Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1184 Times Square

Chapter 1184 Times Square ([-]rd update)

Ling Yun can give them a perfect explanation for any tricks to kill them.

next day!

Today is Lin Qiuyan's birthday, and the Ling family doesn't pay much attention to it. Ling Tianyang's arrangement is to open a wine room at night, just to have fun. The two brothers Ling Yun don't have any objections, as long as the two elders are happy.

You don't need to be in the mansion, it's in the way of other people's eyes, after all, there is no separate family. To be honest, Ling Yun really doesn't like the atmosphere of the Ling family.

When the little guy heard about her grandma's birthday, she was very excited and clamored to give Lin Qiuyan a big gift.

After breakfast, An Qing was notified by the company that there was a fan meeting in the capital, so she and Liu Qingcheng went out early in the morning.

Ling Yun had just finished his work, and he was dragged to play mahjong by his uncles. The so-called lack of three, even if Ling Yun refused, Ling Yun would definitely not accept the aggressive methods. If he doesn't win them all, he will not be a master!

The little ones came with Lin Qiuyan during the period, and Qianqian seemed to like it quite a bit. Beibei will be able to watch it after watching a few games.

Beibei: "Is Handsome Shushu cheating?"

Ling Yun was embarrassed, being discovered, but he refused to admit it, and said with a serious face: "No way, uncle is a good boy."

The little guy said: "Well, grandma said, my daddy is a good boy, and he admitted to wetting the bed when he was a child."

Everyone laughed, and the little guy laughed too.

The little guy seemed to understand but didn't understand, she insisted on playing, Ling Yun saw that he had won a lot, let the little guy play, he went out to soak up some fresh air.

after an hour…

The little guy and Beibei are playing, and they lost everything! !
"Papa, I'm amazing."


The corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he sat down and taught them how to play himself!
Less than half an hour, win back immediately, cheating?No, against the three unlucky uncles on the opposite side, there is no chance of not winning.

The little guy laughed out loud, she finally learned it, and wanted to play by herself again, without letting Ling Yun help her!
She was fed by Lin Qiuyan during meal time, Ling Yun frowned, and put her down, let her eat by herself, so she couldn't be too dependent.

look babe!
And little Irene eats by herself, which is more worry-free.

Although the little guy curled his lips, he was still very obedient, and he ate first!
In a moment!
The two sisters Ling Xiaoyu came, they must be looking for them to play, and mysteriously tricked the little guys away, Ling Yun shrugged and let her play.

Lin Qiuyan thought that their children were all playing at Ling's house, but who knew that they ran to the street, and Ling Xiaoyu, a 13-year-old child, took the lead.

"Wow... so many people."

The little guy's eyes were dumbfounded. This place is busier than Qinglong City in the God Realm, and more than three times more prosperous than Jiangbei.

The three of them said that they wanted to give Lin Qiuyan a gift, so they came out with the two sisters, Ling Xiaoyu, who also bought gifts.


The group of them held hands, and they still have a little sense of safety, so as not to get lost.

There were some people who had seen Sissy and Beibei on the street. Qi Qi ran over to surround them and asked to take pictures. They were so cute. These people were all young mothers, and they were quite beautiful.

"Beautiful sister, you don't have to, we are going to play." The little guy said in a baby voice.

"Well, we still need to buy ice cream." Beibei blinked and acted cutely!

Hear it!

Many mothers immediately bought ice cream for them, Beibei laughed and thought she was smart, so there would be something to eat.

After the popularity of the crowd dropped drastically, Ling Xiaoyu began to find excuses for them to slip away and get rid of this group of enthusiastic fans and mothers.

In the famous Times Square in Beijing, Ling Xiaoyu and the others started shopping with the three little guys, from the first floor to the fifth floor.

As soon as I got to the second floor, the little guy quit, she was tired...

Ling Xiaoyu's head was full of black lines, so she could only carry her behind her back, a little regretful that she took Qianqian out, and it's hard to say whether she will be scolded by Lin Qiuyan after returning.

The third floor is Electric City, the best entertainment place for children to teenagers, and Ling Xiaoyu is also a frequent visitor here.

Little Eileen was very excited and clamored for Ling Xiaoyu to take her to play, Beibei was also very interested.

It was enough for the three little ones to play Electric City once. Sissy especially liked the coin-operated dancer, and she secretly followed the others.

Little Irene went to shoot guns, kill monsters virtually, Beibei went fishing, and earned points to exchange for strawberry candies.

Ling Xiaoyu was so angry that she searched for them for a long time, but she stopped this one and turned to look for the other one, but that one disappeared again, so she had to go back to the place just now to look for it.

Tired of heart!

The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he followed a front desk clerk in a childish voice, "Big sister, how much is it here?"

"How much is it, you are so cute." The waiter smiled.

"That's right here." The little guy pointed at the floor and turned around. She was asking how much it is in Times Square!

The waiter couldn't understand, and after listening to her childish voice for a long time, Beibei finally helped her translate!

"Hahaha, you children, hurry up and find your parents. I know you two are child stars, but don't make trouble, I know." The waiter shook his head and said carefully.

The little guy is very serious!
But there is no way, no one pays attention to her, who would believe what such a young child said...

Beibei curled her lips and said, "Hmph, Aunt An is here, let's go find her."

That's right!

An Qing's fan meeting is in Times Square, but the distance is still a bit far, Times Square is very big.

The little guy refused to leave, so she wanted to sell Times Square, it was useless for Bei Bei to say anything.

The helpless Beibei could only call and tell Lingyun!


"What's the matter bebe?"

"My sister refuses to leave."


"She says she's going to sell things, but they don't."

"Not for sale? Who is so disrespectful to the Ling family?" Ling Longyang frowned when he heard it!
The Bai family was killed by them, and the Ling family is considered the head of the five great families, full of confidence!

"I don't know." Beibei said truthfully.

Ling Longyang on the phone said: "Don't worry about selling it, it doesn't matter how much it costs."

Beibei's eyes lit up!

"Aha, did you hear that, big sister, sell it." The little guy laughed, his eyes almost narrowed, and he was very excited.


What kind of parents are these, seriously?Still drunk, Times Square is a major symbol of the capital, not that anyone who wants to buy it can buy it.

After a certain manager came out, he sent them away directly, what kind of trouble did they cause, what a child star?

The little guy seemed unhappy. She sat on the ground and refused to leave. If she didn't buy Times Square today, she really wouldn't leave.

Groups of crows flew over Beibei's forehead...

Ling Xiaoyu also has nothing to do, she said to carry her, but she also shook her head and said no, buy Times Square?The Ling family has the strength, but they still won't follow the little guy! !

(End of this chapter)

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