Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1185 Transfer

Chapter 1185 Transfer (first update)

If such a big guy explodes, the third floor of the Times Building will not be able to bear it, and the building will collapse! !
"Where's the wiring crew? When will it be here?"

Liu Qingcheng asked.

"Already contacted, on the way here." The man replied.

"I don't have that much time, let me try it, I've learned it anyway."

Just after the man finished speaking, Liu Qingcheng stepped forward and said, holding a pair of scissors in his hand.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and they all looked at Liu Qingcheng in an instant, who is such a beautiful young lady?So be sure.

" don't need to question her identity, even I have to call her a leader."

A tall and straight man behind them spoke seriously, he was the one who checked Liu Qingcheng's ID just now.

Looking at the complicated lines, Liu Qingcheng's forehead was covered with sweat. The dog bit the turtle and couldn't do anything. All the demolition techniques she learned before were given back to the instructors at that time.

There are still about 15 minutes before the countdown, and it is a question whether the line line personnel can arrive in time in such a short period of time.

"Cut that one? I have a headache."

"Is it okay, you?" An Qing asked anxiously.

Liu Qingcheng was embarrassed, she really didn't have any confidence at all.

An Qing was speechless: "Let me do it, you've been in a daze for a long time."

Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes widened, what would An Qing do?Don't be kidding, what can a star do, can you stop making trouble.

"Look at it, don't get in the way, I'll find it right away, I already have some clues."

"You are too lazy, let me do it, I am more familiar than you." An Qing snatched the scissors from Liu Qingcheng's hand, and the latter didn't have any strength to resist, and was dumbfounded.


Seeing An Qing cut off a certain thread, Liu Qingcheng was so frightened that she didn't even have time to stop her.



With a crisp sound, the timer stopped beating.

Liu Qingcheng panted heavily, patted his heart and let out a sigh of relief, then waved to the police officers behind, signaling that everyone was fine, seeing An Qing's smiling behavior, all the people also showed excited and happy smiles.

"Star Anda is indeed the goddess of luck." Someone flattered her.

"Scared me."

Fifth floor!

Little guy here!
The crowd gradually evacuated to the third floor, and the fifth floor became quiet. A certain waiter was about to run away with a few little guys.

Beep beep!

Some very small voices came into my ears, and the little guy blinked his eyes and looked around.

Beibei pointed to the cabinet behind and said, "It's inside."

"What is it?" Little Irene asked in doubt, scratching her head in place.

The waiter immediately opened the cabinet and startled her, it was a countdown timer! !
"Red? It can move." The little guy scratched his head, not knowing what it was.

"Don't run around, I'll be back later." The waiter wanted to go out immediately to inform others that a terrible thing was found here.

Ling Xiaoyu said: "This is going to be a blast, let's run away quickly."

Little Irene shook her head, what are you running for?

Beibei and the little guy were the most curious, and began to look up and down the timer thing!
"Will it explode?"

"Hmm, um, can you take a picture of this?"

The words are not surprising, if the little guy really slaps his hands, the whole building will be gone!
Beibei: "I know, it's on the TV, unplug the black one."

Ling Xiaoyu was so frightened that she trembled all over: "Come here, you can't play, be obedient... Auntie will take you to buy ice cream."

This move is only effective for little Irene, who nodded wildly, while the little guy and Beibei were unmoved, it was nothing more than ice cream, and the timing thing in front of him was interesting.

The little guy said in a baby voice, "Is it it?"

She said she was about to unplug it!

Beibei rolled her eyes: "It seems to be red."

Being so uncertain, the little guy didn't dare to make a move, so Ling Xiaoyu took the opportunity to take her away!

The little guy quit, waved his hands and kicked his legs!
Beibei suddenly shouted: "Run so fast?"

She saw that the timer suddenly changed from more than ten minutes to more than one minute, and her beautiful eyes widened.

The voice of the Six Guardians came: "Throw it into the Thunder Gate!"

Beibei's eyes lit up. Although it was a pity that she hadn't researched it yet, she did it right away!
The waiter came up with a few policemen, followed by An Qing and Liu Qingcheng!



"You...why are you all here?" An Qing was dumbfounded, who will tell her why her daughter and Beibei appeared in the Times Building!
Liu Qingcheng saw the corner of little Irene's mouth twitching, spouting fire... spraying water. At the critical moment, she felt that little Irene was still useful, so she didn't say anything.

"Mama, Mama..."

The little guy yelled childishly.

Ling Xiaoyu lowered her head and said, "Sister-in-law, let's go shopping, we're fine."

"What, don't you bring a few more people? Why are you the only one?" The corner of An Qing's mouth twitched. These are all minors. The family must not know, these children are really brave.

"Mama, my sister brought me here, it's none of my business."

Beibei said: "No, my sister is also coming to buy ice cream."

"Aha, it's delicious." The little guy admitted instantly, licking his mouth and nodding wildly.

An Qing's head was full of black lines: "..."

Liu Qingcheng hurriedly interrupted the conversation between them, and said, "Stop talking about it, where is that thing? We must buy time."

Only then did the waiter think of it, and immediately pointed to the cabinet and said tremblingly, "There, in the cabinet, there is such a big one."

The little guy nodded: "It's so big, so big!"

The child drew circles in the air again.

Hear it!

Liu Qingcheng immediately stepped forward to check, but it turned out to be embarrassing, the cabinet was empty.

"Did you remember correctly?"

The waiter didn't understand what this meant at first, and then walked in with a confused look on his face: "Why didn't it? It was still here just now, where did it go?"

Ling Xiaoyu also stepped forward, rubbing her eyes, and was dumbfounded, that thing is gone! !

"Do you remember correctly?" Liu Qingcheng asked again with a slight frown.

When An Qing saw Beibei's round and rolling eyes, she knew that they must have done it.

"Maybe it's dazzled, isn't it? Babe?"

"Yeah, my eyes are dazzled, hey, I'm old, my eyes are actually dazzled." Beibei immediately covered her eyes.


The little guy smirked.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched!You actually say you are old at such a young age, do you want to piss them off?

The waiter didn't give up, and even looked at the other cabinets, but he still couldn't see the thing, what the hell.

Liu Qingcheng looked up and down at the peaceful little Irene, seriously suspecting that she did it. This child is unusual in every way.

Since there is no such thing here, the others will leave without wasting time, Liu Qingcheng took the lead.

(The first two chapters were blocked...)
(End of this chapter)

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