Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183 Returning with a Full Reward (Second Change)

What the hell!

Seeing more and more antiques popping up, Ling Tianyang was shocked!

Big Gold Tooth laughed heartily, and began to pack the sacks happily, his hands and feet were numb, and every time he packed one, he was very excited. One piece was at least several million, and all of them were rare treasures.

For a moment, I forgot to fill my pockets.

In the battle between Bai Baichuan and Ling Rufeng, the latter gradually lost, even if Ling Yuyang and Liu Qingcheng came out to help him, it was useless.

The battle spread over and damaged a lot of antiques, and Beibei got angry.

"Stay! Monster, Beibei is not afraid."

After finishing speaking, her eyes rolled round, and she ran back with short legs, and said to little Irene: "I'll leave it to you, I'll share it with you."

Little Irene looked at the golden gold and nodded wildly: "No problem, the baby will burn him with fire and make him bad."



Roaring like a fire dragon, a pillar of fire attacked Bai Baichuan and Ling Rufeng and the others. The latter was shocked, and wanted to kill them too.

"That child can breathe fire?" Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened, her face pale!
"Little pervert."

Ling Rufeng was speechless!
The air was very hot, and the grass on the ground began to wither. The little guy was so happy, the surroundings were too bright, and the antiques could be seen clearly, which made her very happy.

So many, I can't count them on my fingers!
"'s impossible!"

Bai Baichuan yelled in despair, the voice was full of shock, and the people at the gate of the Bai family could clearly hear them, they all trembled, and then ran away, they were afraid that it would be their turn to stay any longer.

After the sky returned to normal, little Irene smiled, living up to expectations.

Ling Tianyang sat paralyzed on the ground, Bai Baichuan was so strong that he couldn't compare to a ball of fire, after thinking about it, he was right...!
Little Irene is a dragon, and the fire he breathes is different, so he is also numb.

Big Gold Tooth doesn't know what's going on, he's just a little hot, he's full of his thoughts on pretending to be an antique, he mutters to himself, he doesn't know what he's muttering.


The little guy jumped up, very happy, and asked little Irene to spray water to clean the antiques, and the latter did the same.

Ling Tianyang: "..."

He is numb!

Liu Qingcheng walked over panting, dissatisfied and said: "Little Irene, do you want to play me to death?"

Little Irene shook her head, and said in a childish voice, "You should just run."

Everyone: "..."

Ling Rufeng looked little Irene up and down, and really couldn't see that this child could breathe fire. If he knew what it would be like if little Irene turned into a dragon, he would probably worship him.

Ling Tianyang didn't dare to get too close to her, he started to regret it, the little guy once said to give him all the antiques below, but he didn't want it! !
I don't know if he still has a chance...

After a short rest, the antiques were almost gone, and the big gold tooth was exhausted.

The Bai family was surrounded by the dragon group, and all the troops were mobilized. The media has already known that the focus of the whole capital is because of the dragon, Little Irene.

Ling Rufeng took out his phone, only to find that it was broken, no wonder it didn't ring, his face turned black, and he had no choice but to go out and talk to the people in the Longzu.

A trace of flame fell from Ling Yun's fingertips, and all the corpses in the Bai family were burned up. Let's destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, as if nothing happened and the world evaporated.

It's not too early!
Ling Yun wanted to take them back to sleep, and told Ling Rufeng and Da Jinya that these things should be sold quickly, and that they could not be returned to the Long Group, and all of them should be taken away in a chartered car.

The little guy was not at ease, and wanted to follow, but when she saw Ling Yun not going, she pouted!

"Okay, your mother is waiting for you, and you can play again tomorrow. I promise you will get a lot of these antiques, okay?" Ling Yun laughed.

"You can't lie to the kids, especially Sissy." The little guy said in a childish voice.

"Hehe, sure."

After being guaranteed, the little guy returned to Ling's house happily!

All the affairs of the Bai family were handed over to Ling Rufeng. Ling Yun's old revenge had been avenged, and it was considered a major event.

Back at Ling's house, everyone was waiting for Ling Tianyang instead of Ling Yun!
This matter has already alarmed Ling Wensong, Ling Longyang and the others were all in the hall, everyone looked anxious.

Ling Yun went back to his guest room, while Ling Tianyang was going to help his son lie, Ling Yun had told him all the problems, let's put all the blame on Ling Rufeng, don't mention the matter of Pluto.

Don't mention that Ling Rufeng is the leader, lest Ling Wensong be so happy that he has a cerebral hemorrhage.

in the room!
An Qing and the others didn't sleep either, Lin Qiuyan couldn't sleep, the little ones had no news, how could they sleep.

Now that she is back, Ling Yun will inevitably be scolded. The little guy will protect Ling Yun and prevent Lin Qiuyan from beating her father.

Laugh at them, it's not a fight, the little guy is too cute.

"Sissy, why are you so dirty!!" Lin Qiuyan was dumbfounded, the little guy in front of her must have fallen into a pit.

And both Beibei and Little Irene, their faces are still a bit dirty.

"Just wipe it off." The little guy pursed his lips and said, his little hands should really be wiping.

An Qing became speechless: "No, I have to take a bath again."

The skirts they are wearing today are not artifacts, but ordinary ones, they have to be changed when they get dirty, and they can't do without a bath.

The little guy shook his head and refused to go because he had washed it once tonight.

"You don't take a bath tonight, it's so dirty, who will sleep with you?" An Qing said angrily, the child was disobedient again.

The little guy turned his head and said, "I won't sleep with you, I'll sleep with Papa."

Ling Yun looked at the smiling little guy and was speechless.

"I don't want to sleep with you, eh... stinky..." Ling Yun pinched his nose, with a look of disdain for Sissi, the latter crooked her mouth and was about to cry, but her father actually abandoned her.

An Qing: "What should I do?"

Lin Qiuyan was funny: "Stop crying, sleep with grandma, and take you to take a bath."

"I don't love you anymore."

Hearing this, the little guy threw himself into Lin Qiuyan's arms in an instant, crying.


After Lin Qiuyan took care of the little guy, she actually took her to her yard to take a bath, and she won't come back tonight.

Beibei and little Irene went to take a bath very obediently, and then Anqing arranged for them to sleep. They were tired today, but the rest was peaceful.

late at night!

After Ling Wensong and the others listened to Ling Tianyang's explanation, no one could fall asleep. They all thought about it wildly. They didn't know whether it was good or bad for the Ling family without their knowledge.

The Bai family failed completely. This is something that every Ling family should be happy about. There are joys and sorrows.

What happened in the Bai family in the capital was also known to people in the underground world. It was a big news for a while, and the island country was scared, especially after the death of Yamata no Orochi, and now Taoyuan Jinghuang and the others died.

There is a vague possibility of revival of the churches in Europe, but they are all small troubles and cannot achieve success, and the largest S.H.I.E.L.D.

They did whatever they wanted, without any fluctuations in their hearts.

Niu Yipu's website is just complimenting Ling Yun, boasting that he is miraculous, just like the younger brother, unpredictable.

The Blue Star Evil Organization received news that the Bai family cemetery was unusual, and they all thought that the opportunity had been taken away by Pluto, and they all dared not speak out. If they jumped the wall in a hurry, they didn't know how they would die.

(The following two chapters are blocked...)
(End of this chapter)

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