left like this, leaving the zombies who rushed over later in vain.

The person in charge of the base was furious. Zombies almost destroyed the entire base. That was a real headache.

Huaxia Bai Family!

As soon as Ling Yun came out, the little guy hugged his thigh and laughed.

"Papa, papa."

"Is there any trouble?"

Hearing this, the little guy immediately lowered his head, betraying her like this.

Beibei is very direct, she doesn't intend to hide it from Lingyun, they caught a green centipede just now, and now little Irene is holding it in her hands.

Ling Tianyang didn't even know, seeing Ling Yun appearing at this moment, his tense nerves eased, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Handsome Shushu, doesn't he look like him?"

Beibei pointed to the cyan centipede in Little Irene's hand. In her memory, the cyan centipede looked like a millipede from the God Realm.

It's also like old master Qin's centipede wine...

Ling Yun nodded: "Like!"

Beibei laughed out loud, feeling as if he had made a fortune.

It's just like, but it's not!

Only then did Ling Tianyang see little Ailin grabbing the cyan centipede with a smile, and broke into a cold sweat.

"Golden tooth sorghum..." The little guy's eyes lit up, with little stars twinkling in his eyes, as if seeing the God of Wealth.

"Oh... are you here too?" The corner of Da Jinya's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile, his face hurt him to death.

Beibei saw the big gold teeth that were injured all over her body, curled her lips and said, "I'll let you lie about it..."

Big Gold Tooth: "..."

It was already early in the morning, and Ling Tianyang secretly became anxious, because tomorrow would be Lin Qiuyan's birthday.

Now that Ling Rufeng and the others have entered the ancient tomb and have not yet come out, they vaguely heard screams from the walkie-talkie, and there was no reply to the conversation, so urgent.

Da Jinya looked around, and then saw the tomb door under the ancient well, his eyes lit up, it was an ancient tomb again, this time he got rich.

It's true that surviving a catastrophe must have a future blessing, secretly sighing that Ling Yun is his lucky star.

"Uncle Big Gold Tooth, you can only fight for help, you can't take antiques." Beibei began to plan, and the work arrangement was determined by Big Gold Tooth, whether he accepted it or not.

Da Jinya smiled awkwardly and nodded: "Okay, no problem."

It's just a slap in the face, and it can also fill your own pockets. Children don't need to be so serious.

"Xiao Yun'er, let's inform the Dragon Team and let them deal with it. Don't forget that tomorrow is your mother's birthday."

"I know, don't worry, don't delay." Ling Yun smiled, and when Bai Baichuan opened the last tomb door and released the dragon energy, he would end everything.

Beibei looked at Da Jinya and asked curiously, "Uncle Da Jinya, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Da Jinya is looking for tools and is about to go to the cemetery. If he doesn't go down, the antiques will be taken away by others, so it's a fart.

"Young Master Ling, Lao Jin is always on standby!"

This saluting gesture made the little guy laugh out loud, and the big gold tooth looked serious, with a rather death-like attitude.

"Okay, go and prepare a few sacks, make it smooth." Ling Yun nodded, and he just likes Da Jinya's attitude, and he is never afraid of being disadvantaged when doing things.

Beibei laughed loudly: "It's not easy."

Ling Tianyang came over and said to little Irene: "Son, you can't catch this one, it's poisonous!"

"Yeah, yum, grandpa? Or uncle?" Little Irene said in a childish voice.

"Hahaha, it's up to you, you know a lot." Ling Tianyang laughed.

"Brother, this is my dish, remember to add another meal."

When Ling Yun saw little Irene bring the cyan centipede over, the corner of his mouth twitched.

She still likes this kind of stuff?

Is it the influence of the Phoenix bloodline?I just love bugs!
"Hey, you hear me!"

Bai Baichuan's voice came from the walkie-talkie on the ground, Ling Tianyang felt a lump in his heart, something happened! !How could the walkie-talkie be in Bai Baichuan's hands!
The little guy was lying on the grass, and said in a milky voice, "Ooh! Ooh!"

"Sister, you have to talk, and you can finish it!"

"Sister, let me play, oh!"

Ling Yun and the others: "..."

Bai Baichuan frowned, and his voice increased again! !
(End of this chapter)

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