Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1189 Candy

Chapter 1189 Candy (Second Change)

"What are you talking about, you think highly of yourself, right? It's okay to be tall, but it's a waste if no one looks at it. Besides, your mouth is smelly and you don't have any education at all." Ye Tiansheng's eyes showed a hint of playfulness.

Liu Qingcheng pointed at the door, and said with a smile: "Education depends on who you are. I'm sorry, I have never educated you. Thank you for going out and closing the door."

They were too embarrassed to make a move in front of the three little guys, and they didn't want to make trouble tonight, just three ignorant rich second generations.

"You are just two women and children, you'd better think about it clearly." Yi Xinren's mouth curled up.

It's none of their business for the little guy to play music secretly and continue the happy song just now.

"Gourd baby, gourd baby..."

The little guy misplaced it and put it on the next song. Beibei picked up the microphone and started singing immediately.

The sudden sound of music made the three youths startled for a moment, and then their eyes became displeased.

"It's all reversed? Turn it off." Yi Xinren said loudly.

Beibei gave him a blank look, and threw the wine glass on the table at him. The latter dodged in a flash, but he was still very angry.

Just when An Qing made a move, the door of the private room opened, and Ling Tianyang came with Lin Qiuyan and his second wife Zhang Jiahui, followed by Ling Xiaoyu and Ling Xiaoyu who love to play.

"Who are you?" Ling Tianyang's solemn voice sounded, and the three young men on the opposite side were not good birds.


Yi Xinren looked back and was dumbfounded, he still recognized Ling Tianyang from the Ling family!

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. The three of us drank a little wine and went to the wrong box."

Ye Tiansheng smiled awkwardly, and quickly apologized, but he didn't expect the private room to be so big, and now the last thing to mess with is the Ling family.

The other person turned pale with shock, Ling Tianyang?

This time it's troublesome, seeing Ling Tianyang's angry look, you can tell that they must have caused trouble.

"I'm sorry, please forgive us." He knelt down directly.

The little guy ran down clumsily, shook Lin Qiuyan's robe, and said in a childlike voice, "Grandma, they are dead, they won't let Sissy sing."

Ling Tianyang frowned, and his tone was a little impatient: "Say, who are you?"

"I... I am Ye Tiansheng from the Ye family, and I have met Uncle Ling."

"Yi's family, Yi Xinren, met Uncle Ling."

There is another one that has not been introduced, Ling Tianyang: "You dudes, come with me!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out directly!
The three young men didn't dare to refuse, and immediately followed them out. The little guy wanted to watch the fun, but Lin Qiuyan carried her back to the sofa.

In the corridor, the three young men were uneasy, and they ran into Ling Yun and Ling Yuyang who came back with a cake!

"Dad, what's going on?" Ling Yun asked.

"Go to our box and make trouble." Ling Tianyang said directly.

"No, we really went wrong." Ye Tiansheng was sweating continuously on his forehead.

Ling Yuyang said: "Go wrong? Hehe...Leave it to us, take the cake in, and they will give it to me."

After speaking, he pulled Ling Yun and took away the three young men. The latter's face was ashen, and Ye Tiansheng was secretly texting the editor.

Outside Century City ktv...

Ling Yuyang didn't even need to think about it, these three young men must want An Qing and Liu Qingcheng to accompany them for a drink, damn it, they don't even look at themselves!
"Brother, what are we doing here?" Yi Xinren stared at Ling Yun and said.

Ling Yun shook his head, and pointed to Ling Yuyang, who brought them here and had nothing to do with him.

"Why? Of course I killed you." Ling Yuyang's eyes flashed a trace of blood.

"No, no, no, I belong to the Yi family, you can't kill me, I was wrong." Yi Xinren pissed in fright, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

Another youth ran away, to the darkest place!
It is a pity!
Ling Yun's black hole was right under his feet, and the latter fell into it silently, only to hear a sound coming back!
The remaining two looked at it, and were shocked into a cold sweat, why did they call it so miserable! !

A pleasant ringtone!

Ye Tiansheng was overjoyed!
Ling Yuyang answered the call, it was Ling Tianyang who asked them to release Ye Tiansheng, Ling Yuyang didn't know why they released Ye Tiansheng.

It turned out that Ye Tiansheng had a good father. After seeing his son's text message, the latter was willing to give up a certain company as a price, and only asked Ling Tianyang to let his son go.

Ling Tianyang was in need of this company, so he agreed, and let go of a dude. It was worth it to change to another company. Besides, tonight was also an accident.

"Little Yun'er? What do you think?" Ling Yuyang couldn't bear to pay attention.

Ling Yun said: "Let's go!"


Ling Yuyang stomped his feet angrily, and he hoped that Ling Yun would say no, no, no, but he left just like that?How cowardly, he doesn't understand why a broken company is so valuable.

Ling Yun hooked Ling Yuyang's shoulders and walked all the way, while being mysterious, let them go?Then he is not Pluto.

He put a force on Ye Tiansheng and Yi Xinren, and within three days, they would die suddenly, and nothing could be found out, so that they would not be suspected of their Ling family, wouldn't it be better.

Back in the box, Ling Yuyang was depressed, sitting on the sofa in silence, Ling Tianyang walked over and told him a lot, Ling Yuyang didn't care about it.

The little guy sang a lot of songs and even asked to be with Ling Yun, making everyone dumbfounded.

When Ling Rufeng came over after dealing with the Dragon Group, the most important thing was to cut the cake. The little guy was holding the cake with gloomy eyes.

tastes bad!
That's for sure, so the little guy learned from TV, touched the cake on Ling Tianyang, and then on Liu Qingcheng.

Liu Qingcheng laughed, she wiped it too, the little guy turned into a big face!


The little guy is still playing, and Ling Xiaoyu and the others are all recruited.

The three little guys were all dirty, An Qing had no choice but to take them to the toilet to clean them up.

The first one to be washed was little Irene. On the way back to the box alone, she met an old woman.

Seeing such a delicate little Irene, the old woman immediately said, "Little boy, come quickly, I have candy here, do you want it?"

"Thank you old lady, the baby wants it!" Little Irene licked her mouth, nodded, and tasted something delicious.

The old woman took out a candy with a simple packaging. Little Irene licked her mouth, opened it and bit into it. It was sweet and tasteless!
The smiling old woman stopped abruptly!

what's the situation?
Is she okay?
Generally, children faint immediately after eating candy!

The amount of one is not enough, the old woman can only think this way, a little bit pained to take out another one!
Little Irene blinked, another one?Then she's welcome.

After one shot, little Irene scratched her head, looking at the dumbfounded old woman who didn't understand why!
The corner of the old woman's mouth twitched, is this candy fake?If she doesn't believe it, give another one!
In the end, little Irene ate ten of them before she became dizzy and fell to the ground!

The old woman happily carried her into the nearest box, there were many people inside, and there was also a child on the ground, fainting!

(End of this chapter)

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